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庄平辉, 信息与计算数学系教授, 硕士生导师.
1978-1982: 福州大学计算机科学系计算数学专业,获学士学位;
1985-1988: 福州大学计算机科学系计算数学专业,获硕士学位;
2005-2008: 厦门大学数学科学学院计算数学专业,获博士学位;
1982年-1985年 石油大学计算机科学系,助教;
数学分析,数值逼近,数值代数,计算方法,高级语言程序设计,计算机实用技术,数据库管理,Visual Basic程序设计,高等数学,线性代数,Matlab基础等。
[2] 分数阶扩散方程的数值方法及其理论分析,福建省自然科学基金,项目主持者,2005-2007.
[3] 奇异摄动偏微分方程问题的数值方法及其应用,国家自然科学基金(10271098),项目组主要成员, 2003.1-2005.12.
[4]谱元法湍流大涡模拟,国家自然科学基金, 项目组成员,2002.1-2004.12
[5] 非线性发展方程及其科学计算,国家自然科学基金,项目组成员,1998.1-2000.12
[1]Feng, LB; Liu, FW , Turner, I; Zhuang, PH, Numerical methods and analysis for simulating the flow of a generalized Oldroyd-B fluid between two infinite parallel rigid plates, International Joubnal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115 B, 2017, 1309-1320.
[2]L. B. Feng,P.Zhuang,F.Liu,I.Turner,V.Anh,J.Li,A fast second-order accurate method for a two-sided
space-fractional diffusion equation with variable coefficients,Computers and Mathematics with Applications,73,2017,1155–1171.
[3]P. Zhuang,F. Liu ,I. Turner,V. Anh,Galerkin finite element method and error analysis for the fractional cable equation,Numerical Algorithms, 72,2016,447–466.
[4]L. B. Feng,P. Zhuang,F. Liu , I. Turner,Y. T. Gu,Finite element method for space-time fractional diffusion equation,Numerical Algorithms, 72,2016,749–767.
[5]F. Liu, P. Zhuang, I.Turner, V. Anh, K.Burrage, A semi-alternating direction method for a 2-D fractional FitzHugh–Nagumo monodomain model on an approximate irregular domain, Journal of Computational Physics,293, 2015, 252-263.
[6]L.B. Feng, P. Zhuang, F. Liu, I. Turner, Stability and convergence of a new finite volume method for a two-sided space-fractional diffusion equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 257, 2015, 52–65
[7]Q. Liu, F. Liu, Y.T. Gu, P. Zhuang, J. Chen, I. Turner, A meshless method based on Point Interpolation Method (PIM) for the space fractional diffusion equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 256, 2015 930–938
[8]Libo Feng, Pinghui Zhuang, Fawang Liu, Ian Turner and Qianqian Yang, Second-Order Approximation for the Space Fractional Diffusion Equation with Variable Coefficient, Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications, 1(1), 2015, 23-35
[9]P. Zhuang, F. Liu, I. Turner, Y.T. Gu, Finite volume and ?nite element methods for solving a one-dimensional space-fractional Boussinesq equation, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38, 2014, 3860–3870
[10]F. Liu, P. Zhuang, I. Turner, K. Burrage, V. Anh, A new fractional ?nite volume method for solving the fractional diffusion equation, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38, 2014, 3871–3878
[11]H. Zhang, F. Liu, P. Zhuang, I. Turner, V. Anh, Numerical analysis of a new space–time variable fractional order advection–dispersion equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 242, 2014, 541–550
[12]Fawang Liu, Mark M. Meerschaert, Robert J. McGough, Pinghui Zhuang, Qingxia Liu, Numerical methods for solving the multi-term time-fractional wave-diffusion equation, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,16(1),2013,9-25
[13]F. Liu, P. Zhuang and K. Burrage, Numerical methods and analysis for a class of fractional advection–dispersion models, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 64(10), 2012, 2990–3007.
[14]Y. T. Gu and P. Zhuang, Anomalous sub-diffusion equations by the meshless collocation method, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 10(1), 2012, 1 - 8.
[15] P. Zhuang, Y. T. Gu, F. Liu, I. Turner and P. K. D. V. Yarlagadda, Time-dependent fractional advection–diffusion equations by an implicit MLS meshless method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 88, 13(2012),1346–1362.
[16]Q. Liu, Y. T. Gu, P. Zhuang, F. Liu and Y. Nie, An implicit RBF meshless approach for time fractional diffusion equations, Computational Mechanics, 48(2011), 1-12.
