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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 904 发布时间: 2018-08-10 11:44 微信号: H17720740258



  Yuan-Hsun Lo
  Associate Professor
  School of Mathematical Sciences
  Xiamen University
  TEL: 0592-2580119
  Email: yhlo(at)xmu.edu.cn; yhlo0830(at)gmail.com
  Yuan-Hsun's Curriculum Vitae
  MathSciNet  ResearcherID  ResearchGate

Research Interests

  • Enumerative Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Combinatorial Design, Protocol Sequences


  • 2015 - 2016, Calculus I-1, Calculus I-2
  • 2016 - 2017, Calculus III-1, Calculus III-2
                       A Course in Enumerative Combinatorics
  • 2017 - 2018, Discrete Mathematics, A Course in Enumerative Combinatorics


  • 2000.09 - 2004.06, National Chiao Tung University, B.S.
  • 2004.09 - 2006.06, National Chiao Tung University, M.S.
  • 2006.09 - 2010.07, National Chiao Tung University, Ph.D.


  • 2008.08 - 2009.01, National Chiao Tung University, Adjunct Instructor
  • 2011.08 - 2012.07, National Chiao Tung University, Posdoctor
  • 2012.08 - 2013.07, National University of Kaohsiung, Postdoctor
  • 2013.08 - 2015.07, National Taiwan Normal University, Postdoctor
  • 2014.08 - 2015.01, National Taiwan Normal University - DPPOCS, Adjunct Assistant Professor
  • 2015.09 - 2017.10, Xiamen University, Assistant Professor
  • 2017.11 - Present, Xiamen University, Associate Professor

Visiting Scholar

  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Inst. Network Coding: 2012.05 - 2012.06
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Dep. Information Engineering: several times after 2013.02

Research Fundings

  • 2016.01 - 2018.12, [PI] Fundamental Research Finds for the Central Universities of
    China: 20720150210
  • 2016.04 - 2019.03, [PI] National Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China 
    (Young): 2016J05021
  • 2017.01 - 2019.12, [PI] National Natural Science Foundation of China (Young): 

Journal Papers

  1. H.-L. Fu, Y.-H. Lo, K. E. Perry* and C. A. Rodger, On the number of rainbow spanning trees in edge-colored complete graphsDiscrete Mathematics, 341 (2018) 2343-2352.
  2. Y. Zhang*, F. Guan, and Y.-H. LoCoding-based slotted ALOHA for broadcasting multi-slot messages with delivery deadlineIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologyonline published, (2018).
  3. Y. Zhang*, F. Guan, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu and J. Li, Optimal multichannel slotted ALOHA for deadline-constrained unicast systemsIEEE Systems Journal, online published, (2018).
  4. Y. Zhang*Y.-H. Lo and W. S. WongOn the channel hopping sequences with full rendezvous diversity for cognitive radioIEEE Wireless Communication Letters, online published, (2018).
  5. Y. Zhang*, M. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wongg, Protocol sequences with carrier sensing for wireless sensor networksIEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(2) (2018) 905-916.
  6. Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo, K. W. Shum*, W. S. Wong and Y. Zhang, CRT sequences with applications to collision channels allowing successive interference cancellation,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63(4) (2018) 2910-2923.
  7. Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo*, K. W. Shum and W. S. Wong, New CRT sequence sets for a collision channel without feedbackWireless Networks, online published, (2017).
  8. Y.-H. Lo*, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, H.-L. Fu and W. S. Wong, The global packing number of a fat-tree networkIEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63(8) (2017) 5327-5335.
  9. M. Cheng, H.-L. Fu, J. Jiang*, Y.-H.Lo and Y. Miao, Codes with the identifiable parent property for multimedia fingerprintingDesigns Codes and Cryptography, 83 (2017) 71-82.
  10. Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, Completely irrepressible sequences for multiple-packet receptionIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65 (2016) 6803-6809.
  11. Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo* and W. S. Wong, Optimal strongly conflict-avoiding codes of even length and weight threeDesigns Codes and Cryptography, 79 (2016) 367-382.
  12. Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong and F. Shu, Protocol sequences for multiple-packet reception channel without feedback, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 1687-1698, April 2016.
  13. Y.-H. Lo*, W. S. Wong and H.-L. Fu, Partially user-irrepressible sequence sets and conflict-avoiding codesDesigns Codes and Cryptography, 78 (2016) 679-691. 
  14. Y.-H. Lo*, H.-L. Fu and Y.-H. Lin, Weighted maximum matchings and optimal equi-difference conflict-avoiding codesDesigns Codes and Cryptography, 76 (2015) 361-372.
  15. H.-L. Fu* and Y.-H. LoMulticolored isomorphic spanning trees in complete graphsArs Combinatria, 122 (2015) 423-430.
  16. S.-P. Eu, Y.-H. Lo* and T.-L. Wong, The sorting index on colored permutations and even-signed permutationsAdvances in Applied Mathematics, 68 (2015) 18-50.
  17. M. Cheng*, H.-L. Fu, J. Jiang, Y.-H. Lo and Y. Miao, New bounds on \bar{2}-separable codes of length 2Designs Coes and Cryptography, 74 (2015) 31-40.
  18. H. Chang, S.-P. Eu and Y.-H. Lo*Signed imbalances of snakes and valley signed permutationAdvances in Applied Mathematics, 59 (2014) 26-47.
  19. H.-L. Fu, Y.-H. Lo* and K. W. Shum, Optimal conflict-avoiding codes of odd length and weight threeDesigns Codes and Cryptography, 72 (2014) 289-309.
  20. H.-L. Fu*, Y.-H. Lo and R.-Y. Pei, Edge-colorings of Km,n wihch forbid multicolored cyclesUtilitas Mathematica, 90 (2013) 77-84.
  21. H.-L. Fu* and Y.-H. LoMulticolored parallelisms of Hamiltonian cycles,Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 4871-4876.
  22. S. Akbari*, A. Alipour, H.-L. Fu and Y.-H. LoMulticolored parallelisms of isomorphic spanning treesSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 20 (2006) 564-567.

