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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 666 发布时间: 2018-08-10 14:16 微信号: H17720740258

  Professor Claude-Michel Brauner
  Personal data:
  Born 01 September 1947 in Paris, France
  French citizen
  Current positions:
  ● Professor Emeritus at the University of Bordeaux, France
  Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (IMB)
  Université de Bordeaux, 33405 Talence cedex, France
  Email: claude-michel.brauner [at] u-bordeaux.fr
  ● High-end Foreign Expert & Adjunct professor at Xiamen University, China
  School of Mathematical Sciences
  Xiamen University
  361005 Xiamen, Fujian, China
  Email: cmbrauner [at] gmail.com
  ● Thèse d’Etat, directed by Professor Roger Temam, from Paris-Sud University in Orsay (1975)
  ● Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics directed by Professor Roger Temam, from Paris-Sud University in Orsay (1972)
  ● M.S. In Pure and Applied Mathematics from Paris-Sud University in Orsay (1970)
  Principal Professional Appointments:
  ● Chair Professor (Exceptional class), University of Bordeaux (2001-2007)
  ● Full Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Bordeaux (1990-2001)
  ● Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Bordeaux (1987-1990)
  ● Assistant Professor (1973-1975) and Associate Professor (1975-1987) of Mathematics, Ecole centrale of Lyon.
  ● Instructor, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Paris-Nord University (1969-1973)
  ● High-end Foreign Expert
  State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, Peking, China
  2014-2016 National High-end Foreign Experts program grant, China
  ● Colleagues and former students kindly organized a conference on the occasion of my 60th birthday in February 2008 in Bordeaux, see the volume:
  ● Invited Lecture
  38th Netherlands Mathematical Congress, April 4-5, 2002, Eindhoven.
  ● Membre nommé du Comité national de la recherche scientifique
  Appointed member of the French National Committee of Scientific Research CNRS, Paris. Section 01, 1995-2000
  ● Plenary Lecture
  Mathematical Society of Japan Fall Meeting, Sendai, September 1995
  ● Consultant
  Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of California, USA, 1977-1987
  ● NATO Fellowship (1980)
  One year support allowance in the United States (University of Arizona, University of Wisconsin, and Los Alamos National Laboratory-University of California)
  Student Theses Supervised:
  ● Several of my 21 Ph.D. students, included among the total of more than 65 scientific descendants, hold academic positions in France and abroad, see:
  ● Francis Conrad is a Professor at the University of Lorraine (France), Marc Garbey a Professor at the University of Houston (USA), Gawtum Namah is a University Professor in Besan?on (France), Claudine Schmidt-Lainé is the Rector of the Academy of Grenoble. Xinyue Fan is an Assistant Professor at the University of Guizhou (China).
  Visiting Positions (one month and more):
  ○ Visiting Professor, University of Parma, Italy, several visits (1998-2010)
  ○ Visiting Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, several visits (2001-2010)
  ○ Visiting Professor, University of Leiden, the Netherlands (August 1995, April 1996, July & November 1997, August 1998 &1999, April & August 2000)
  ○ Visiting Professor, Universities of Tokyo & Sapporo, Japan (September-October 1995)
  ○ Visiting Professor, University of Cagliari, Italy (December 1990)
  ○ Visiting Scientist, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow & University of Tashkent, Uzbekistan (September 1990)
  ○ Visiting Scientist, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa (May 1990, December 1993, 1994 and 1995, January 1998, February & November 2000).
