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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 543 发布时间: 2018-08-15 16:40 微信号: H17720740258

  1998/09~2002/07  福建师范大学物理系  学士
  2002/09~2007/07  中国科学技术大学物理系   博士
  2007/07~2008/07  新加坡南洋理工大学数理科学部   博士后
  2008/10~2011/07  厦门大学物理与机电工程学院   助理教授
  2015/03~2016/04  美国阿肯色大学化学系  访问学者
  2011/08~至今   厦门大学物理与机电工程学院   副教授
  1. 低维功能纳米材料的制备、表征、改性及分析;
  2. 过渡金属氧化物的物理性质研究
  2008/10-present (as an associate professor in XMU)
  1. S. L. Huang*, Q. Q. Yang, B. B. Yu, D. G. Li, R. S. Zhao, S. P. Li, and J. Y. Kang, Controllable synthesis of branched ZnO/Si nanowire arrays with hierarchical structure. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2014, 9: 328 ~1- 9.
  2. S. L. Huang*, Q. Q. Yang, C. J. Zhang, L. Q. Kong, S. P. Li, J. Y. Kang, Structural anomalies induced by the metal deposition methods in 2D silver nanoparticle arrays prepared by nanosphere lithography. Thin Solid Films, 2013, 536: 136-141.
  3. S. L. Huang, Y. Wu, X. F. Zhu, L. X. Li, Z. G. Wang, L. Z. Wang, G. Q. Lu, VLS growth of SiOx nanowires with a stepwise non uniformity in diameter. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109 (8): 084328-1-5
  4. S. L. Huang*, L. Q. Kong, C. J. Zhang, Y. Wu, and X. F. Zhu, Effect of chromium interlayer deposition on periodic silver nanoparticle array structure fabricated by nanosphere lithography. Physics Letters A, 2011, 375 (33): 3012-3016
  5. S. L. Huang*, X. F. Zhu, K. Q. Ruan and L. Z. Cao, Spin scattering effect on thermal transport and non-adiabatic small polaron hopping conduction in layered cobaltite thin film. Journal of Materials Research, 2011, 26 (4): 561-566.
  6. X. F. Zhu, L. X. Li, S. L. Huang, Z. G. Wang, G. Q. Lu, C. H. Cun, and L. Z. Wang, Nanostructural instability of single-walled carbon nanotubes during electron beam induced shrinkage. Carbon, 2011, 49 (9):3120-3124
  7. L. Q. Kong, C. J. Zhang, S. L. Huang*, X. F. Zhu, Effect of Cr position and metal deposition direction on 2-dimensional Ag nanoparticle array structure during nanosphere lithography. (in Chinese). Acta Physica Sinica, 2012, 61 (3): 036102-1~8.
  8. Y. Wu, S. L. Huang, X. F. Zhu, L. X. Li, Z. G. Wang, L. Z. Wang, Direct Experimental Evidence for Detailed Growth of SiOx Nanowire During CVD (In Chinese). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54 (19): 2988-2992.
  1. S. L. Huang, Q. Q. Yang, S. P. Li, and J. Y. Kang, A fabrication process of heterostructural nanowire array with branched structure. (In publication) Chinese invention patent, 06/03/2013, NO.201310215286.0.
  2. X. F. Zhu, J. B. Su, L. X. Li, Y. Wu, S. L. Huang, G. X. Lu, and L. Z. Wang, A jointing method of Amorphous SiOx Nanowires. (Authorized) Chinese invention patent, 08/06/2011, NO. CN200910112085.1.
  3. X. F. Zhu, Y. Wu, J. B. Su, L. X. Li, S. L. Huang, G. X. Lu, and L. Z. Wang, An Engineering Method of Amorphous SiOx Nanowires via Focused Electron Beam Irradiation. (Authorized) Chinese invention patent, 22/06/2011, NO. CN200910112083.2.
  4. 1. X. F. Zhu, J. B. Su, Y. Wu, L. X. Li, S. L. Huang, G. X. Lu, and L. Z. Wang, A Modification Engineering Method of Amorphous SiOx Nanowires. (In publication) Chinese invention patent, 02/12/2009, NO. CN101591004A.
