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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1343 发布时间: 2018-08-10 11:39 微信号: H17720740258

  LIU, Longcheng (刘龙城)
  Associate Professor
  Address: School of Mathematical Sciences,  Haiyun Campus, Xiamen University,  No. 422, South of Siming Road, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China. 361005
  Phone: (+86) 592-2580625
  Fax: (+86) 592-2580608
  Email: longchengliu@xmu.edu.cn
  Work & Education
  2012.8-                Xiamen University, School of Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
  2017.8-2018.8       University of Alberta, Department of Computing Science, Visiting Professor
  2009.7-2012.7       Xiamen University, School of Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Professor
  2004.9-2009.6      Zhejiang University, Department of Mathematics, Master & Doctor
  2000.9-2004.6      Zhejiang University, Department of Mathematics, Bachelor
  Research Interests
  Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  Combinatorial Optimization (Inverse Problem)
  Game Theory
  Research Grants
  1. Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2012J01021), PI.
  2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11001232), PI.
  3. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 20720160035), PI.
  4. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 2010121004), PI.
  1.Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 20720150002), Co-PI.
  2. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 2012121003), Co-PI.
  3. Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2010J05013), Co-PI.
  4. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10671177), Co-PI.
  1.  Longcheng Liu*, Xiuxiu Jiang, Licen Zhu, Mechanisms Design for Semi-Obnoxious Facility Game on Networks, Theory of Computing Systems, submitted.(SCI 四区)
  2. 刘龙城*, 李超,崔佳,容量型最小费用流逆问题的可行性研究,厦大学报,doi:10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201702045.
  3. Longcheng Liu*, Yu'an Chen, Wenhao Zheng, Deqing Wang, Inverse quality of service routing problems with delay and bandwidth under the weighted l_1 norm, submitted.
  4. Longcheng Liu*, Wenhao Zheng, Chao Li, Inverse minimum flow problem under the weighted sum-type Hamming distance, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 229, 101-112 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2017.06.002(学院重要期刊)(2017.07)(SCI三区)
  5. Longcheng Liu*, Yu’an Chen, Wenhao Zheng, Deqing Wang, Inverse multicast quality of service routing problem with bandwidth and delay under the weighted l_1 norm, Proceedings of 11th EAI International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities, Volume 177 of the series Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Tele communications Engineering 158-167 (2016.11)(EI)
  6. Longcheng Liu*, Enyu Yao, Capacity inverse minimum cost flow problems under the weighted Hamming distance, Optimization Letters, 10(6), 1257-1268 (2016.08)(SCI 三区)
  7. Xiaoyi Hu, Deqing Wang, Yurong Lin, Wei Su, Yongjun Xie, Longcheng Liu, Multi-channel time frequency shift keying in underwater acoustic communication, Applied Acoustics, 103, 54-63 (2016.02)(SCI 四区)
  8.  Longcheng Liu*, Yong Chen, Biao Wu, Enyu Yao, Some new results on inverse/reverse optimization problems under the weighted Hamming distance, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 11(4), 593-603 (2015.10)(SCI 四区)
  9. Yiwei Jiang, Jueliang Hu, Longcheng Liu, Yuqing Zhu, T.C.E. Cheng, Competitive ratios for preemptive and non-preemptive online scheduling with nondecreasing concave machine cost, Information Sciences, 269, 128-141 (2014.06)(SCI 二区)
  10. Biao Wu, Longcheng Liu, Enyu Yao, Minizing the maximum bump cost in linear extensions of a poset, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 26,509-519(2013.10)(SCI 三区)
  11. Longcheng Liu*,Inverse Maximum Flow Problems under the Combining Norms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7924, 221-230 (2013.06)(EI)
  12. Longcheng Liu*, Enyu Yao, Weighted inverse maximum perfect matching problems under the Hamming distance, Journal of Global Optimization, 55, 549-557 (2013.03)(SCI 二区)
  13. Longcheng Liu*, Yong Chen, Biao Wu, Enyu Yao, Weighted inverse minimum cut problem under the sum-type Hamming distance, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7285, 26-35 (2012.05)(EI)
  14. Longcheng Liu*, Biao Wu, Enyu Yao: Minimizing the sum cost in linear extensions of a poset, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 21, 247-253 (2011.02).(SCI 三区)
  15. Yiwei Jiang, Longcheng Liu*,Biao Wu, Enyu Yao: Inverse minimum cost flow problems under the weighted Hamming distance, European Journal of Operational Research, 207: 50-54 (2010.11).(SCI 二区)
  16. Biao. Wu, Enyu Yao, Longcheng Liu: A polynomially solvable case of optimal linear extension problem of a poset. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 20, 422-428 (2010.10)(SCI 三区)
  17. Longcheng Liu*, Qin Wang: Constrained Inverse Min-Max Spanning Tree Problems under the Weighted Hamming Distance, Journal of Global Optimization, 43:83–95, (2009. 01).(SCI 二区)
  18. Longcheng Liu*, Enyu Yao: Inverse Min-Max Spanning Tree Problem Under the Weighted Sum-Type Hamming Distance, Theoretical Computer Science, 396, 28–34, (2008.05).)(SCI 四区)
  19. Longcheng Liu*,Enyu Yao: A weighted inverse minimum cut problem under the bottleneck type Hamming distance,   Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research,24(5), 725–736, (2007.10).)(SCI 四区)
  20. Longcheng Liu*,Jianzhong Zhang: Inverse maximum flow problem under the weighted Hamming distance,   Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 12, 395-408, (2006.12).(SCI 三区)
  21. Longcheng Liu*,Yong. He.: Inverse minimum spanning tree problem and reverse shortest path problem with discrete values,  Progress in Natural Science, 16(6), 649-655, (2006.06).)(SCI 四区)
  22. 许洪伟 徐浩 朱盛茂 叶斐 尹方亮 刘龙城: 华人数学“奥斯卡”, 国际学术动态 , 3, 18-22, 2008.
  2011 厦门大学第六届青年教师教学技能比赛  二等奖
  2012 厦门大学中国银行奖教金
  2012 白昆水优秀论文奖 二等奖
  高等数学A(I)、B(II)、C、E(IV);高等数学选讲;博弈论;运筹学;组合优化 ;运筹与优化
  Realted Journals
  Management Science
  Information Sciences
  Operations Reasearch
  Operations Research Letters
  Journal of Global Optimization
  Theoretical Computer Science
  Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
  European Journal of Operational Research
  Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
  International Journal of Game Theory
  Optimization Methods and Software
  Pacific Journal of Optimization
  Discrete Applied Mathematics
  Optimization Letters
  SIAM Journals
  美国《Mathematical Reviews》 评论员(91304)
  中国运筹学会 会员

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