  ○ Visiting Professor, Peking University & University Jiao Tong of Xi’an, PRC (June 1988)
  ○ Visiting Professor, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (April 1988)
  ○ Visiting Professor, University Complutense of Madrid (October 1986)
  ○ Visiting Professor, University of Basel, Switzerland (April 1986)
  ○ Visiting Professor, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel (July 1985)
  ○ Visiting Professor, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands (April 1982)
  ○ Visiting Professor, Utrecht University, the Netherlands (September 1981)
  ○ Consultant, Mathematical Research Center, University of Wisconsin, May 1980
  ○ Visiting Professor, University of Arizona (January- May 1980)
  ○ Visiting Scientist, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow and Novosibirsk (June 1975 & April 1976)
  Major Speaking Engagements:
  ○ Seminar, University of Guizhou, China, 23 November 2015
  ○ Seminar, Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering, Zhuhai, China, 13 November 2015
  ○ Seminar, Sun Yat-sen University, Canton, China, 16 0ctober 2015
  ○ Workshop on Theoretical, Numerical and Experimental Studies of Nonlinear Dispersive Water Waves, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, China, 06-10 July 2015
  ○ Seminars, Capital Normal University, Peking, China,  2015 (04/01, 06/24,11/21)
  ○ Symposium on PDEs, USTC, Hefei, China, 03-04 November 2014
  ○ Seminar, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 28 October 2014
  ○ Seminar, Vietnam National University, HCMC, 16 May 2013
  ○ Seminar, National University of Singapore, 25 April 2012
  ○ Seminar, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 09 May 2011
  ○ Invited speaker, International Conference on Advances in Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications dedicated to Roger Temam on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Shanghai, May 31--June 4, 2010.
  ○ Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics, University of Besan?on (2008)
  ○ Invited Speaker, Conference on Reaction-diffusion and Free Boundary Problems, Banff center, Canada (2006)
  ○ Invited Lecturer, Summer School on fronts and singularities: mathematics for other sciences, Cursos de Verano and RTN network Fronts-Singularities, Madrid (2005) Invited speaker, Workshop on Some Problems in Font Dynamics, Marseille (2004)
  ○ Invited Speaker, 38th Netherlands Mathematical Congress, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (2002)
  ○ Invited Speaker, 4th European conference on elliptic and parabolic problems, Gaeta, Italy (2001)
  ○ Invited speaker, Conference on Singular limit of reaction-diffusion problems : interfaces and spikes, Lorentz center, Leiden the Netherlands (2001)
  ○ Invited Speaker, IMA symposium on Mathematical investigations of models in combustion, Minneapolis, USA (1999)
  ○ Invited Speaker, Conference on Modelling of reaction fronts at the interface of mathematics, physics and chemistry, Lyon, France (1999)
  ○ Invited Speaker, Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Phase Transition, dedicated to Paul Fife on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Orsay, France (1999)
  ○ Invited speaker, Conference on Optimal regularity in elliptic, hypoelliptic and parabolic problems, Levico Terme, Italy (1998)
  ○ Invited Speaker, Workshop on Interfaces and Parabolic regularization, Leiden, the Netherlands (1997)
  ○ Seminar, University of Hokkaido, Japan (1995)
  ○ Plenary Speaker, Japan Math. Soc. Fall meeting, Sendai, Japan (1995)
  ○ Invited Speaker, Conf. on PDE's methods in control shape optimization and stochastic modelling, Scuola Normale, Pisa, Italy (1994)
  ○ Invited Speaker, Conf. on free boundary problems in reaction-diffusion systems and applications, Bari, Italy (1994)
  ○ Invited Speaker, Fluid dynamical aspects of combustion theory, IAC, Rome (1989)
  ○ Seminars, University of Beijing and University Jiao Tong of Xi’an, PRC
  ○ Invited Speaker, Conference on Nonlinear Differential Equations, Leiden, the Netherlands (1987)
  ○ Keynote speaker, BAIL IV Conference, Novosibirsk, USSR (1986)
  ○ Invited Speaker, AMS-SIAM Summer Seminar, Santa Fé, USA (1984)
  ○ Invited Lecturer, Seminar on singular perturbations in Systems and Control, CISM, Udine, Italy (1982)
  ○ Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands (1982)
  ○ Plenary Speaker, International Conference on Free Boundary Problems, Montecatini, Italy (1981)
  ○ Seminar, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New-York (1981)
  ○ Invited speaker, BAIL 1 Conference, Dublin (June 1980)
  ○ Lectures on Singular Perturbations, University of Alger (April 1979)