  * Corresponding author of the article
  2007/07-2008/07 (as a research fellow in NTU)
  1. S. L. Huang, L. X. Guan, J. B. Yi, B. C. Zhao, Y. Wu, J. Ding, and L. Wang
  Magnetic and Electric Transport Properties of Nd0.75Sr1.25Co1-xMnxO4
  Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 104: 123904-1-6.
  2. S. L. Huang, Z. C. Fan, J. B. Yi, B. C. Zhao, Y. Wu, K. Q. Ruan, M. Li, J. Ding, and L. Wang.
  Doping Effect on Magnetic and Transport Properties of Pr2-xSrxCoO4.
  Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008, 20 (39): 395213-1-9.
  3. S. L. Huang, K. Q. Ruan, Z. M. Lv, H. Y. Wu, C. H. Lin, L. Z. Cao.
  Transport Properties of Nd0.75Sr1.25CoO4 thin films. (in Chinese)
  Highlights of Sciencepaper online, 2008, 7 (1): 779-785.
  4. M. Li, S. L. Huang, Z. M. Lv, J. L. Zhang, H. Y. Wu, X. M. Wang, Z. Q. Pang, K. Q. Ruan
  Structure and Transport Properties of Pr1-xSr1+xCoO4.
  Modern Physics Letters B, 2008, 22 (32): 3195-3205.
  5. B. M. Wang, Y. Liu, L. Wang, S. L. Huang, Y. Zhao, Y. Yang, and H. Zhang
  Exchange bias and its training effect in the martensitic state of bulk polycrystalline Ni49.5Mn34.5In16.
  Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 104: 043916-1-4.
  6. H. W. Ho, B. C. Zhao, B. Xia, S. L. Huang, Y. Wu, J. G. Tao, A. C. H. Huan and L. Wang
  Magnetic and magnetotransport properties in Cu and Fe co-doped bulk In2O3 and ITO
  Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008, 20: 475204-1-6.
  7. K. Q. Ruan, Z. M. Lv, H. Y. Wu, S. L. Huang, M. Li, Z. Q. Pang. Q. Y. Wang, Y. Feng, G. Yan
  Enhanced Critical Current Properties of MgB2 Bulks by Doping Amorphous Carbon Containing Magnetic Impurity.
  Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2008, 21 (4): 237-242.
  2002/09-2007/07 (as a PHD student in USTC)
  1. S. L. Huang, K. Q. Ruan, Z. Q. Pang, Z. M. Lv, H. Y. Wu, Z. C. Shen, L. Z. Cao and X. G. Li.
  Molecular Vibrations of the Layered-Perovskite Cobalt Oxides Characterized by Infrared and Raman Spectroscopies Coupled with Crystal Structure Refinement.
  Solid State Communications, 2007, 141: 150-155.
  2. S. L. Huang, K. Q. Ruan, X. L. Jiao, H. Y. Wu, Z. M. Lv, Z. Q. Pang, J. Liu, H. S. Yang, W. B. Wu, L. Z. Cao, X. G. Li.
  Thermoelectric Properties of Nd0.75Sr1.25CoO4 Thin Films.
  Physics Letters A, 2007, 363: 473-476.
  3. S. L. Huang, K. Q. Ruan, Z. M. Lv, L. H. Zhuang, P. Wei, H. Y. Wu, M. Li, J. L. Zhang, Y. S. Chai, H. S. Yang, L. Z. Cao, and X. G. Li.
  Magnetic and Transport Properties in Layered Nd1-xSr1+xCoO4.
  Physical Review B, 2006, 73 (9): 094431-1-5.
  4. S. L. Huang, K. Q. Ruan, Z. M. Lv, H. Y. Wu, Z. Q. Pang, L. Z. Cao and X. G. Li.
  Evidence for Spin-grass States and Griffiths Singularities in Nd0.75Sr1.25CoO4.
  Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2006, 18 (31): 7135-7144.
