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Hongtao Chen (陈竑焘)
Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University
Xiamen 361005, China
E-mail: chenht@xmu.edu.cn
Office: 531 Haiyun Campus
Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics, AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006.09-2011.07.
B.Sc. in Computational Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, 2002.09-2006.07
Academic Experiences
Associate Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, 2015.08- present
Assistant Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, 2011.07-2015.07
Research fellow, School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, 2010.04-2011.03
Calculus, Linear algebra, Numerical approximation
Recent Research Interests
High accuracy finite element method
Finite element exterior calculus
Recent Publications
1. Hongtao Chen, Qun Lin, Junming Zhou and Hong Wang. Uniform error estimates for triangular finite element solutions of advection-diffusion equations, Advances in Computational Mathematics, Volume 38, Issue 1, 83-100, 2013.
2. Hongtao Chen, Shanghui Jia, and Hehu Xie. Postprocessing and higher order convergence for the mixed finite element approximations of the Stokes eigenvalue problems. Applications of Mathematics, Volume 54, Issue 3, pp237–250, 2009.
3. Hongtao Chen, Qun Lin, Vladimir V.Shaidurov and Junming Zhou, Error estimates for triangular and tetrahedral finite elements in combination with a trajectory approximation of the first derivatives for advection-diffusion equations, Numerical Analysis and Applications, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp 345-362,2011.
4. Hongtao Chen, Shanghui Jia and Hehu Xie, Postprocessing and higher order convergence for the mixed finite element approximations of the eigenvalue problem, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 61, Issue 4, pp 615-629, 2011.
5. Hongtao Chen, Qun Lin, Vladimir V.Shaidurov and Junming Zhou, Error estimates for triangular and tetrahedral finite elements in combination with a trajectory approximation of time derivative for advection-diffusion equations, Siberian J. Num. Math., Volume 14, Issue 4, pp 425-442, 2011.
6. 陈竑焘,林群,周俊明,对流扩散方程特征线三角元法的一致估计. 数学的实践与认识, 第41 卷, 第19 期,173-184 页, 2011.
7. 陈竑焘,林群,罗福生,对流扩散方程特征线双线性元的一致估计. 数学的实践与认识, 第41 卷, 第20 期, 188-197 页, 2011.
8. Shanghui Jia, Hongtao Chen and Hehu Xie, A Posteriori Error Estimator for Eigenvalue Problems by Mixed Finite Element Method, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, accepted.DOI: 10.1007/s11425-013-4614-0
9. Mingxia Li, Hongtao Chen and Shipeng Mao. Accuracy enhancement for the Signorini problem with finite element method. Acta Mathematica Scientia, Volume 31, Issue 3, pp 897-908, 2011.
10. 林群,周俊明,陈竑焘. 三维矩形域上泊松方程四面体线元的超逼近与外推,数学的实践与认识 , 第39 卷, 第13 期, 215-220页,2009.
11. 林群,周俊明,陈竑焘. 椭圆型方程四面体线元的超逼近与外推,数学的实践与认识,第39 卷, 第15 期, 200-208 页,2009.
12. 林群,周俊明,陈竑焘. 三维有限元本征值的外推. 数学的实践与认识, 第41 卷, 第11 期, 132-139 页, 2011.
13. 林群,王宏,周俊明,张书华,陈竑焘,对流扩散方程三角形有限元解的一致估计. 数学的实践与认识, 第41 卷, 第21 期,232-238 页, 2011.