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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 868 发布时间: 2018-08-10 14:17 微信号: H17720740258

  Copyright ? 2010 xmu.math· Designed by 数学学院
  详细内容请访问个人英文主页 (English version) ——>
  个人主页(Chuanju Xu's Homepage)
  School of Mathematical Sciences
  Xiamen University
  361005 Xiamen, Fujian
  Tel: 0592-2580713
  办公室: 厦门大学海韵园数学物理大楼623
  1989-1993: 巴黎居里大学(第六大)数学博士
  1988-1989: 巴黎南大学(第十一大)数学硕士
  1987-1988: 上海外国语学院法语培训
  1986-1987: 厦门大学数学系研究生
  1982-1986: 厦门大学数学系本科
  2016.07-09: 法国波尔多大学
  2015.10: 法国普瓦蒂大学
  2015.07,09: 法国波尔多大学
  2014.12: 法国波尔多大学
  2006.06-10: 法国波尔多第一大学
  2005.07-11: 法国波尔多第一大学
  2004.12: 新加坡国立大学
  2004.03-05: 香港浸会大学
  2003.02-03: 法国尼斯大学
  2001.11: 法国尼斯大学
  2001.05: 法国尼斯大学
  2000.05: 法国尼斯大学
  1999.06: 丹麦理工大学
  1998-1999: 法国尼斯大学
  1993-: 厦门大学
  - Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S (2013 --- )
  - East Asia Journal on Applied Mathematics (2011 --- )
  - Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (2007 --- )
  - Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. (2005 --- )
  List of Publications
  o  Fangying Song, Chuanju Xu, and George Em Karniadakis, A fractional phase-field model for two phase flows with tunable sharpness: Algorithms and simulations, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 2016, 305, p376-404;
  o   Shimin Lin and Chuanju Xu, Theoretical and Numerical Investigation of Fractional Differential Equations (in Chinese), Mathematica Numerica Sinica, 2016, 38(1), p1-24;
  o  Xiaojun Zhou and Chuanju Xu, Well-posedness of a kind of nonlinear coupled system of fractional differential equations, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 2016, 59(6), p1209-1220;
  o  Xingyang Ye and Chuanju Xu, A spectral method for optimal control problems governed by the abnormal diffusion equation with integral constraint on state (in Chinese), SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 2016, 46(7), p1053-1070;
  o  Xiaojun Zhou and Chuanju Xu, Analysis of a systems of autonomous fractional differential equations, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2016, No. XX, p1-17; doi: 10.14232/ejqtde.2016.1.XX;
  o  Chunwan Lv and Chuanju Xu, Error analysis of a high order method for time-fractional diffusion equations, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2016, 38(5), pA2699-A2724;
  o  Yanhui Su, Lizhen Chen, Xianjuan Li, and Chuanju Xu, On the Inf-Sup Constant of a Triangular Spectral Method for the Stokes Equations, Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 2016, DOI: 10.1515/cmam-2016-0011;
  o  F.Y.Song and C.J.Xu, Spectral direction splitting methods for two-dimensional space fractional diffusion equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2015, 299(15), p196-214;
  o  Xianjuan Li, Tao Tang, and Chuanju Xu, Numerical Solutions for Weakly Singular Volterra Integral Equations Using Chebyshev and Legendre Pseudo-Spectral Galerkin Methods, J Sci Comput, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s10915-015-0069-5;
  o  Chunwan Lv and Chuanju Xu, Improved error estimates of a finite difference/spectral method for time-fractional diffusion equations, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 2015, 12(2), p384-400;
  o  Xingyang Ye and Chuanju Xu, A posteriori error estimates for the fractional optimal control problems, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2015, 141, p1-13;
  o  Xingyang Ye and Chuanju Xu, A space-time spectral method for the time fractional diffusion optimal control problems , Advances in Difference Equations, 2015:156, DOI 10.1186/s13662-015-0489-4;
  o  F.Y.Song, X.L. Liu, and C.J.Xu, A Spectral Element Method for Human Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2015(4), p546-556;
  o  Weiwei Wang and Chuanju Xu, Spectral methods based on new formulations for coupled Stokes and Darcy equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2014, 257, p126-142;
  o  Jun Zhang and Chuanju Xu, Finite difference/spectral approximations to a water wave model with a nonlocal viscous term, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014, 38, p4912-4925;
  o  Lizhen Chen, Jie Shen, Chuanju Xu, and Lishi Luo, Parallel spectral-element direction splitting method for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2014, 84, p66-79;
  o  Junying Cao, Chuanju Xu, and Ziqiang Wang, A high order finite difference/spectral approximations to the time fractional diffusion equations, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 875-877, p781-785;
