Yuan-Hsun Lo
Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
Xiamen University
TEL: 0592-2580119
Email: yhlo(at)xmu.edu.cn; yhlo0830(at)gmail.com
Yuan-Hsun's Curriculum Vitae
MathSciNet ResearcherID ResearchGate
Research Interests
Enumerative Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Combinatorial Design, Protocol Sequences
2015 - 2016, Calculus I-1, Calculus I-2
2016 - 2017, Calculus III-1, Calculus III-2
A Course in Enumerative Combinatorics
2017 - 2018, Discrete Mathematics, A Course in Enumerative Combinatorics
2000.09 - 2004.06, National Chiao Tung University, B.S.
2004.09 - 2006.06, National Chiao Tung University, M.S.
2006.09 - 2010.07, National Chiao Tung University, Ph.D.
2008.08 - 2009.01, National Chiao Tung University, Adjunct Instructor
2011.08 - 2012.07, National Chiao Tung University, Posdoctor
2012.08 - 2013.07, National University of Kaohsiung, Postdoctor
2013.08 - 2015.07, National Taiwan Normal University, Postdoctor
2014.08 - 2015.01, National Taiwan Normal University - DPPOCS, Adjunct Assistant Professor
2015.09 - 2017.10, Xiamen University, Assistant Professor
2017.11 - Present, Xiamen University, Associate Professor
Visiting Scholar
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Inst. Network Coding: 2012.05 - 2012.06
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Dep. Information Engineering: several times after 2013.02
Research Fundings
2016.01 - 2018.12, [PI] Fundamental Research Finds for the Central Universities of
China: 20720150210
2016.04 - 2019.03, [PI] National Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China
(Young): 2016J05021
2017.01 - 2019.12, [PI] National Natural Science Foundation of China (Young):
Journal Papers
H.-L. Fu, Y.-H. Lo, K. E. Perry* and C. A. Rodger, On the number of rainbow spanning trees in edge-colored complete graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018) 2343-2352.
Y. Zhang*, F. Guan, and Y.-H. Lo, Coding-based slotted ALOHA for broadcasting multi-slot messages with delivery deadline, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, online published, (2018).
Y. Zhang*, F. Guan, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu and J. Li, Optimal multichannel slotted ALOHA for deadline-constrained unicast systems, IEEE Systems Journal, online published, (2018).
Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, On the channel hopping sequences with full rendezvous diversity for cognitive radio, IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, online published, (2018).
Y. Zhang*, M. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wongg, Protocol sequences with carrier sensing for wireless sensor networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(2) (2018) 905-916.
Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo, K. W. Shum*, W. S. Wong and Y. Zhang, CRT sequences with applications to collision channels allowing successive interference cancellation,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63(4) (2018) 2910-2923.
Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo*, K. W. Shum and W. S. Wong, New CRT sequence sets for a collision channel without feedback, Wireless Networks, online published, (2017).
Y.-H. Lo*, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, H.-L. Fu and W. S. Wong, The global packing number of a fat-tree network, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63(8) (2017) 5327-5335.
M. Cheng, H.-L. Fu, J. Jiang*, Y.-H.Lo and Y. Miao, Codes with the identifiable parent property for multimedia fingerprinting, Designs Codes and Cryptography, 83 (2017) 71-82.
Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, Completely irrepressible sequences for multiple-packet reception, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65 (2016) 6803-6809.
Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo* and W. S. Wong, Optimal strongly conflict-avoiding codes of even length and weight three, Designs Codes and Cryptography, 79 (2016) 367-382.
Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong and F. Shu, Protocol sequences for multiple-packet reception channel without feedback, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 1687-1698, April 2016.
Y.-H. Lo*, W. S. Wong and H.-L. Fu, Partially user-irrepressible sequence sets and conflict-avoiding codes, Designs Codes and Cryptography, 78 (2016) 679-691.
Y.-H. Lo*, H.-L. Fu and Y.-H. Lin, Weighted maximum matchings and optimal equi-difference conflict-avoiding codes, Designs Codes and Cryptography, 76 (2015) 361-372.
H.-L. Fu* and Y.-H. Lo, Multicolored isomorphic spanning trees in complete graphs, Ars Combinatria, 122 (2015) 423-430.