  ○ Lectures on Variational Inequalities, University of Arizona (1980)
  ○ Lectures on Singular Perturbations, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1977)
  Major Committee and Board Memberships:
  ● Editorial Boards
  ○ Associate Editor, East Asia Journal on Applied Mathematics
  ○ Co-founder and Editorial Board, Combustion Theory and Modelling (1996-2003)
  ○ Editorial Board, Images des Mathématiques, Special volume on Combustion Modeling, CNRS, Paris (1996)
  ● Conference Committees
  ○ Co-organizer, Sino-French Conference on Computational and Applied mathématics Xiamen, June 2014
  ○ Co-organizer, International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Computation, Xiamen, July 2012
  ○ Co-organizer, French-Dutch meeting "Jeunes mathématiciens et leurs a?nés", Centre culturel fran?ais, Amsterdam (2006)
  ○ Co-organizer, Conference on Front Dynamics, Bordeaux, France (2004), dedicated to G.I. Sivashinsky
  ○ Member of the Scientific Committee, Conference on Singular Phenomena in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Heraklion, Crete (2002)
  ○ Chair of the Organizing Committee, Conference in honor of Roger Temam on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Orsay, France (2000)
  ○ Co-organizer of the mini-symposium on Free Boundary Problems in Combustion at ICIAM 99, Edinburgh (1999)
  ○ Invited organizer of the special session on “Ecoulements multiphasiques et combustion”, CANUM99, France (1999)
  ○ Organizer of the invited session on Combustion, International conference on Free Boundary problems, Herakleion, Crete (1997)
  ○ Co-organizer, European Science Foundation Workshop (ESF/FBP) on Free Boundary Problems in Combustion, Arcachon, France (1995)
  ○ Member of the Scientific Committee, 2d Workshop France-Taiwan on Nonlinear  PDEs, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris (1992)
  ○ Organizer, Workshop on Propagation and Stability of Fronts, Bordeaux, France (1990), Honorarium Degree of Paul Fife
  ○ Member of the International Program Committee IFAC Workshop on Singular Perturbations and Asymptotic Methods in Systems and Control, Boston (1989)
  ○ Member of the Scientific Committee, BAIL V Conference, Shanghai (1988)
  ○ Co-organizer, NATO Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Combustion, Lyon, France (1987), dedicated to the memory of Geoffrey Ludford
  ○ Member of the Scientific Committee, BAIL IV Conference, Novosibirsk, USSR (1986)
  ○ Member of the Steering Committee, BAIL III Conference, Dublin (1984)
  ○ Co-organizer, Congrès national d’Analyse numérique, Aussois, France (1981)
  ○ Co-organizer, International conference on Singular Perturbation and Boundary Layer Theory, Lyon, France (1976)
  Major Programs and Grants:
  ● International Programs
  ○ ANR-BBSRC SysBio: Applied statistical and mathematical modelling of peripheral T-Lymphocyte homeostasis, Bordeaux-London (2008-2010).
  ○ Coordinator of the Van Gogh PAI program between the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2005-2006)
  ○ Coordinator of the CNRS PICS program (Programme International de Coopération Scientifique) between the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux and the Stieljes Intitute, the Netherlands (2004-2006)
  ○ RTN network on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations describing Front Propagation and other Singular Phenomena (2002-2006)
  ○ European Science Foundation Program (ESF/FBP) on Free Boundary Problems (1992-1998)
  ● Research Grants with Industry & Government Agencies
  ○ Personal grant of the Fujian Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs, China, 2012.
  ○ ANR-BBSRC SysBio: Applied statistical and mathematical modelling of peripheral T-Lymphocyte homeostasis (HIV), Bordeaux-London (2008-2010)
  ○ Mathematical modeling of composite material casting: with CEA French Atomic Energy Commission and Aerospatiale (2004-2006)
  ○ Combustion-radiation modeling with CEA (1989-2003)
  ○ Turbulent flame modeling and computation with Gaz De France (1993-1994)
  ○ Solid propellant combustion with SNPE (1989-1996)
  ○ Optimal control in Fluid mechanics & boundary layers with French Army Research Agency (1975-1976)
  Selected papers:
  L. HU, C.-M BRAUNER, J. SHEN, G.I. SIVASHINSKY, Modeling and simulation of fingering pattern formation in a combustion model,  M3AS, 25(2014), pp. 685-72.
  C.-M BRAUNER, L. HU, L. LORENZI, Asymptotic Analysis in a Gas-Solid Combustion Model with Pattern Formation, Chinese Annal. Math. 2012(34), pp. 65-88 & in Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Control and Approximation  in Honor of the Scientific Heritage of Jacques-Louis Lions, Ciarlet, Ph. G., Li, T., Maday, Y. (Eds.), pp. 139-170. Springer (2014).
