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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 773 发布时间: 2018-08-03 11:44 微信号: H17720740258

  性别  女
  研究室  教育经济与管理研究所
  职称  副教授
  学位  博士
  电子信箱  xulan@xmu.edu.cn

  电话  0592-2187623





  Research Projects:
  Research on supervision modes and supervisor-doctoral student relationship and its influence on the quality of postgraduate education. Fund of Chinese Society of Academic Degrees and Graduate Education (Key Project), 2017.
  Construction of internal quality assurance system on graduate education: based on course evaluation (rank 3). Educational and teaching reforms of universities in Fujian province (Key Project), 2017;
  Construction of measurement indicator system: Based on process quality in postgraduate education of the Chinese research universities, Open Fund of the National Higher Education Quality Monitoring Data Center (Guangzhou), 2016;
  4. 互联网+时代的大学教学模式创新:基于台港澳大学教师发展的比较研究,山海基金,2016年;
  University teaching innovation in the “Internet+” era: From the perspective of comparative studies on faculty development in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, Shanhai Fund, 2016;
  5. 师生关系视角下我国研究型大学博士生培养质量研究,国家社会科学基金教育科学“十二五”规划国家青年项目,2015年立项;
  Research on quality assurance of postgraduate education in Chinese research universities: From the perspective of supervisor-doctoral student relationship. National Social Science Fund of China (the 12th five-year plan on educational development), 2015;
  6. 研究型大学跨学科人才培养现状及其体制机制研究,学位与研究生教育学会研究课题面上项目,2015年立项;
  Research on interdisciplinary talents training in graduate education: Status quo, system and mechanism. Fund of Chinese Society of Academic Degrees and Graduate Education, 2015.
  7. 厦门大学博士生培养质量的追踪研究,厦门大学研究生院委托项目,2015年立项;
  Tracking study on quality of doctoral education in Xiamen University. Fund by Graduate School, Xiamen University, 2015.
  8. 现代大学之道德教育责任再审思,校长基金出版专项,2015年立项;
  Moral education in modern university. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2015.
  9. 中国高校教师的学术责任建构与学术道德建设,教育部人文社科青年项目,2010年立项;
  Conception of university teachers’ academic responsibilities and construction of their academic ethics. China MOE grants for Humanity and Social Science Research, 2010.
  10. 海峡两岸大学生诚信教育的比较研究,福建省社会科学规划项目,2010年立项;
  The comparative study on honesty education for undergraduate students in Taiwan and Fujian. Project for social science development of Fujian province, 2010.
  11. 中国大学教师的学术责任建构研究,中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2010年立项;
  Research on the construction of academic duties of Chinese university teachers. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2010.
  12. 福建省志*社会科学志----高等教育研究,福建省社会科学规划项目,2009年立项。

  Fujian local chronicles on social science: Higher education research. Project for social science development of Fujian province, 2009.

