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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1277 发布时间: 2018-08-10 14:25 微信号: H17720740258

  Xueying Huang, PhD
  Associate Professor
  School of Mathematical Science
  Xiamen University
  422 South-Siming Road
  Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China
  Tel: 011- 86-5922580732 Fax: 011-86-5922580608
  Email: xhuang@xmu.edu.cn
  Research Interest:
  ·       Computational Biomathematics and Bioengineering,
  ·    Cardiovascular Modeling
  ·    Atherosclerotic Plaque Progression and Rupture
  ·    Heart modeling for Operation optimization design
  2005/08-2009/05   Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA) Applied Mathematics, Ph.D.
  2002/09—2005/07  Beijing Normal University  Computational mathematics M.S.
  1998/09—2002/07 北京师范大学    基础数学专业  学位:理学学士
  Working Experience
  2009/07—至今 厦门大学数学科学学院副教授
  2011/10—2013/6 访问助理教授 (Visiting Assistant Professor), 美国伍斯特理工大学 (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
  2010/02—至今 兼职助理教授 (Affiliate Assistant Professor), 美国伍斯特理工大学 (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
  2010/06—2010/10  访问学者 (Visiting Scholar),美国伍斯特理工大学 (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
  1.  National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31100670), PI
  2.  Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, China (Grant No. 2011J05008), PI
  3.  Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, PI
  4.  National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11071203), Co-PI
  1. Tang D, Del Nido PJ, Yang C, Zuo H, Huang X, Rathod RH, Gooty V, Tang A, Wu Z, Billiar KL, Geva T., Patient-Specific MRI-Based Right Ventricle Models Using Different Zero-Load Diastole and Systole Geometries for Better Cardiac Stress and Strain Calculations and Pulmonary Valve Replacement Surgical Outcome Predictions.PLoS One. 2016 Sep 14;11(9)
  2. Huang X, Yang C, Zheng J, Bach R, Muccigrosso D, Woodard PK, Tang D.,J Biomech. 3D MRI-based multicomponent thin layer structure only plaque models for atherosclerotic plaques.2016 Jun 8. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.06.002. [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Ye J., Huang X.*, Xu H., Feng E., Ke C., Dynamics analysis and prediction of genetic regulation in glycerol metabolic network via structural kinetic modeling. Mathematical Problem in Engineering. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2015),  Article ID 673120.
  4. Huang X.*, Yang C., Zheng J., Bach R., Muccigrosso D., Woodard P.K., Tang D., Higher critical plaque wall stress in patients who died of coronary artery disease compared with those who died of other causes: a 3D FSI study based on ex vivo MRI of coronary plaques. J Biomech. 47(2) (2014):432-7.
  5. Tang D., Kamm R.D., Yang C., Zheng J., Canton G., Bach R., Huang X., Hatsukami T.S., Zhu J., Ma G., Maehara A., Mintz G.S., Yuan C.,Image-based modeling for better understanding and assessment of atherosclerotic plaque progression and vulnerability: Data, modeling, validation, uncertainty and predictions, J Biomech. 47(4) (2014): 834-46.
  6. Huang, X.*, Yang, C., Canton, G., Ferguson, M., Yuan, C., Tang, D.,Quantifying effect of intraplaque hemorrhage on critical plaque wall stress in human atherosclerotic plaques using 3D FSImodels. J.Biomech.Eng. 134(12) (2012),121004.
  7. Huang, X., Yang, C., Zheng, J., Bach, R., Muccigrosso, D., Woodard, P. K., Tang, D., Coronary Artery Disease-Related Death May Be Associated With Higher Critical Plaque Wall Stress: A Multi-Patient 3D Fluid-Structure Interaction Study Comparing Plaque Wall Stress, Flow Shear Stress, and Plaque Burden as Risk Indicators. Circulation; 128(2013): A9424
  8. Huang X, Teng Z, Canton G, Ferguson M, Yuan C, Tang D. Intraplaque hemorrhage is associated with higher structural stresses in human atherosclerotic plaques: an in vivo MRI-based 3D fluid-structure interaction study. Biomed Eng Online. 2010 Dec 31;9:86.
  9.Teng Z, Canton G, Yuan C, Ferguson M, Yang C, Huang X, Zheng J, Woodard PK, Tang D. 3D critical plaque wall stress is a better predictor of carotid plaque rupture sites than flow shear stress: An in vivo MRI-based 3D FSI study. J Biomech Eng. 2010 Mar;132(3):031007
  10. Teng Z, Sadat U, Li Z, Huang X, Zhu C, Young VE, Graves MJ, Gillard JH. Arterial Luminal Curvature and Fibrous-Cap Thickness Affect Critical Stress Conditions Within Atherosclerotic Plaque: An In Vivo MRI-Based 2D Finite-Element Study.Ann Biomed Eng. 2010 Oct;38(10):3096-101. Epub 2010 May 25.
  11.Tang D, Teng Z, Canton G, Yang C, Ferguson M, Huang X, Zheng J, Woodard PK, Yuan C. Sites of rupture in human atherosclerotic carotid plaques are associated with high structural stresses: an in vivo MRI-based 3D fluid-structure interaction study. Stroke. 2009 Oct;40(10):3258-63. Epub 2009 Jul 23.
  12.Tang D, Teng Z, Canton G, Hatsukami TS, Dong L, Huang X, Yuan C. Local critical stress correlates better than global maximum stress with plaque morphological features linked to atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability: an in vivo multi-patient study. Biomed Eng Online. 2009 Aug 3;8:15.
  13.Huang X, Yang C, Yuan C, Liu F, Canton G, Zheng J, Woodard PK, Sicard GA, Tang D.Patient-Specific Artery Shrinkage and 3D Zero-Stress State in Multi-Component 3D FSI Models for Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques Based on In Vivo MRI Data. Mol Cell Biomech. 2009 Jun;6(2):121-34.

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