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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 774 发布时间: 2018-08-02 17:20 微信号: H17720740258

  研究方向:1、 国际移民与社会性别 2、 侨乡研究
  学科专长:1、 国际移民与社会性别 2、 侨乡研究
  E-mail: shenhf@xmu.edu.cn

  个人简介(Personal Profile):
  2002-2007: 新加坡国立大学历史系,博士
  1999-2002: 福建师范大学历史系中国近现代史专业,硕士
  1995-1999: 福建师范大学历史系,学士

  2008年9月至今, 厦门大学国际关系学院(南洋研究院)

  1、History of International Relations in the Asia  Pacific

  1、福建师范大学1996-1997 学年与 1997-1998  学年优秀学生奖学金二等奖
  2、新加坡国立大学研究生奖学金, 2002年8月—2006 年5月

  SHEN Huifen, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  Email:  shenhf@xmu.edu.cn
  Academic Qualifications
  Bachelor of Arts in Education (History), Fujian Normal University, 1999
  Master Degree, Modern Chinese History, Fujian Normal University, 2002
  Doctor of Philosophy, National University of Singapore, 2007
  Current Research
  Gender and transnational migration
  Qiaoxiang studies
  Teaching Areas
  Gender, Transnational Migration, and International Relations
  History of International Relations in the Asia Pacific
  Foreign Relations of Modern China

  Huifen Shen (沈惠芬), China's Left-Behind Wives: Families of Migrants from Fujian to Southeast Asia, 1930s-1950s, original press: Singapore: NUS Press, co-published by The University of Hawaii Press and Hong Kong University Press, 2012.

  4.《华侨家庭留守妇女的婚姻状况:以20世纪30-50年代福建泉州华侨婚姻为例》,《华侨华人历史研究》,2011年第2期, 第68-76页;
  5.“Qiaojuan Politics: Government Policies toward the Left-behind Family Members of Chinese Overseas, 1880-1990s”, Journal of Chinese  Overseas, Vol. 6, no. 1 (May 2010): 43-79;
  6.《战争中的救侨工作与救侨网络:太平洋战争期间福建省政府对东南亚避难归侨的接送》,《南洋学报》(新加坡),第60卷 (2006年),第6-19 页;
  7.《走向世界:晚清中国海关与1873年维也纳世界博览会》,《福建师范大学学报》,2004年第4期, 第106-113页。

  1.《华侨家庭留守妇女的婚姻状况:以20世纪30-50年代福建泉州华侨婚姻为例》, 周敏主编,《国际移民与侨乡发展》,广州:中山大学出版社, 2012年版;
  2.《走向世界:晚清中国海关与1873年维也纳世界博览会》,马敏主编,《博览会与近代中国》,武汉:华中师范大学出版社,2010版, 第133-46页;
  3.《晚清中国参加国际博览会述略》,《福建乡土》,2002 年第1 期,第44-46页;
  4.《太平洋战争爆发后闽南侨眷的生产自救》,《统一战线》2002 年第2 期,第33-34页;
  5.《江继芸》(合作),黄国盛,林公武 编:《近现代福州名人》(福州:福建人民出版社,1999年版),第70-72页。

