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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1286 发布时间: 2018-08-10 11:27 微信号: H17720740258

  An Li
  Associate Professor
  School of Mathematical Sciences
  Xiamen University
  422 South-Siming Road,
  Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China
  Tel: + 86-(592)2580732
  Fax: +86-(592)2580608
  Email: anlee@xmu.edu.cn
  08/2011-Present       Associate Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, China
  12/2008-07/2011     Assistant Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, China
  7/2012-11/2012       Visiting Scholar, University of Victoria, Canada, Advisor: Professor Jane J. Ye
  6/2013-7/2013        Visiting Scholar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA, Advisor: Professor Roger Rui
  6/2014-10/2014       Visiting Scholar, University of Victoria, Canada, Advisor: Professor Jane J. Ye
  7/2015-9/2015         Visiting Scholar, University of Victoria, Canada, Advisor: Professor Jane J. Ye
  6/2016-9/2016         Visiting Scholar, University of Victoria, Canada, Advisor: Professor Jane J. Ye
  03/2006-12/2008         Ph. D . in Operational Research and Cybernetics   Dalian University of Technology, China
  09/2002-07/2005         M.S.    in Operational Research and Cybernetics    Dalian University of Technology, China
  09/1998-07/2002         B.S.     in Mathematics,                                           Xinyang Normal University, China
  Calculus I-IV; Operational Research; Convex Analysis; Optimization Theory and Algorithms
  Variational Analysis, Nonsmooth Optimization, Optimal Control
  Grant No. 11671335, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017.01-2020.12, PI
  Grant No. 11271308, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013.01-2016.12, Co-PI
  Grant No. 11101342, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012.01-2014.12, PI
  Grant No. 2016J01013, Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China, 2016.04-2019.04, PI
  Grant No. 2010J05013, Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China, 2010.06-2013.05, PI
  Grant No. 20100121120018, Science Foundation for The Excellent Youth Scholars of Ministry of Education of China, 2011.01-2013.12, PI
  1.An Li, Optimal control of implicit control systems and its applications to differential complementarity problems, Optimization Letters(2017), DOI: 10.1007/s11590-017-1221-y
  2.An Li and Jane J. Ye, Necessary optimality conditions for implicit control systems with applications to control of differential algebraic equations,Set-Valued and Variational Analysis(2017),  DOI:10.1007/s11228-017-0444-5
  3.Jianxiong Ye and An Li, A measure of concentration robustness in a biochemical reaction network and its application on system identification, Applied Mathematical Modelling(2017), DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2017.07.026
  4.An Li and Jane J. Ye,Necessary optimality conditions for optimal control problems with nonsmooth mixed stateand control,Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 24(2016) 449-470.
  5.Zikai Wu and An Li, Stability and boundedness of differential equations relative to initial time difference by employing vector Lyapunov functions,Applied Mathematics and Computation,225(2013)  358-365.
  6.An Li, A new representation of a proximal subdifferential by employing a directional derivative,Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 12(2011) 1347-1353.
  7.An Li and Xinyu Song, Stability and boundedness of nonlinear impulsive systems in terms of two measures via perturbing Lyapunov functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,375(2011) 276-283.
  8.An Li, Wei Lv and Jianxiong Ye, Exponential and global stability of nonlinear dynamical systems relative to initial time difference, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217(2011) 5923-5929.
  9. Xinyu Song, An Li and Zhixiang Wang, Study on stability of nonlinear differential equations with initial time difference, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11(3)(2010) 1304-1311.
  10.  An Li, Enmin Feng and Senlin Li, Stability and boundedness criteria for nonlinear differential systems relative to initial time difference and applications, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications,10(2)(2009) 1073-1080.
  11.  An Li, Enmin Feng and Lei Wang, Impulsive optimal control model for the trajectory of horizontal wells, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 223(2)(2009) 893-900.
  12.  An Li, Enmin Feng and Zhaohua Gong, An optimal control model and algorithm for the horizontal well's trajectory planning, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33(7)(2009) 3068-3075.
  13. An Li, Enmin Feng and Xuelian Sun, Stochastic optimal control and algorithm of the trajectory of horizontal wells, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 212 (2)(2008) 419 -430.
  14. Xinyu Song, Senlin Li and An Li, Analysis of a stage-structured predator-prey system with impulsive perturbations and time delays, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 46(1)(2009) 71-82.
  15. Senlin Li, Xinyu Song and An Li, Strict practical stability of nonlinear impulsive systems by employing two Lyapunov-like functions, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 9(5)(2008) 2262-2269.
  16. An Li and Enmin Feng, Optimization model and algorithm of the trajectory of horizontal well with perturbation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 20(2)(2006) 391-399.

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