  o  Xingyang Ye and Chuanju Xu, A Spectral Method for Optimal Control Problems Governed by the Time Fractional Diffusion Equation with Control Constraints, ICOSAHOM 2012, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2014, 95, p403-414;
  o  Lizhen Chen and Chuanju Xu, A Time Splitting Space Spectral Element Method for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2013, 3(4), p333-351;
  o  Xianjuan Li, Tao Tang, and Chuanju Xu, Parallel in time algorithm with spectral-subdomain enhancement for volterra integral equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal, 2013, 51(3), p1735-1756;
  o  Junying Cao, Chuanju Xu, A high order schema for the numerical solution of the ordinary fractional differential equations, Contemporary Mathematics, 2013, 586, http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/conm/586/11658;
  o  Junying Cao, Chuanju Xu, A high order schema for the numerical solution of the fractional ordinary differential equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2013, 238, p154-168;
  o  Xingyang Ye, Chuanju Xu, Spectral Optimization Methods for the Time Fractional Diffusion Inverse Problem, Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 2013, 6(3), p499-519;
  o  Dong Qu, Chuanju Xu, Generalized Polynomial Chaos Decomposition and Spectral Methods for the Stochastic Stokes Equations, Computers & Fluids, 2013, 71, p250-260;
  o  Lizhen Chen, Jie Shen, and Chuanju Xu, A Unstructured Nodal Spectral-Element Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations, Commun. Comput. Phys., 2012, 12(1), p315-336;
  o  Yumin Lin, Xianjuan Li, and Chuanju Xu, Finite Difference/Spectral Approximation for the Fractional Cable Equations, Mathematics of Computation, 2011, 80(275), p1369-1396;
  o  Lizhen Chen, Jie Shen, and Chuanju Xu, A Triangular Spectral Method for the Stokes Equations, Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 2011, 4(2), p158-179;
  o  Lizhen Chen, Jie Shen, and Chuanju Xu, Spectral Direction Splitting Schemes for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2011, 1(3), p215-234;
  o  Claude-Michel Brauner, Luca Lorenzi, Gregory I. Sivashinsky, and Chuanju Xu, On a Strongly Damped Wave Equation for the Flame Front, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 2010, 31B(6), p819-840;
  o  Qingqu Zhuang, Chuanju Xu, Legendre-Laguerre coupled spectral element methods for second- and fourth-order equations on the half line, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2010, 235, p615-630;
  o  Xianjuan Li and Chuanju Xu, Existence and Uniqueness of the Weak Solution of the Space-Time Fractional Diffusion Equation and a Spectral Method Approximation, Commun. Comput. Phys., 2010, 8(5), p1016-1051;
  o  Dong Qu and Chuanju Xu, Discrete variational adjoint assimilations for parameter optimizations via spectral methods, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2010, 18(3), p417-436;
  o  Qingqu Zhuang, Jie Shen, and Chuanju Xu, A Coupled Legendre-Laguerre Spectral-Element Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations in Unbounded Domains, J. Sci. Comput., 2010, 42(1), p1-22;
  o  X.J.Li and C.J.Xu, A Finite Difference/Spectral Element Method for the Fractional Nernst-Planck Equation , Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics (in Chinese), 2010, 27(2), p207-218;
  o  X.J.Li and C.J.Xu, A Space-Time Spectral Method for the Time Fractional Diffusion Equation, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2009, 47(3), p2108-2131;
  o  Zhijian Rong, Chuanju Xu, Spectral Vanishing Viscosity for Large-Eddy Simulations by Spectral Element Methods, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2009, 41(2), p155-161;
  o  Mejdi Azaiez, Jie Shen, Chuanju Xu, and Qingqu Zhuang, A Laguerre-Legendre Spectral Method for the Stokes Problem in a Semi-Infinite Channe , SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2008, 47(1), p271-292;
  o  Zhijian Rong, Chuanju Xu, Numerical approximation of acoustic waves by spectral element methods, Appl. Numer. Math., 2008, 58(2), p999-1016;
  o  Zhijian Rong, Chuanju Xu, A P_N x P_N Spectral Element Projection Method for the Unsteady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations, Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 2008, 1, p275-296;
  o  Y.M.Lin, C.J.Xu, Finite difference/spectral approximations for the time-fractional diffusion equation, J. Comput. Phys., 2007, 225(2), p1533-1552;
  o  C.J.Xu, Y.M.Lin, A numerical comparison of outflow boundary conditions for spectral element simulations of incompressible flows, Commun. Comput. Phys., 2007, 2, p477-500;