  5. S. L. Huang, K. Q. Ruan, Y. Tang, L. Z. Cao, X. G. Li.
  Electrical Properties and Raman Spectra of BaBi1-xPbxO3.
  Chinese Physics Letter, 2006, 23 (5): 1245-1248.
  6. S. L. Huang, K. Q. Ruan, Z. M. Lv, L. Z. Cao.
  Exploration on the Physical Properties of the System BaBi1-xPbxO3. (in Chinese)
  Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2005, 27 (5): 390-397).
  7. S. L. Huang, K. Q. Ruan, Z. M. Lv, P. Wei, L. Z. Cao, Y. P. Sun.
  The Detailed Physical Properties of Nd2-xSrxCoO4 (x = 1.25, 1.33, 1.60). (in Chinese)
  Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2005, 27 (5): 509-514).
  8. H. Y. Wu, K. Q. Ruan, S. L. Huang, Z. M. Lv, and L. Z. Cao.
  Intrinsic Inhomogeneity in Electron-doped Manganite Sr0.95Ce0.05MnO3.
  Solid State Communications, 2007, 141: 198-202.
  9. H. Y. Wu, K. Q. Ruan, J. Yin, S. L. Huang, Z. M. Lv, M. Li, and L. Z. Cao.
  Effect of K and Nd Substitutions on Superconductivity of Bi2223 Superconductors.
  Superconductor Science and Technology, 2007, 20: 1189-1192.
  10. C. H. Yuan, L. Shi, G. L I, and S. L. Huang
  The Study of Infrared Absorption Spectrum on Ru1222 Systems. (in Chinese)
  Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2007, 29 (3): 179-183.
  11. J. J. Ding, K. Q. Wang, C. F. Zhu, Z. M. Lv, S. L. Huang, L. Z. Cao, K. Q. Ruan
  The Studies in Physical Properties of Co-Doped La1/3Sr2/3Fe1-xCoxO3. (in Chinese)
  Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2007, 29 (2): 158-162.
  12. Z. M. Lv, K. Q. Ruan, S. L. Huang, H. Y. Wu, L. Z. Cao, X. G. Li.
  Electrical transport and magnetic properties of the Ruddlesden-Popper phases Sr3Fe2-xRuxO7 (0 ≤ x≤ 1.4).
  Solid State Communications, 2006, 140: 340-344.
  13.K. Q. Ruan, Y. Yu, S. L. Huang, H. L. Li, S. Qian, L. Z. Cao.
  Physical properties in layered transition-metal oxide crystals and anisotropic transport measurement.
  Proceedings of ICEC 2005, 20: 545-548).
  14. Y. Yu, K. Q. Ruan, S. L. Huang, S. Qian, Y. S. Chai, H. S. Yang, L. Z. Cao.
  Transport Property of Nd2-xSrxNiO4 Poly Crystals. (in Chinese)
  Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2004, 26 (3): 199-204.
  15. H. L. Li, K. Q. Ruan, Q. Wang, Y. Chen, S. Qian, Y. Yu, S. L. Huang, Z. Zheng, C. Y. Wang, L. Z. Cao.
  Out-of-plane Transport in Bi2-xPbxSr2Co2Oy Single Crystals.
  Physica Status Solidi B, 2003, 240 (3): 596-602.
  1. "ZnO/Si纳米线宏观阵列的生长机制及传感应用研究",2016-01至2018-12,中央高校基本科研业务费;
  2. “ZnO/Si异质结纳米线阵列的可控生长及环境传感应用研究”,2016-04至2019-03,福建省自然科学基金计划面上项目;
  3. “硅基异质结纳米线阵列结构的可控生长及环境传感应用研究”,2013-01至2015-12,中央高校基本科研业务费;
  4. “硅基纳米线宏观阵列复合结构的可控制备及应用研究”,2011-07至2013-06,国家重点实验室(浙江大学)开放课题基金;
  5. “高能聚焦电子束辐照诱导低维纳米材料结构不稳定性和纳米加工技术研究”,2010-09至2013-08,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金。

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