[17]Y.T. Gu, P. Zhuang and Q. Liu, An advanced meshless method for time fractional diffusion equation, International Journal of Computational Methods, 8(4) (2011), 653-665.
[18]Y. T. Gu, P. Zhuang and F. Liu, An Advanced Implicit Meshless Approach for the Non-Linear Anomalous Subdiffusion Equation, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 56(3)(2010), 303-334.
[19]Ping-Hui Zhuang and Qing-Xia LIU, Numerical method of Rayleigh-Stokes problem for heated generalized second grade fluid with fractional derivative, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 30(12)(2009), 1533-1546.
[20]P. Zhuang, F. Liu, V. Anh and I. Turner, Stability and convergence of an implicit numerical method for the nonlinear fractional reaction-subdiffusion process, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 74(2009), 645-667.
[21]P. Zhuang, F. Liu, V. Anh and I. Turner, Numerical methods for the variable-order fractional advection-diffusion equation with a nonlinear source term, SIAM J. on Numerical Analysis, 47(3)(2009),1760-1781.
[22]S. Chen, F. Liu, P. Zhuang and V. Anh, Finite difference approximations for the fractional Fokker-Planck equation, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33 (2009) , 256-273.
[23]P. Zhuang, F. Liu, V. Anh and I. Turner, New solution and analytical techniques of the implicit numerical methods for the anomalous sub-diffusion equation, SIAM J. on Numerical Analysis, 46(2) (2008) ,1079-1095.
[24]F. Liu, P. Zhuang, V. Anh, I. Turner and K. Burrage , Stability and Convergence of the difference Methods for the space-time fractional advection-diffusion equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 91, (2007), 12-20.
[25]P. Zhuang and F. Liu, Finite difference approximation for two-dimensional time fractional diffusion equation, J. Algorithms & Computational Technology, 1 (2007), 1-15.
[26]P. Zhuang and F. Liu, Implicit difference approximation for the two-dimensional space-time fractional diffusion equation, J. Appl. Math. Computing, 25(2007), 269-282.
[27]P. Zhuang, F. Liu, I. Turner and V. Anh, Numerical Treatment for the Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation, ANZIAM J., 48 (2007), 759-774.
[28] Y. Lin, P. Zhuang and F. Liu, Fractional high order approximation for the system of the nonlinear fractional ordinary differential equations, Journal of Xiamen University(NATURAL Science), 6 (2007), 765-769.
[29]J. Song, F. Liu and P. Zhuang, An approximate solution for the non-linear anomalous subdiffusion equation using the Adomian decomposition method, Journal of Xiamen University (NATURAL Science), 46(4), (2007), 469-473.
[30]P. Zhuang and F. Liu, Implicit difference approximation for the time fractional diffusion equation, J. Appl. Math. Computing, 22(3) (2006), 87-99.
[31]F. Liu, P. Zhuang, I. Turner, V. Anh, A fractional-order implicit difference approximation for the space-time fractional diffusion equation, 47, ANZIAM J. (E)(2006), 48-68.
[32]P. Zhuang and F. Liu, An explicit difference approximation for the space-time fractional diffusion equation, Numerical Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese Universities, Vol. 27 Supplement (2005), 223-230.
[33]F. Liu, V. Anh, I. Turner and P. Zhuang, Numerical simulation for solute transport in fractal porous media, ANZIAM J., 45(E)(2004), 461-473.
[34]T. Zheng, P. Zhuang, X. Cai and F. Liu, A Petrov-Galerkin method for singularly perturbed time-dependent convection-diffusion equations with non-smooth data, Computational Mechanics, ID-614(2004).
[35]F. Liu, V. Anh, I. Turner and P. Zhuang, Time fractional advection dispersion equation, J. Appl. Math. Computing, Vol. 13(2003), 233-245.
[1]P. Zhuang, F. Liu, V. Anh, I. Turner, The Galerkin finite element approximations of the fractional Cable equation, The 5th Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications(FDA’12), May 14-17 2012, Hohai University, Nanjing, China.
[2]P. Zhuang, F. Liu, V. Anh, I.Turner, Y. T. Gu, Two novel numerical methods of a space-fractional Boussinesq equation, 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2012) , 25 - 28 November 2012, Crowne Plaza, Gold Coast, Australia.
[3]F. Liu, P. Zhuang, V. Anh, I.Turner, K. Burrage, V. Anh, A new fractional finite volume method for solving the two-sided space fractional diffusion equation with a variable coefficient,4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2012) , 25 - 28 November 2012, Crowne Plaza, Gold Coast, Australia.