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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 658 发布时间: 2018-08-15 16:53 微信号: H17720740258

  ? 高效镧系掺杂发光材料的制备及应用探索
  ? 镧系掺杂上转换纳米晶中的基本物理问题
  ? 金属微纳结构对镧系离子发光性能的影响
  (1)    孙亮、李艾华、代丽、王藩侯、高曾辉、李强. 稀土离子掺杂铌酸锂晶体的光谱特性,科学出版社. 30万字,2013.
  (2)    郑植仁、吴文智、李艾华. 光学,哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 47.2万字,2015.
  Ye Hao, Aihua Li, Jun Yang, Wentao Gao and Zhijun Sun*. “Quantum control and enhancement of multi-color emissions in upconversion nanoparticles”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110(22), 221110-5,2017.
  Jun Yang, Ai-Hua Li*, Cuiyun Chen and Zhijun Sun*. “Cavity controlled upconversion luminescence in Ag-capped NaYF4:Yb,Er micron rod”, J. Lumin. 187(July), 466-470, 2017.
  Ai-Hua Li, Mengyun Lü, Ling Guo and Zhijun Sun*. “Enhanced Upconversion Luminescence of Metal-Capped NaGd0.3Yb0.7F4:Er Submicrometer Particles”, Small, 12(15), 2092-2098, 2016.
  Ai-Hua Li*, Mengyun Lü, Jun Yang, Lin Chen, Xiaohong Cui and Zhijun Sun*. “Upconversion-luminescent/magnetic dual-functional sub-20 nm core–shell SrF2:Yb,Tm@CaF2:Gd heteronanoparticles”, Dalton Trans., 45(13), 5800-5807, 2016.
  Mengyun Lü, Tengpeng Guan, Ai-Hua Li* and Zhijun Sun. “Effects of trisodium citrate on morphology of β-NaGd1-xYbxF4:Er3+nanocrystals: role of Yb3+ concentration”, Appl. Phys. A, 121(1), 193-202, 2015.
  AiHua Li, Tengpeng Guan and Zhijun Sun*. “Opposite size dependences of the red/green upconversion intensity ratio in sub-20 nm Yb3+,Er3+-doped β-NaGdF4 nanophosphors”, EuroPhys. Lett., 106(4), 48001p1-p6, 2014.
  Ai-Hua Li*, Zhi-Jun Sun and Qiang Lü. “Laser heating effect on the power dependence of upconversion luminescence in Er3+-doped nanopowders”, J. Nanopart. Res., 15(1): 1377p1-p10, 2013.
  Ai-Hua Li* and Qiang. Lü. “Power-dependent upconversion luminescence intensity in NaYF4,Yb3+,Er3+ nanoparticles”, EuroPhys. Lett., 96(1), 180001p1-p6, 2011.
  Ai-Hua Li*, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Qiang. Lü, Zhao-Peng Xu, Chao Xu, Yu-Heng Xu and Wei-Long Liu. “Measurement of infrared level lifetime by upconversion luminescence”, Opt. Lett., 36(7), 1056-1058, 2011.
  Ting Sun, Ai-Hua Li*, Chao Xu, Yu-Heng Xu and Rui Wang*. “Energy transfer properties of Nd3+→Yb3+ in Nd:Yb:LiNbO3crystals”, Opt. Laser Technol., 56(March), 322-325, 2014.
  *,李艾华,许英杰,左勇. “双脉冲注入式LD模块的孔外能级寿命可见区测试系统”, 光谱学与光谱分析, 32(11), 2966-2970, 2012.
  Zhaopeng Xu, Gong Jie, Aihua Li, Ying Han and Yaping Luo. “Spectroscopic properties of near-stoichiometric In:Er:LiNbO3 crystals”, J. Lumin., 135(March), 10-14, 2013.
  Q. Lü, Y. J. Wu, A. H. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Gao and H. Y. Peng. “Local thermal effect at luminescent spot on upconversion luminescence in Y2O3:Er3+,Yb3+ nanoparticles”, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, 176(14), 1041-1046, 2011.
  (1)     Ai-Hua Li, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Qiang. Lü, Liang. Sun, Wen-Zhi Wu, Wei-Long Liu, Yan-Qiang Yang and Tian-Quan Lü. “Two-photon-excited luminescence in a Tb3+-doped lithium niobate crystal pumped by a near-infrared femtosecond laser”, Opt. Lett., 33(9), 1014-1016, 2008-5.
  (2)     Ai-Hua Li, Qiang Lü, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Liang Sun, Wen-Zhi Wu, Wei-Long Liu, Heng-Zhi Chen, Yan-Qiang Yang and Tian-Quan Lü. “Enhanced green upconversion emission of Er3+ through energy transfer by Dy3+ under 800 nm femtosecond-laser excitation”, Opt. Lett., 33(7), 693-695, 2008-4.
  (3)     Ai-Hua Li, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Tian-Quan Lü, Qiang Lü and Wei-Long Liu. “Red upconversion emission in LiNbO 3 codoped with Er 3+and Eu 3+”, Opt. Express, 17(5), 3878-3883, 2009-3.