  3.《跨国家庭留守妇女的婚姻状况(20世纪30-50年代)—以福建泉州为例》, International Conference on Chinese Overseas: Culture, Religions and  Worldview,  2011年6月21-22日,香港;
  5.《故地求存:太平洋战争期间的福建归侨》,世界海外华人研究学会第七届国际会议(International Conference on Migration, Indigenization and Exchange: Chinese Overseas from Global Perspectives)2010年5月7-9日;新加坡;
  7.《华侨婚姻与跨国联系:兼论留守妻子对南洋丈夫与中国联系的影响, 1930-50年代》,“东亚区域整合:人口跨国迁移及其影响”国际会议,2009年10月19-20日,中国厦门;
  8.“Remittances and Fujian Qiaoxiang Family Life, 1937-1945”, paper presented at the ARI Inaugural  Graduate Student Symposium – Social and Cultural Change  in Asia: Past and Present. Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 16-17, October 2003.
  9.“Hong Kong as a Bridge for the Overseas Chinese”, paper presented at HKU-NUS Joint Workshop on Hong Kong and  Singapore in History: A Comparative Study. Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, 4-5, December 2003.
  China's Left-Behind Wives: Families of Migrants from Fujian to Southeast Asia, 1930s-1950s. Original press:  Singapore: NUS Press, co-published by The University of Hawaii Press and Hong Kong University Press, 2012.
  Journal Article
  1.”Overseas Migration and Left-behind Wives in Folk Songs of Quanzhou in Fujian” (in Chinese), Journal of the South Seas Society 66 (2012): 53-66.
  2. “Surviving in Hometown: Returned Overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia in Fujian during the Pacific War” (in Chinese), Shijie minzu (World Ethno-National Studies) 6 (2011): 59–68.
  3.“Research on the Literature Images and Historical Significance of the Fankeshen, the Left-behind Wives of the Nanyang Chinese in Fujian” (in Chinese), Fujian shifan daxue xuebao (Journal of Fujian Normal University), 4 (2011):  131-8.
  4.“Marital Lives of the Left-behind Women in Overseas Chinese Families:  A Case Study of Migrant Marriages in Quanzhou, Fujian, 1930s-1950s” (in Chinese), Huaqiao huaren lishi yanjiu (Overseas Chinese History Studies) 2 (2011):  68-76.
  5.“Qiaojuan Politics: Government Policies toward the Left-behind Family Members of Chinese Overseas, 1880-1990s”, Journal of Chinese Overseas, Vol. 6, no. 1 (May 2010): 43-79.
  6.“Wartime Relief Work and Its Networks: Fujian Provincial Government’s Receiving & Allocating Work on Southeast Asia Overseas Chinese Refugees during the Pacific War” (in Chinese), Journal of the South Seas Society 60 (2006): 6-19.
  7. “Being Involved in the World: Chinese Maritime Customs and the 1873’ Vienna World Fair” (in Chinese), Fujian shifan daxue xuebao (Journal of Fujian Normal University) 4 (2004): 106-113.
  8. “The Relief and Protection Provided for the Returned Overseas Chinese by the Fuzhou Overseas Chinese Association after the Outbreak of the Pacific War” (in Chinese), Fujian luntan (Fujian Tribune) special issue (July 2001): 84-85.
  The Other
  1. “Marital Lives of the Left-behind Women in Overseas Chinese Families:  A Case Study of Migrant Marriages in Quanzhou, Fujian, 1930s-1950s” (in Chinese). In International Migration and Homeland Development, ed., Min ZHOU, Guangzhou: ZHongshan daxue chubanshe, forthcoming.
  2. “Being Involved in the World: Chinese Maritime Customs and the 1873’ Vienna World Fair” (in Chinese). In Bolanhui yu jindai Zhongguo (world Expositions and Modern China), ed., Ma Min, Wuhan: Huazhong shifan daxue chubanshe, 2010, pp.  133-46.
  3. “A Brief History of the Late Qing’s Participation in the World Expositions” (in Chinese), Fujian Xiangtu (Local History of Fujian) 1 (March 2002): 44-46.
  4. “The Self-reliance of the Qiaojuan in Southern Fujian after the Outbreak of the Pacific War” (in Chinese), Tongyi zhanxian (The United Front) 2 (February 2002): 33-34.
  5. “Jiang Jiyun” (joint-writing with Lu jianyi, in Chinese), in Huang Guosheng and Lin Gongwu, eds., Jinxiandai Fuzhou mingren (Who is Who of Modern Fuzhou History), Fuzhou: Fujian Renmin  Chubanshe, 1999, pp. 70-72.
  Conference Paper
  1. Building of a history of the left-behind women in qiaoxiang in southeastern China: A discussion of the value and use of remittance letters for the research of the women” (in Chinese), paper presented at the International Conference on “Chinese Qiaopi· Memories of the World”, 11-12 December, 2012, Fuzhou, China;
  2. The Revolutionary Activities of the Left-behind Women in the Emigrant Communities in  Fujian, 1937-49” (in Chinese), paper presented at the International Symposium on  “International Migration and Qiaoxiang Studies”, Nov. 19-21, 2012,  Jiangmen, China;
  3. “The marital Lives of left-behind women in transnational families in Quanzhou, 1930s-1950s” (in Chinese), paper presented at the International Conference on “Chinese Overseas: Culture, Religions and Worldview”, 21-22 June, 2011, Hong Kong.
  4. “Experiences of the returned overseas Chinese who fled from Burma to Fujian after the Outbreak of the Pacific War: the impact of the experiences on the relationship between huaqiao and Chinese government” (in Chinese), paper presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Studies and the Conference of Southeast Asian Studies, Kunming, China, 6-7 January, 2011.
  5. “Surviving in Hometown: Returned Overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia in Fujian during the Pacific War” (in Chinese), paper presented at the International Conference on “Migration, Indigenization and Exchange:  Chinese Overseas from Global Perspectives”, Singapore, 7-9 May, 2010.
  6. “The Literature Images of the Fankeshen, the Left-behind Wives of the  Nanyang Chinese in Fujian, and their chrematistics” (in Chinese), paper presented at the First International Conference on “the Fujian  Merchants”, Fuzhou, China, 17-18  May, 2010.
  7. “The Influence of Migrant Marriages and Left-behind Wives on the Transnational Connections between Nanyang Chinese and China in the 1930-50s: A Quanzhou  Case”(in Chinese), paper  presented at the International Conference on “East  Asia Regional Integration: Diaspora and Impact”, Xiamen, China, 19-20 May,  2009.
  8. “Remittances and Fujian Qiaoxiang Family Life, 1937-1945”, paper presented at the ARI Inaugural Graduate Student Symposium – Social and Cultural Change in Asia: Past and Present. Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 16-17 October ,2003.
  9. “Hong Kong as a Bridge for the Overseas Chinese”, paper presented at HKU-NUS Joint Workshop on “Hong Kong and Singapore in History: A Comparative Study”.  Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, 4-5 December, 2003.

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