  1. 跨学科研究生核心能力及其培养途径——基于美国IGERT项目的分析.学位与研究生教育,2018(5):61-67.
  Core Competencies and Approaches for Interdisciplinary Graduate Training. Academic Degrees and Graduate Education, 2018(5):61-67.
  2. 跨学科研究生教育培养模式创新——以能力和身份认同为核心.厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2018(2):65-74.
  Innovation of training models in interdisciplinary postgraduate education: Focused on competence and identity. Journal of Xiamen University(Studies in Arts & Social Sciences), 2018(2):65-74.
  3.以学制改革为切入点的研究生培养方案修订——厦门大学的行动研究. 高等教育研究,2017(1):37-47.
  Revision of the graduate programs from theperspective of changing the length of schooling.Journal of Higher Education,2017(1):37-47.
  4.高水平研究生教育是“双一流”的突出特征——“研究生教育和世界一流大学建设”国际学术研讨会综述. 高等教育研究, 2016(7):104-109.
  Highlevel graduate education as the traits of “building first-class universitiesand first-class disciplines”.Journal of Higher Education,2016(7):104-109.
  5.师生关系的跨文化比较研究——基于过程的博士研究生培养质量. 学位与研究生教育,2016(10):62-66.
  Process quality of postgraduate education and academic training: Acomparative cross-cultural research onsupervisor-doctoral student relationship. Academic Degrees and GraduateEducation, 2016(10):62-66..
  6.师生关系的跨文化比较研究——基于过程的博士研究生培养质量. 学位与研究生教育(已录用).
  Process quality of postgraduate education and academic training: Acomparative cross-cultural research on supervisor-doctoral student relationship.Academic Degrees and Graduate Education (in press).
  7.基于经典阅读的通识教育——以东西方两所推行核心文本课程的高校为例. 复旦教育论坛, 2016(1):31-  37. 该文被《教育学文摘》2016年第2期转载
  General education based on reading classic literature: Case studyon core text curriculum as effective way to value education. Fudan EducationForum, 2016, 14(1):31-37. Reprinted by Education Digest, 2016, vol2.
  8.台湾地区有组织的大学教师发展策略及其经验借鉴. 中国高教研究, 2015(11):97-110.
  The perspective of organization development to pursue teachingexcellence and faculty development in Taiwan. China Higher Education Research,2015(11):97-110.
  9. “医生”抑或“媒人”:大学教师发展机构的定位难题. 大学教育科学,2015(4):106-113.
  Doctoror Matchmaker: The Positioning Problem of University Faculty DevelopmentCenter. University Education Science,2015(4):106-113.
  10. 卓越教师是怎样炼成的——台湾地区大学教师发展的经验与启示.中国高等教育评论, 2014(5):192-202.
  Howcould an excellent teacher be shaped: Taiwan’s experience on facultydevelopment. Review of China Higher Education,2014(5):192-202.
  11. 大学的教学创新:MOOCs给我们的启示. 全球教育展望, 2014(2):72-81.
  Teachinginnovation in university: The implications from MOOCs----Challenges andresponses from the perspective of teaching responsibility. Global Education, 2014(2):72-81.
  12. 追问生命的意义--台湾生命教育发展之经验与启示. 教育发展研究, 2013(12):80-84.
  Lookingfor the meaning of life: Development of life education in Taiwan and itsimplications. Research in EducationalDevelopment, 2013(12):80-84.
  13. 韩国大学国际化战略成效及启示. 全球教育展望,2013(5):115-121.
  Theeffect of higher education internationalization policy in Korea and itsimplications. Global Education, 2013(5):115-121.
  14. 师父、师傅还是老板?从教师角色看研究型大学师生关系. 高校教育管理,2013(3):33-40. 该文被人大复印资料《教育学文摘》2013 年第3期转载。
  Shifu,master or boss: Faculty-graduate Student mentoring relationships in a researchuniversity. Journal of Higher EducationManagement, 2013(3):33-40. Reprinted by Education Digest, 2013, vol3.
  15. 教育博士作为专业学位的身份再审思. 研究生教育研究,2013(1): 74-78. 本论文获全国第九届学位与研究生教育评估优秀论文奖。该文被《教育科学文摘》2013年第2期转载。
  Rethinkingon the identity of Doctor of Education as a professional degree. Journal of Graduate Education, 2013(1):74-78.Reprintedby Abstract of Educational Research, 2013, vol2.
  16. 研究型大学教师服务责任观的建构. 高等教育研究, 2012(3):42-47.
  Theconstruction of “service” responsibility of academics in research universities. Journal of Higher Education, 2012(3):42-47.
  17. 知识范式的转型与教育研究者的使命--质的研究方法课程之行动研究. 国际高等教育研究, 2012(1):1-5.
  Thetransformation of knowledge paradigm and the mission of educationalresearchers: Action research on the course of qualitative research methods. Research on International Higher Education, 2012(1):1-5.
