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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 601 发布时间: 2018-08-10 11:22 微信号: H17720740258

  Banach spaces;Nonlinear functional analysis
  ?Ph. D., Nankai University, 2001-2004.
  ?M.S.,  Fujian Normal University, 1998-2001.
  ?B.S.,Fujian Normal University, 1994-1998.
  ?Texas A&M University:  Visiting Scholar, September 2015-September 2016.
  ?Texas A&M University:  Visiting Scholar, October 2009-November 2010.
  ?Xiamen University: Post-doc, January 2005-September 2007.
  ?Chern Institute of  Mathematics: Visiting Scholar, May-July 2008.
  ?Xiamen University: Associate Professor, 2007-present.
  ?Xiamen University: Assistant Professor, 2004-2007.
  Primary: Banach space theory.
  Secondary: Nonlinear functional analysis, frame theory.
  ?Natural Science Foundation of  Fujian Province of China(No.2015J01026).
  ?National Natural Science Foundation of China(10526034).
  ?National Natural Science Foundation of China(10701063).
  19. Amar Belacel and  Chen, Dongyang (corresponding author), Lipschitz (p,r,s)-integral operators and Lipschitz (p,r,s)-nuclear operators,  J. Math. Anal. Appl. 461(2018), 1115-1137.
  18. Chen, Dongyang (corresponding author) , J. A. Chavez-Dominguez and Li Lei,  p-converging  operators and Dunford-Pettis property of order p,  J. Math. Anal. Appl. 461(2018), 1053-1066.
  17. Chen, Dongyang, Positive approximation properties of Banach lattices, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics. 22(2018), 617-633.
  16. Li, Lei, Chen, Dongyang (corresponding author) and J. A. Chavez-Dominguez,  Pelczynski's property (V*)  of order p and its quantification,  Math. Nachr. 291(2018), 420-442.
  15. Chen, Dongyang,  A quantitative version of  the Johnson-Rosenthal theorem, Ann. Funct. Anal. 8(4)(2017), 512-519.
  14. Chen, Dongyang and Li, Lei , The approximation properties determined by operator ideals, Acta Math. Sin.(Engl.Ser.) 33(2017), 311-326.
  13. Chen, Dongyang, Li, Lei and Meng ,Qing, Orthogonality preservers of  JB*-triple-valued functions, Taiwanese Journal of  Mathematics, 20(2016), 1393-1400.
  12. Chen, Dongyang, Kim, Ju Myung and Zheng, Bentuo,  The weak bounded approximation property of pairs, Proc. Amer. Math.Soc. 143(2015), 1665-1673.
  11. Chen, Dongyang, Johnson, William B and Zheng, Bentuo, Corrigendum to  ``Commutators on (\sum l_q)_p'',  Studia Math. 223(2014), 187-191.
  10. Chen, Dongyang, Li, Lei and Zheng, Bentuo, Perturbations of  frames, Acta Math. Sin.(Engl.Ser.) 30(2014), 1089-1108.
  9.Chen, Dongyang, Li, Lei, Wang, Risheng and Wang, Ya-shu, Non-vanishing preservers and compact weighted composition operators between spaces of Lipschitz functions. Abstr. Appl.Anal.2013, Art.ID 741050,8 pp.
  8.Chen, Dongyang and Zheng, Bentuo, Three-space problems for the bounded compact approximation property. Acta Math. Sin.(Engl.Ser.)29(2013),625-632.
  7.Chen, Dongyang and Zheng, Bentuo, Lipschitz p-integral operators and Lipschitz p-nuclear operators. Nonlinear Anal.75(2012),5270-5282.
  6.Chen, Dongyang, Johnson, William B and Zheng, Bentuo, Commutators on (\sum lq  )p . Studia Math.206(2011),175-190.
  5.Chen, Dongyang and Zheng, Bentuo, Remarks on Lipschitz p-summing operators. Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.139(2011),2891-2898.
  4.Chen, Dongyang, Asymptotically isometric copies of  lp  and c0 in Banach spaces.  Acta Math.Sci.Ser.B Engl.Ed.26(2006),no.2,281-290.
  3.Chen, Dongyang, A note on James's distortion theorem.(Chinese)Acta Math.Sinica(Chin.Ser.)47(2004),no.6,1223-1224.
  2.Chen, Dongyang, Asymptotically isometric copies of  c0  and l1 in quotients of  Banach spaces. Collect.Math.55(2004),no.3,237-242.
  1.Chen, Dongyang, Asymptotically isometric copies of  c0  and l1 in certain Banach spaces. J.Math.Anal.Appl.284(2003),no.2,618-625.

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