Conference Papers

  1. K. W. Shum*, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong and Y. Zhang, Protocol-sequence-based media-access control with successive interference cancellationInternation Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, Nanjing, China, 2017.
  2. Y. Zhang*, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, The zero-error capacity of a collision channel with successive interference cancellationIEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany, 1653-1657, 2017.
  3. Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, A hybrid wavelength reservation scheme for large-scale optical networks25th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference, Chengdu, China, May 2016.
  4. Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu and W. S. Wong, Protocol sequences for multiple-packet reception: throughput invariance and user irrepressibilityIEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Hawaii, USA, 1568-1572, 2014.

Submitted Articles

  1. H. Chang, S.-P. Eu and Y.-H. Lo*Character, length and signed Mahonian onG(r,1,n)
  2. Y. Zhang*, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, Achieving zero-error capacity 1 for a collision channel without feedback
  3. H.-L. Fu, Y.-H. Lo*, W. S. Wong and Y. Zhang, The undirected optical indices of complete m-ary trees.
  4. Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu and J. Li, Optimal slotted ALOHA under delivery deadline constraint for multiple-packet reception.
  5. S. Wang*, J. Luo, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, Forwarding and optical indices in an all-to-all BCube Network.
  6. Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo, L. Lu, F. Shu and W. S. Wong, Protocol sequences for asynchronous multiple access with physical-layer network coding

Contributed Talks

  • 2006.08.11, Annual Taiwanese Combinatorics conference for young scholars.
  • 2010.08.07, Annual Taiwanese Combinatorics conference for young scholars.
  • 2011.12.12, Annual meetig of Taiwan Mathematical Socienty.
  • 2012.12.08, Annual meetig of Taiwan Mathematical Socienty.
  • 2013.12.07, Annual meetig of Taiwan Mathematical Socienty.
  • 2014.02.28, The 5th Taiwan-Japan joint workshop for young scholars in Applied Mathematics.
  • 2014.03.23, The 3rd Taiwan-Japan conference on Combinatorics and its applications.
  • 2014.11.08, The 6th China national conference on Combinatorics and Graph Theory.
  • 2014.12.07, Annual meetig of Taiwan Mathematical Socienty.
  • 2015.04.09, The international conference on Coding Theory, Cryptography and related topics.
  • 2016.03.06, The 4th Japan-Taiwan conference on Combinatorics and its applications.
  • 2016.08.15, The 7th China national conference on Combinatorics and Graph Theory.
  • 2016.12.25, The 2016 Frontiers Conference on Combinatorics and related topics.
  • 2017.06.16, The Algebraic Combinatorics frontiers symposium (UESTC).
  • 2017.11.04, The 9th Cross-strait Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics.
  • 2017.12.10, Annual meeting of Taiwan Mathematical Socienty.
  • 2018.03.29, The 5th Taiwan-Japan conference on Combinatorics and its applications.
  • 2018.05.18, The conference on Combinatorics and its applications (HIT).
  • 2018.05.22, The Japanese conference on Combinatorics and its applications.

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