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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 733 发布时间: 2018-08-15 16:20 微信号: H17720740258

  苏国珍,2004年于厦门大学取得博士学位,现为厦门大学物理系教授。研究兴趣包括MEMS、量子热力循环学、 热电器件的性能、微/纳米尺度器件的能量转换与迁移中的现代热力学与统计物理
  1. Chen Liwei, Su Guozhen*, Chen Jincan, Ultracold finite-size Fermi gas in a quartic trap, Physics Letters A, 376, 2908-2910, 2012.
  2. Chen Liwei, Su Guozhen*, Chen Jincan, Andresen Bjarne, Oscillating Casimir force between two slabs in a Fermi sea, Chinese Physics B, 21, 010501, 2012.
  3. Guo Juncheng, Zhang Xiuqin,  Su Guozhen, Chen Jincan*, The performance analysis of a micro-/nanoscaled quantum heat engine, Physica A, 391, 6432–6439, 2012.
  4. Su Shanhe, Guo Juncheng, Su Guozhen, Chen Jincan*, Performance optimum analysis and load matching of an energy selective electron heat engine, Energy, 44, 570-575, 2012.
  5. Lin Tongling, Su Guozhen, Wang A Qiuping, Chen Jincan *, Casimir effect of an ideal Bose gas trapped in a generic power-law potential, Europhysics Letters, 98, 40010, 2012.
  6. Guo Juncheng, Su Guozhen, Chen Jincan*, The performance evaluation of a micro/nano-scaled cooler working with an ideal Bose gas, Physics Letters A, 376, 270-274, 2012.
  7. Su Guozhen*, Chen Liwei, Lin Tongling, Chen Jincan, Thermosize effects of ideal Fermi gases confined in micro/nano-scale tubes, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 163, 275-283, 2011.
  8. Chen Liwei, Su Guozhen*, Chen Jincan, Oscillating Casimir effect of a trapped Fermi gas, Journal of Statistical Physics, 143, 523-531, 2011.
  9. Chen Liwei, Su Guozhen*, Chen Jincan, Performance evaluation of a micro-/nanoscaled quantum Ericsson refrigeration cycle, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 15, 229-236, 2011.
  10. Chen Liwei, Su Guozhen*, Chen Jincan, The effects of a finite number of particles on two trapped quantum gases, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 32, 4435-4442, 2011.
  11. El Kaabouchi A*, Ou Congjie, Chen Jincan, Su Guozhen, Wang A Qiuping, A counterexample against the Lesche stability of a generic entropy functional, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52, 063302, 2011.
  12. Guo Juncheng, Su Guozhen, Chen Jincan*, Joule-Thomson coefficients of confined ideal quantum gases, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 163, 34-42, 2011.
  13. Lin Tongling, Lin Bihong, Su Guozhen, Chen Jincan*, Statistic characteristics of quantum gases in a confined space, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 25, 479-486, 2011.
  14. Su Guozhen*, Chen Jincan, Bose–Einstein condensation of a finite-size Bose system, European Journal of Physics, 31, 143-150, 2010.
  15. Cai Shukuan, Su Guozhen*, Chen Jincan, Thermostatistic properties of a relativistic Fermi gas, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24, 5783-5792, 2010.
  16. Cai Yanhua, Su Guozhen*, Chen Jincan, Influence of heat- and mass-transfer coupling on the optimal performance of a non-isothermal chemical engine, Revista Mexicana de Fisica, 56, 356-362, 2010.
  17. Cai Shukuan, Su Guozhen*, Chen Jincan, General thermostatistical properties of a q-deformed Fermi gas trapped in a power-law potential, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24, 3323-3330, 2010.
  18. Lin Tongling, Su Guozhen, Ou Congjie, Lin Bihong, Le Mehaute A, Wang A Qiuping, Chen Jincan *, Thermosize effects in confined quantum gas systems. Modern Physics Letters B, 15, 1727-1737, 2010.
  19. Huang Zhifu, Su Guozhen, El Kaabouchi Aziz, Wang A Qiuping, Chen Jincan*, Self-similar motion for modeling anomalous diffusion and nonextensive statistical distributions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, L05001, 2010.
  20. 陈金灿, 苏国珍. 热力学与统计物理学-热点问题思考与探索,  科学出版社.  38万字, 2010.
  2000.5-2002.5 低温位热机利用与热力循环的优化设计 省自然科学基金 3.8 参加
  2002.7-2004.7 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)若干相关问题的研究 校级自选课题 1.8 主持
  2003.1-2005.12 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)新物态若干基础理论问题的研究 国家自然科学基金 22 参加
  2005.8-2006.12 约束费米气体低温特性的研究 省自然科学基金 1.0 主持
  2001.1-2004.6 基础物理教学中加强素质教育和培养创新意识的研究与实践 新世纪高等教育教学改革项目 0.5 参加
  2005.1-2006.12 大学物理多媒体网络教学系统 省教育厅 2.6 主持
  2003.6-2004.12 大学物理“精品课程”建设 厦门大学 1.0 主持

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