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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1046 发布时间: 2018-08-03 11:45 微信号: H17720740258



  香港大学教育学院/Faculty of Education, The  University of Hong Kong
  北京师范大学教育学院/School of Education, Beijing  Normal University
  北京师范大学教育学院/School of Education, Beijing  Normal University


  研究方向/Research Interests
  主要从事课程教学论和教育心理学研究,通过课堂实证研究探讨教学的规律及教学方法的改进,尤其关注如何把信息技术、大数据应用于人才培养模式和课程教学方式改革中,提高教学水平,培养创新人才。包括研究翻转课堂的学习机制及在教学中的有效性;互联网+教育与未来教育形态;教师和学生的“教”“学”信念、体验、投入度以及“教”“学”方式的转变;学生在数学等学科领域的概念学习、规则学习及问题解决;现象图析学(phenomenography)、变易理论(variation theory)和课堂学习研究(learning study);样例教学、情境教学等。

  My broad interests concern how peoplelearnand how to improve their learning. My research, which is mostly on classroom-based research, focuses on (a) the use of IT and big data intalentcultivation and instructional innovation, (b) the mechanism of flipped classroomand its instructional effectiveness, (c) learning and teaching inhighereducation, such as teachers’ teaching experience and approach,students’learning experience, approach, engagement, and attainment, (d)learning key concepts and problem solving procedures in academic fields such asmathematics,via the use of phenomenography, variation theory, and learningstudy, and (e)example-based learning.

  代表性论文/Selected Publications
  英文论文/Refereed journal articles in English
  Guo, J. P., Yang, L. Y., & Shi, Q. H.*(2017). Effects of perceptions of the learning environment and approaches to learning on Chinese undergraduates’ learning. Studies in Educational Evaluation (SSCI), 55, 125-134.
  Guo, J. P., Yang, L.Y., & Ding, Y.(2017).The use of learning study in designing examples for teaching Physics.Researchin Science Education (SSCI), OnlineFirst, 1-22.
  Yang, L. Y., & Guo, J. P.* (2014).The role of variability and prior knowledge in learning from comparing multipleexamples. Journal of Psychological Science(CSSCI), 37(3), 668-677.
  Guo, J. P., Yang, L.Y., & Ding,Y.(2014). Effects of example variability and prior knowledge in how students learn to solve equations. European Journal of Psychology of Education(SSCI), 29(1), 21-42.
  Ding, Y.*, Guo, J. P.*, Yang, L.Y., Zhang, D. K.,Ning, H., & Richman, L.(2013).Rapidautomatized naming and immediate memory functions in Chinese children whoread English as a second language. Journal of Learnin Disabilities (SSCI),46(4), 347-362.
  Yang, L. Y., Guo, J. P.*,Ding, Y., et al. (2013).Visual skills and Chinese reading acquisition: Ameta-analysis of correlationevidence.Educational Psychology Review(SSCI), 25(1),115-143.
  Guo, J. P., Pang, M. F., Yang, L. Y.,& Ding, Y.(2012). Learning from comparing multiple examples: On thedilemma of “similar”or “different”. Educational Psychology Review (SSCI), 24(2), 251-269.
  Guo, J. P., & Pang, M. F.(2011). Learning amathematical concept from comparing examples: Theimportance of variation andprior knowledge. European Journal of Psychology of Education (SSCI), 26(4),495-525.
  Ding, Y., Yang, L. Y., Salyers, K.,Harper,H., Guo, J. P.,Liu, H., & Feng, Y. H. (2010). Assessingneeds and challenges perceived bycaregivers and teachers of children withautism spectrum disorder inChina. The Journal of the International Association of Special Education, 11(1), 4-14.

  Ding, Y., Richman, L., Yang, L. Y.,& Guo, J. P. (2010).Rapid automatized naming and immediatememory functions in Chinese mandarinspeaking elementary readers. JournalofLearning Disabilities (SSCI), 43(1), 48-61.

  中文论文/Refereed journal articles in Chinese
  史秋衡,郭建鹏.我国大学生学情状态与影响机制的实证分析[J].教育研究,2012 ,(2):109-121.


  主持课题/Research Grants


  奖励与荣誉/Honors and Awards
  AERA International Travel Award, American Educational Research Association, U.S.,2008
  Graduate Fellowship for four consecutive years, University of Hong Kong,2006-2010
  期刊服务/Reviewer of Journals
  SSCI journals:InstructionalScience, Educational Psychology Review, British Journal ofEducational
  Psychology,European Journal ofPsychology of Education, The Asia-Pacific EducationResearcher
  学术组织/Professional Affiliations
  美国心理协会教育心理学分会会员/American Psychological Association (APA), Division15
  美国教育研究协会会员/American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  欧洲学习和教学研究协会会员/European Association for Research on Leaning and Instruction (EARLI)
  欧洲学习和教学研究青年学者协会员/European Association for Research on Leaning and Instruction (JURE)
  专业经历/Visiting Scholarship

  美国爱荷华大学教育学院访问学者/VisitingScholar, University of Iowa, U.S., 2009-2010, 2013-2014

  主讲课程/Teachin Courses
  心理学研究方法(硕士生课程)Research Methods in Psychology (graduate)
  课程教学的学习论基础(硕士生课程)Learning Theory for Curriculum and Instruction (graduate)
  大学学习的理论与实证研究(硕士生课程)Learning in Higher Education: Theory and Practice (graduate)
  SPOC+翻转课堂 教育与心理统计(硕士生课程)Educational and Psychological Statistics (graduate)
  心理学(本科生课程)Psychology (undergraduate)
  MOOC+SPOC+翻转课堂 大学生心理健康教育(本科生课程)Mental Health for College Students (undergraduate)

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