S.-P. Eu, Y.-H. Lo* and T.-L. Wong, The sorting index on colored permutations and even-signed permutations, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 68 (2015) 18-50.
M. Cheng*, H.-L. Fu, J. Jiang, Y.-H. Lo and Y. Miao, New bounds on \bar{2}-separable codes of length 2, Designs Coes and Cryptography, 74 (2015) 31-40.
H. Chang, S.-P. Eu and Y.-H. Lo*, Signed imbalances of snakes and valley signed permutation, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 59 (2014) 26-47.
H.-L. Fu, Y.-H. Lo* and K. W. Shum, Optimal conflict-avoiding codes of odd length and weight three, Designs Codes and Cryptography, 72 (2014) 289-309.
H.-L. Fu*, Y.-H. Lo and R.-Y. Pei, Edge-colorings of Km,n wihch forbid multicolored cycles, Utilitas Mathematica, 90 (2013) 77-84.
H.-L. Fu* and Y.-H. Lo, Multicolored parallelisms of Hamiltonian cycles,Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 4871-4876.
S. Akbari*, A. Alipour, H.-L. Fu and Y.-H. Lo, Multicolored parallelisms of isomorphic spanning trees, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 20 (2006) 564-567.
Conference Papers
K. W. Shum*, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong and Y. Zhang, Protocol-sequence-based media-access control with successive interference cancellation, Internation Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, Nanjing, China, 2017.
Y. Zhang*, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, The zero-error capacity of a collision channel with successive interference cancellation, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany, 1653-1657, 2017.
Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, A hybrid wavelength reservation scheme for large-scale optical networks, 25th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference, Chengdu, China, May 2016.
Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu and W. S. Wong, Protocol sequences for multiple-packet reception: throughput invariance and user irrepressibility, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Hawaii, USA, 1568-1572, 2014.
Submitted Articles
H. Chang, S.-P. Eu and Y.-H. Lo*, Character, length and signed Mahonian onG(r,1,n).
Y. Zhang*, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, Achieving zero-error capacity 1 for a collision channel without feedback.
H.-L. Fu, Y.-H. Lo*, W. S. Wong and Y. Zhang, The undirected optical indices of complete m-ary trees.
Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu and J. Li, Optimal slotted ALOHA under delivery deadline constraint for multiple-packet reception.
S. Wang*, J. Luo, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, Forwarding and optical indices in an all-to-all BCube Network.
Y. Zhang*, Y.-H. Lo, L. Lu, F. Shu and W. S. Wong, Protocol sequences for asynchronous multiple access with physical-layer network coding.
Contributed Talks
2006.08.11, Annual Taiwanese Combinatorics conference for young scholars.
2010.08.07, Annual Taiwanese Combinatorics conference for young scholars.
2011.12.12, Annual meetig of Taiwan Mathematical Socienty.
2012.12.08, Annual meetig of Taiwan Mathematical Socienty.
2013.12.07, Annual meetig of Taiwan Mathematical Socienty.
2014.02.28, The 5th Taiwan-Japan joint workshop for young scholars in Applied Mathematics.
2014.03.23, The 3rd Taiwan-Japan conference on Combinatorics and its applications.
2014.11.08, The 6th China national conference on Combinatorics and Graph Theory.
2014.12.07, Annual meetig of Taiwan Mathematical Socienty.
2015.04.09, The international conference on Coding Theory, Cryptography and related topics.
2016.03.06, The 4th Japan-Taiwan conference on Combinatorics and its applications.
2016.08.15, The 7th China national conference on Combinatorics and Graph Theory.
2016.12.25, The 2016 Frontiers Conference on Combinatorics and related topics.
2017.06.16, The Algebraic Combinatorics frontiers symposium (UESTC).
2017.11.04, The 9th Cross-strait Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics.
2017.12.10, Annual meeting of Taiwan Mathematical Socienty.
2018.03.29, The 5th Taiwan-Japan conference on Combinatorics and its applications.
2018.05.18, The conference on Combinatorics and its applications (HIT).
2018.05.22, The Japanese conference on Combinatorics and its applications.