  C-M. BRAUNER, X.Y. FAN, L. LORENZI, Two-dimensional stability analysis in a HIV model with quadratic logistic growth term, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal.,12(2013), pp. 1813-1844.
  X.Y. FAN, C.-M. BRAUNER, L. WITTKOP, Mathematical analysis of a HIV model with quadratic logistic growth term, DCDS-B 17(2012), pp. 2359-2385.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, J. HULSHOF, L. LORENZI, Rigorous derivation of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation in a $2$D weakly nonlinear Stefan problem, Interf. Free Bound. J., 13(2011), pp. 73-103.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, D. JOLLY, L. LORENZI, T. THIEBAUT, Heterogeneous viral environment in a HIV spatial model, DCDS -B, 15(2011), pp. p. 545- 572.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, L. LORENZI, G.I. SIVASHINSKY and C.-J. XU, On a strongly damped wave equation for the flame front, Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B, 31(2010), pp. 819--840.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, L. LORENZI, G.I. SIVASHINSKY, A fully nonlinear equation for the flame front in a quasi-steady combustion model, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A, 27(2010), pp. 1415-1446.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, J. HULSHOF, L. LORENZI, Stability of the Travelling Wave in a 2D weakly nonlinear Stefan problem, in KRM, 2(2009), pp. 109-134. Volume dedicated to the memory of Basil Nicolaenko.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, M. FRANKEL, J. HULSHOF, A. LUNARDI, G.I. SIVASHINSKY, On the $\kappa-\theta$ model of cellular flames: existence in the large and asymptotics, Special session on "Formation and Dynamics of Patterns in Evolution Equations", DCDS-S, 1(2008), pp. 27-39.
  N. NADEAU, G.-L. VIGNOLES, C.-M. BRAUNER, Analytical and Numerical Study of the Densification of Carbon/Carbon Composites by a Film-Boiling Chemical Vapor Infiltration, Process, Chem. Eng. Sc., 61(2006), pp. 7509-7527.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, M. FRANKEL, J. HULSHOF, V. ROYTBURD, Stability and Attractors for Quasi-Steady Model of Cellular Flames, Interf. Free Bound. J., 8(2006), pp. 301-316.
  G. VIGNOLES, N. NADEAU, C.-M. BRAUNER, J.-F. LINES, J.-R. PUIGGALI, The Notion of densification front in CVI processing of CMC, 29th Intl. Conf. on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Cocoa Beach, FL, USA, Jan. 2005, in "Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites", E. Lara-Curzio, D. Zhu and W. M. Kriven, Eds., Ceram. Engineering and Science Proc. vol. 26 no. 2, The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH (2005) pp. 187-195.
  J.B. van den BERG, C.-M. BRAUNER, J. HULSHOF, A. LUNARDI, The speed law for highly radiative flames in a gaseous mixture with large activation energy, SIAM J. Appl.Math., 66(2005), pp. 408-432.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, M. FRANKEL, J. HULSHOF, G. SIVASHINSKY, Weakly nonlinear asymptotics of the kappa-theta model for cellular flames: the Q-S equation, Interf. Free Bound. J., 7(2005), p. 131-146.
  O. BACONNEAU, J.B. van den BERG, C.-M. BRAUNER, J. HULSHOF, Multiplicity and stability of travelling wave solutions in a free boundary combustion-radiation problem, Europ. J. Appl. Math., 15(2004), p. 79-102.
  G. VIGNOLES, O. BACONNEAU, C.-M. BRAUNER, Interaction between gas diffusion and multistable heterogeneous chemical kinetics in C/C composite processing, in ``Fundamentals of Gas-Phase and Surface Chemistry of Vapor-Phase Deposition II/Process Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling in Semiconductor Manufacturing IV'', M. T. Swihart et al., Eds., ECS Proc. vol. 2001-13, pp. 237-244, The Electrochemical Soc. (2001).