  (4)     Ai-Hua Li, Qiang Lü, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Liang Sun, Wen-Zhi Wu, Wei-Long Liu, Yan-Qiang Yang and Tian-Quan Lü. “Yellow-green upconversion luminescence of Dy3+ ion in LiNbO3 crystal heavily codoped with ZnO”, J. Appl. Phys., 102(11), 113102p1-p5, 2007-12.
  (5)     Ai-Hua Li, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Liang Sun, Qiang Lü, Wei-Long Liu, Wen-Zhi Wu, Yan-Qiang Yang and Tian-Quan Lü. “MgO-codoping effects on the spectroscopic properties of Er 3+-doped LiNbO 3”, J. Appl. Phys., 104(3), 033511p1-p6, 2008-8.
  (6)     Ai-Hua Li, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Qiang Lü, Liang Sun, Wei-Long Liu, Wen-Zhi Wu, Yan-Qiang Yang and Tian-Quan Lü. “Sensitized holmium upconversion emission in LiNbO 3 triply doped with Ho 3+, Yb 3+, and Nd 3+”, J. Appl. Phys., 104(6), 063526p1-p6, 2008-9.
  (7)     Ai-Hua Li, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Qiang Lü, Liang Sun, Wei-Long Liu, Wen-Zhi Wu, Yan-Qiang Yang and Tian-Quan Lü. “Visible and ultraviolet upconversion emission in LiNbO 3 triply doped with Tm 3+, Yb 3+, and Nd 3+”, J. Appl. Phys., 105(1), 013536p1-p5, 2009-1.
  (8)     Ai-Hua Li, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Qiang Lü, Zhao-Peng Xu, Liang Sun, Wei-Long Liu, Wen-Zhi Wu and Tian-Quan Lü. “ Two-photon-excited luminescence from a Eu3+-doped lithium niobate crystal pumped by a near-infrared femtosecond laser”, J. Appl. Phys., 108(6), 063511p1-p4, (2010-9).
  (9)     Ai-Hua Li, Liang Sun, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Qiang Lü, Wen-Zhi Wu, Wei-Long Liu, Yan-Qiang Yang and Tian-Quan Lü. “Spectroscopic properties of Er 3+ ions in LiNbO 3 crystals codoped with HfO 2”, Appl. Phys. B, 90(1), 29-34, 2008-1.
  (10) Ai-Hua Li, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Tian-Quan Lü, Liang Sun, Wei-Long Liu and Wen-Zhi Wu. “Influence of MgO codoping on the optical properties of Er 3+-doped near-stoichiometric LiNbO 3”, Appl. Phys. B, 98(1),149-158, 2010-1.
  (11) Ai-Hua Li, Liang Sun, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Wei-Long Liu, Wen-Zhi Wu, Yan-Qiang Yang and Tian-Quan Lü. “Spectroscopic properties of Er3+ in Sc:LiNbO3 crystal”, Appl. Phys. A, 89(4), 1005-1010, 2007-12.
  (12) Ai-Hua Li,Liang Sun, Zhi-Ren Zheng, Wen-Zhi Wu, Wei-Long Liu, Yan-Qiang Yang, Tian-Quan Lü and Wen-Hui Su. “Spectroscopic analysis of Er 3+ transition in Mg/Er-codoped LiNbO 3 crystal”, J. Lumin., 128(2), 239-244, 2008-2.
  (13) L.Sun , A. H. Li, F. Y. Guo, Q. Lv, Y. H. Xu and L. C. Zhao. “Enhanced 1.5 mm emission and simultaneously suppressed green upconversion emission in Er : LiNbO 3 crystals heavily codoped with MgO,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 91(7), 071914p1-p3, 2007.
  (14) Q. Lü, A. H. Li, F. Y. Guo, L. Sun and L. C. Zhao. “Experimental study on the surface modification of Y 2O 3: Tm 3+/Yb 3+nanoparticles to enhance upconversion fluorescence and weaken aggregation”, Nanotechnology, 19(14), 145701p1-p9, 2008.
  (15) Q. Lü, A. H. Li, F. Y. Guo, L. Sun and L. C. Zhao. “The two-photon excitation of SiO 2-coated Y 2O 3: Eu 3+ nanoparticles by a near-infrared femtosecond laser”, Nanotechnology, 19(20), 205704p1-p9, 2008.
  (16) Q. Lü, F. Y. Guo, L. Sun, A. H. Li and L. C. Zhao. “Surface modification of ZrO2:Er3+ nanoparticles to attenuate aggregation and enhanced upconversion fluorescence”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112(8), 2836-2844, 2008.
  (17) Q. Lü, F. Y. Guo, L. Sun, A. H. Li and L. C. Zhao. “Silica-/titania-coated Y2O3:Tm3+,Yb3+ nanoparticles with improvement in upconversion luminescence induced by different thickness shells”, J. Appl. Phys., 103(12), 123533p1-p10, 2008.
  福建省自然科学基金面上项目:硅太阳电池用高效上转换发光层的研制 (2014-2016,主持,已结题)
  ü 大学物理学C、B(上)                                         (理工科本科生基础课)
  ü 激光光谱学                                                          (物理系本科生、研究生专业选修课)
  ü 大学物理实验——迈克尔逊干涉仪、单缝衍射         (理工科本科生基础课)

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