  18. 成长的窗户还是冰冷的制度?----一所研究型大学本科生导师制的质性研究. 中国人民大学教育学刊,2011(1):48-65. 被人大复印资料《高等教育》2011年第10期全文转载。该文获厦门市第九次社会科学优秀成果奖论文类二等奖。
  “Windowsfor growth” or “cold regulations”: A qualitative study on the tutorial systemin a research university of mainland China. RenminUniversity of China Education Journal, 2011(1):48-65. Reprinted by HigherEducation, 2011,vol10.
  19. 研究型大学师德建设的途径. 教育研究, 2010(7):88-94.
  Approachesto the improvement of teacher ethics in research-oriented universities. Educational Research, 2010(7):88-94.
  20. 市场化背景中的澳大利亚八校联盟及其启示. 高等教育研究, 2010(1):94-99.
  “Groupof eight” in Australia under the background of marketization and itsimplications for China. Journal of HigherEducation,2010(1):94-99.
  21. 从教学与研究之关系看研究型大学本科教学的特点. 高等教育研究, 2009(6):66-73.
  Characteristicsof undergraduate teaching in research universities as viewed in the context ofresearch and teaching relations. Journal ofHigher Education, 2009(6):66-73.
  22. 法国高等教育管理体制变革中的教师学术职业. 高等教育研究, 2008(1):92-98.
  Facultyacademic profession in changing higher education governance reform in France. Journal of Higher Education,2008(1):92-98.
  23. 政府控制与市场化的博弈对韩国高等教育结构调整的反思. 教育发展研究, 2008(3-4):86-91. 被人大复印资料《高等教育》全文转载。
  Reflectionon the restructuring of higher education system in Korea: Game of government’scontrol and marketization.Research in EducationalDevelopment, 2008(3-4):86-91. Reprinted by HigherEducation, 2008, vol3.
  24. 台湾地区大学整并政策与实施状况分析. 教育研究, 2005(7):59-64.
  Policyand implementation of university integration in Taiwan: An Analysis. Educational Research, 2005(7):59-64.
  25. 两岸三地高等教育多元化格局及其若干关系. 高等教育研究, 2005(5):91-96.
  Analysison university’s diversified structure of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China. Journal of Higher Education,2005(5):91-96.
  26. 重点与均衡:两岸三地大学发展策略的抉择. 高等工程教育研究, 2005(5):32-35.
  Focusand balance: The choices of university development policy in Taiwan, HongKong and Mainland China. Researches in HigherEducation of Engineering, 2005(5):32-35.
  27. 韩国研究生教育结构改革的趋向、问题与对策. 学位与研究生教育, 2004(5):55-60.
  Thetrends, problems and strategies of structure reform of graduate education inKorea. Academic Degrees and Graduate Education,2004(5):55-60.
  28. 中韩研究生教育国际化的比较研究. 比较教育研究, 2003(11):52-57.
  Internationalcomparison of postgraduate education in China and South Korea. Comparative Education Review, 2003(11):52-57.
  29. Core text in general courses: Aqualitative study at a Chinese research university. Paper presented inthe Association for Core Texts and Courses’ Summer Seminar Project atColumbia University and Yale University, New York & New Haven, USA, 2014.
  30. How an excellent teacher be shaped:Taiwan’s experience on faculty development. Paper presented in the 2nd Global Teacher Education Summit at BeijingNormal University, Beijing, China, 2014.
  31. Characteristics of Undergraduate Teachingin Chinese Research Universities as Viewed in the Context of Research andTeaching Relations. Paper presented in the ICED conference Enhancing Strategiesfor Global Quality Learning in Higher Education, Barcelona, Spain, 2010.
  32. Teachers: Struggles in Teaching atResearch Universities in China. Paper presented in the Chinese AmericanEducational Research and Development Association Conference, Chicago, USA, 2007.

  33. Building World-class Universities &Pursuing Excellence: Comparative Studies of University Development Policy inHong Kong, Taiwan & Mainland China. Paper presented in the conference ofthe Comparative and International Education Society, Hawaii, USA, 2006.

  1. 质性的教育研究方法,博士课程;
  Qualitative methods in educational research(Graduate)
  2. 高等教育研究方法,研究生学位课程;
  Research methods in higher education (Graduate)
  3. 社会学理论在高教领域的应用,研究生课程;
  Social theories and their applications inhigher education (Graduate)
  4. 心理学与大学生活,本科通识课程。
  Psychology and university life (Undergraduate)

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