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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1557 发布时间: 2018-08-03 17:52 微信号: H17720740258

  教授,博士生导师(2015)。专业方向:泛函分析、Banach空间理论。作为泛函分析导师组成员长期主持几何非线性泛函分析讨论班,参与指导泛函分析专业硕士、博士研究生学习。对Lipschitz嵌入问题进行了深入的研究并取得了理想的成果,证明对任何凸集,在像空间具有RNP的情况下,Lipschitz嵌入与线性嵌入等价。持续研究了嵌入问题和球覆盖的相关性质,深入研究了扰动保距映射的稳定性问题。公派出国访问(2013年5月—2014年4月University of Memphis)期间,主要研究空间可逼近、强可逼近以及球可逼近等有关问题。
  Wen Zhang
  School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University
  Xiamen, Fujian, 361005 P.R. China
  0086- 0592-2580791 (phone), email:wenzhang@xmu.edu.cn
  Ph.D. in Mathematics, Xiamen University (2008)
  M.S. in Mathematics, Soochow University (2003)
  B.S. in Mathematics, Soochow University (2000)
  Professor, Xiamen University (2016- )
  Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2011-2016)
  Lecturer, Xiamen University (2007-2011)
  Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2003-2007)
  Research Interests
  Functional Analysis: Banach spaces theory and its applications
  Cheng LX, Cheng QJ, Shen QR, Tu K, Zhang Wen., A new approach to measures of noncompactness of Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica, 240 (2018),  no. 1, 21--45.
  Cheng LX, Shen QR, Zhang Wen, Zhou Y., More on Stability of Almost Surjective ε-isometries of Banach Spaces,Science China: Mathematics, 60 (2017),  no. 2, 277--284.
  Cheng LX, Luo ZH, Zhang Wen, Zheng BT., On proximinality of convex sets in superspaces. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 32 (2016), no. 6, 633--642.
  Cheng LX, Tu K, Zhang Wen., On weak stability of ε-isometries on wedges and its applications.J. Math. Anal. Appl. 433 (2016), no. 2, 1673--1689.
  Lin P-K, Zhang Wen, Zheng BT., Ball Proximinal and Strongly Ball Proximinal Spaces. J.Convex. Anal. 22 (2015), no. 3, 673--685.
  Lin P-K, Zhang Wen, Zheng BT., Stability of Ball Proximinality. J.Approx.Theory. 183 (2014), 72--81.
  Cheng LX, Dong YB, Zhang Wen.,On Stability of Nonlinear Nonsurjective εIsometries of Banach spaces. J. Funct. Anal. 264 (2013), no. 3, 713--734.
  Zhang Wen., Characterizations of Universal Finite Representability and B-convexity of Banach Spaces via Ball Coverings. Acta Math Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 28 (2012), no.7, 1369--1374.
  Cheng LX, Wang B, Zhang Wen, Zhou Y., Some Geometric and Topological Properties of Banach Spaces via Ball Coverings.  J. Math. Anal. Appl. 377 (2011), no. 2, 874--880.
  Cheng LX, Cheng QJ, Wang B, Zhang Wen., On Super-weakly Compact Sets and Uniformly Convexifiable Sets. Studia Math. 199 (2010), no. 2, 145--169.
  Cheng LX, Kadets V, Wang B, Zhang Wen., A Note on Ball Covering  Property  of Banach Spaces,  J. Math. Anal. Appl. 371 (2010) No.1, 249--253.
  Cheng LX, Luo ZH, Liu XF, Zhang Wen., Several Remarks on Ball Covering Properties of Normed Spaces. Acta Math Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 26 (2010), no. 9,1667--1672.
  Cheng LX and Zhang Wen., A Note on Non-support points, Negligible Sets, Gateaux Differentiability and Lipschitz Embeddings, J. Math. Anal. Appl.350 (2009), No. 2, 531--536
  Cheng LX, Cheng QJ, Luo ZH, Zhang Wen., Every Weakly Compact Set Can Be Uniformly Embedded into a Reflexive Banach Space. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 25 (2009), No. 7, 1109--1112.
  Cheng LX, Shi HH, Zhang Wen., Every Banach Space with a w*-separable Dual has an ε-equivalent Norm with the Ball Covering Property. Science in China Series A: Mathematics (2009) Vol. 52 No. 9 1869--1874.
  11731010 Banach空间的非线性几何及其应用 国家自然科学基金 2018至2022
  2015J01022 逼近Lipschitz映射的稳定性研究 福建省自然科学基金 2015至2018
  11471270 Lipschitz映射的可微性和稳定性研究 国家自然科学基金 2015至2018
  11371296 Banach空间的扰动保距映射和粗保距映射 国家自然科学基金 2014至2017
  11101340 无穷维Lipschitz映射的微分分析 国家自然科学基金 2012至2014
  2010J05012 Lipschitz映射的可微性研究 福建省自然科学基金 2010至2013
  11071201 无穷维空间的嵌入几何与粗几何 国家自然科学基金 2010至2012

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