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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1015 发布时间: 2018-08-10 14:23 微信号: H17720740258

  Huangxin Chen (陈黄鑫)
  Associate Professor
  School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University
  Xiamen 361005, China
  E-mail:  chx@xmu.edu.cn
  Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics, AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006.09-2011.07.
  B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Hunan University, 2002.09-2006.06
  Academic Experiences
  Assistant Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, Sep. 2011-July 2014
  Associate Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, Aug. 2014-Present
  Visiting Scholar, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Feb.-Aug. 2013
  Visiting Scholar, City University of Hong Kong, Jan.-Feb. 2014, Jul.-Aug. 2014.
  Postdoctoral Fellow, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, May 2015-Feb. 2016
  Numerical Approximation
  Research Interests
  Adaptive Finite Element Methods
  Multigrid Methods
  Discontinuous Galerkin Method
  Flow and Transport in Porous Media
  Recent Publications
  Huangxin Chen, Weifeng Qiu, Ke Shi, A priori and computable a posteriori error estimates for an HDG method for the coercive Maxwell equations, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., accepted, 2018.
  Huangxin Chen, Shuyu Sun and Tao Zhang, Energy stability analysis of some fully discrete numerical schemes for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on staggered grids, J. Sci. Comput., accepted, 2017.
  Huangxin Chen and Shuyu Sun, A residual-based a posteriori error estimator for single-phase Darcy flow in fractured porous media, Numer. Math., 136 (2017), pp. 805-839.
  Huangxin Chen, Weifeng Qiu, Ke Shi and Manuel Solano, A superconvergent  HDG method for the Maxwell equations, J. Sci. Comput., 70 (2017), pp. 1010-1029.
  Huangxin Chen and Weifeng Qiu, A first order system least squares method for the Helmholtz equation, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 309 (2017), pp. 145–162.
  Peipei Lu, Huangxin Chen and Weifeng Qiu, An absolutely stable hp-HDG method for the time-harmonic Maxwell equations with high wave number, Math. Comp., 86 (2017), pp. 1553-1577.
  Huangxin Chen, Amgad Salama, and Shuyu Sun, Adaptive mixed finite element methods for Darcy flow in fractured porous media, Water Resour. Res., 52 (2016), pp. 7851-7868.
  Huangxin Chen, Jingzhi Li and Weifeng Qiu, Robust a posteriori error estimates for HDG method for convection-diffusion equations, IMA J. Numer. Anal., 36 (2016), pp. 437-462.
  Huangxin Chen, Haijun Wu and Xuejun Xu, Multilevel preconditioner with stable coarse grid corrections for the Helmholtz equation, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 37 (2015), pp. A221-A244.
  Huangxin Chen, Guosheng Fu, Jingzhi Li and Weifeng Qiu, First order least square method with weakly imposed boundary condition for convection dominated diffusion problems, Comput. Math. Appl., 68 (2014), pp. 1635–1652.
  Huangxin Chen, Peipei Lu and Xuejun Xu, A robust multilevel method for hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the Helmholtz equation, J. Comp. Phys., 264 (2014), pp. 133–151.
  Huangxin Chen and Xiaoping Wang, A one-domain approach for modeling and simulation of  free fluid over a porous medium, J. Comp. Phys., 259 (2014), pp. 650-671.
  Huangxin Chen, Peipei Lu and Xuejun Xu, A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the Helmholtz equation with high wave number, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 51 (2013), pp. 2166-2188.
  Huangxin Chen, R.H.W. Hoppe and Xuejun Xu, Uniform convergence of local multigrid methods for the time-harmonic Maxwell equation, ESAIM: M2AN,  47 (2013), pp. 125-147.
  Xuejun Xu, Huangxin Chen and R.H.W. Hoppe, Optimality of local multilevel methods for adaptive nonconforming P1 finite element methods, J. Comp. Math., 31 (2013), pp. 22–46.
  Huangxin Chen, Xuejun Xu and Weiying Zheng, Local multilevel methods for second-order elliptic problems with highly discontinuous coefficients, J. Comp. Math., 30 (2012), pp. 223-248.
  Xuejun Xu, Huangxin Chen and R.H.W. Hoppe, Optimality of local multilevel methods on adaptively refined meshes for elliptic boundary value problems, J. Numer. Math., 18 (2010), pp. 59–90.
  Huangxin Chen, Xuejun Xu and R.H.W. Hoppe, Convergence and quasi-optimality of adaptive nonconforming finite element methods for some nonsymmetric and indefinite problems, Numer. Math., 116 (2010), pp. 383-419.
  Huangxin Chen and Xuejun Xu, Local multilevel methods for adaptive finite element methods for nonsymmetric and indefinite elliptic boundary value problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 47 (2010), pp. 4492-4516.
  Refereed Proceedings Publications
  Sahar Z. Amir, Huangxin Chen and Shuyu Sun, Reduced fracture finite element model analysis of an efficient two-scale hybrid embedded fracture model, Procedia Computer Science, 108C (2017), pp. 1873-1882.
  Huangxin Chen and Shuyu Sun, A two-scale reduced model for Darcy flow in fractured porous media, Procedia Computer Science, 80 (2016), pp. 1324-1333.
  National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11771363), 1/1/2018-31/12/2021, PI.
  Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.20720150005), 1/1/2015-31/12/2017, PI.
  National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11201394), 1/1/2013-31/12/2015, PI.
  Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (No. 2013J05016), 1/1/2013-31/12/2015, PI.

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