  C.-M. BRAUNER, J. HULSHOF, J.F. RIPOLL, On a combustion model coupled with radiative effects, Discr. Cont. Dynam. Syst., B, 1 (2001), p. 193-208.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, J. HULSHOF, A. LUNARDI, A critical case of stability in a Free Boundary Problem, J. Evolution Eqns, 1(2001), p. 85-113.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, A. LUNARDI, Bifurcation of nonplanar travelling waves in a free boundary problem, Nonlinear Analysis, 44(2001), p. 247-261.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, A. LUNARDI, Cl. SCHMIDT-LAINE, Stability analysis in a multidimensional interface problem, Nonlinear Analysis, 44(2001), p. 263-280.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, A. LUNARDI, Instabilities in a two-dimensional combustion model with free boundary, Arch.Rational. Mech. Anal., 154(2000), p. 157-182.
  O. BACONNEAU, C.-M. BRAUNER, A. LUNARDI, Computation of bifurcated branches in a free boundary problem arising in combustion theory, M2AN, 34(2000), p. 223-239. Volume dedicated to Roger Temam.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, J. HULSHOF, A. LUNARDI, A general approach to the stability of Free Boundary Problems, J. Diff. Eqns. 164 (2000), p.16-48.
  C.-M. BRAUNER et al., Effets on ballistics response of composite solide propellant grains, Proc. 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego (July 10-12, 1995), AIAA 95-2585.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, J.-M. ROQUEJOFFRE, Cl. SCHMIDT-LAINE, Stability of travelling waves in a parabolic equation with discontinous source term, Com. Appl. Anal., 4 (1995), p. 83-100.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, P.-C. FIFE, G. NAMAH, Cl. SCHMIDT-LAINE, Solid propagation of a combustion front in a striated medium: a homogeneization analysis, Quarterly Appl. Math., 51 (1993), p. 467-493.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, P.-C. FIFE, B. GOSSANT, G. NAMAH, Cl. SCHMIDT-LAINE, G. UHRIG, Solid propellant combustion in striated media with application to the hump effect, 28th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville (July 6-8, 1992), AIAA 92-3508.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, A. LUNARDI, Cl. SCHMIDT-LAINE, Stability of travelling waves with interface conditions, Nonlinear Analysis, 19 (1992), p. 455-7474.
  C. BANDLE, C.-M. BRAUNER, Cl. SCHMIDT-LAINE, A stability analysis for semilinear Neumann problems with concave nonlinearities, Mathematical Methods Applied Sciences, 15(1992), p. 571-591.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, S. NOOR EBAD, Cl. SCHMIDT-LAINE, Nonlinear stability analysis of singular travelling waves in combustion : a one-phase problem, Nonlinear Analysis, 16(1991). p. 881-892.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, Cl. SCHMIDT-LAINE, Existence of a solution for a certain premixed flame problem with two-step kinetics, SIAM J. Math. Anal. , 18 (1987), p. 1406-1415.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, J. HULSHOF, Cl. SCHMIDT-LAINE, The saddle point property for focusing selfsimilar solution, Proc. A.M.S., 127(1999), p. 473-479.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, T. SEIDMAN, Cl. SCHMIDT-LAINE , A non local parabolic equation arising in a turbulence model, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 206 (1997), p.234-253.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, M. FREMOND, B. NICOLAENKO, Homographic Approximations of Free Boundary problems characterized by Variational Inequalities, Adv. in Math. Suppl. Studies, 10 (1986), p. 119-152.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, F. CONRAD, F. ISSARD-ROCH, B. NICOLAENKO, Nonlinear eigenvalue problems in elliptic variational inequalities: a local study, Com. In P.D.E. , 10 (1985), p. 151-190.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, B. NICOLAENKO, A general approximation of some free boundary problems by bounded penalization, in Proc. Seminar Collège de France, Vol. VI, Research Notes in Math. 109, Pitman (1984), p. 128-164.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, Cl. LAINE, B. NICOLAENKO, Further solutions of the Falkner-Skan equation for beta = -1 and gamma = 0, Mathematika, 29 (1982), p. 231-248.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, B. NICOLAENKO, Free boundary value problems as singular limits of nonlinear eigenvalue problems, Proc. Seminar Pavia (1979), in Free Boundary Problems, E. Magenes, Ed., Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica "F. Severi", Rome (1980), p. 61-84.
  C.-M. BRAUNER, P. PENEL, R. TEMAM, Sur une équation d'évolution non linéaire liée à la théorie de la turbulence, Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa, 4, 1 (1977), p. 101-128, and in volume dedicated to J. LERAY, p. 248.

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