  o  L.Jiang, C.J.Xu, Spectral Element Viscosity Methods for Nonlinear Conservation Laws on the Semi-Infinite Interval, Numer. Math. (J. Chinese Univ.), 2007, 16(2), p112-130;
  o  C.J.Xu, T.Tang, Stability Analysis of Large Time-Stepping Methods for Epitaxial Growth Models, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 2006, 44(4), p1759-1779;
  o  Q.Q.Zhuang, C.J.Xu, A Spectral Element/Laguerre Coupled Method to the Elliptic Helmholtz Problem on the Half Line, Numer. Math. (J. Chinese Univ.), 2006, 15(3), p193-208;
  o  C.J.Xu, Stabilization Methods for Spectral Element Computations of Incompressible Flows, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2006, 27(1-3), p495-505;
  o  T.L.Hong, C.J.Xu, A MPI parallel preconditioned spectral element method for the Helmholtz equation, Numer. Math. (J. Chinese Univ.), 2005, 14(1), p56-66;
  o  F.H.Huang, C.J.Xu, On the error estimates for the rotational pressure-correction projection spectral methods for the unsteady Stokes equations, J. Comput. Math., 2005, 23(3), p285-304;
  o  C.J.Xu, R.Pasquetti, Stabilized spectral element computations of high Reynolds number incompressible flows, J. Comput. Phys., 2004, 196(2), p680-704;
  o  Y.M.Lin, C.J.Xu, A fractional step method for the unsteady viscous/inviscid coupled equations, proceeding of SCA03, Hong Kong City University, Sciences press, 2004;
  o  Y.M.Lin, C.J.Xu, A fractional step method for the time dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes/Euler coupled equations, Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 2003, 21(3), p368-376;
  o  R.Pasquetti, C.J.Xu, Note: Comments on Filter-Based Stabilization of Spectral Element Methods, J. Comput. Phys., 2002, 182, p646-650;
  o  R.Pasquetti, C.J.Xu, High-Order Algorithms for Large-Eddy Simulation of incompressible Flows, J. Scient. Computing, 2002, 17(1-3), p273-284;
  o  F.H.Huang, C.J.Xu, A spectral element method of the viscous/inviscid coupled equations in complex geometries, J.of Xiamen Univ., 2002, 41(3), p291-296;
  o  C.J.Xu, R.Pasquetti, On the efficiency of the semi-Lagrangian method for the incompressible flow, Inter. J Numer. Meth. Fluids, 2001, 35, p319-340
  o  W.Borchers, S.Krautle, R.Pasquetti, R.Rautmann, K.Wielage, C.J.Xu, Towards a parallel hybrid highly accurate Navier-Stokes solver, Numerical Flow Simulation II, NNFM 75, Hirschel Ed., Springer, 2001.
  o  C.J. Xu, An efficient method for the Navier-Stokes/Euler coupled equations via a spectral element approximation, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2000, 38(4), p1217-1242;
  o  C.J. Xu, Y.M. Lin, Open boundary conditions for the spectral simulation of Poiseuille-Benard flow, Acta mechanica sinica, 2000, 32(1), p1-10;
  o  C.J.Xu, Y.M. Lin, Analysis of iterative methods for the viscous/inviscid coupled problem via a spectral element approximation, Inter. J Numer. Meth. Fluids, 2000, 32, p619-646;
  o  C.J.Xu, An iterative method for the Navier-Stokes/Euler coupled equations, J. Comput. Math., 1999, 4, p379-396;
  o  C.J.Xu, W.Z.Shen, A spectral element method for Helmholtz equations with singularities, In Proceeding of international conference on numerical PDE(Congqing), World Scientific, Singapore, 1998;
  o  C.J.Xu, Y.Maday, A Spectral element method for the Euler equations: Application to flow simulations, J. Computational & Applied Mathematics, 1998, 91(1), p63-85;
  o  C.J.Xu, Y.Maday, A global algorithm in spectral method for viscous/inviscid coupling, Chinese Annual of Math.(B), 1997, 18(2), p191-200;
  o  C.J.Xu, A spectral element method for Helmholtz type equations with singularities, J.of Xiamen Univ., 1997, 36(2), p176-183;
  o  C.J.Xu, A global algorithm on the coupling of Navier-Stokes/Euler equations, Houston J. of Mathematics, 1996, ICOSAHOM'95, p151;
  o  C.J.Xu, A slight over-integration method for 2-D Euler equations, Chinese Annual of Math.(A), 1996, 17(5), p519-524;
  o  C.J.Xu, A slight overintegration spectral method approximation on the 2D evolutional Euler equations, Chin.J.of Contemporary Math., 1996, 17(4), p319-327;
  o  C.J.Xu, L.K.Gu, Notes on the spectral methods for fluid dynamics, J.of Math.Study, 1995, 28(4), p1-8;
  o  C.J.Xu, Y.Maday, On coupling of the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations: Resolution by a spectral method, In Proceeding of Scientific and Engineering Computing, National defence industry press, 1994, p246-249.

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