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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1058 发布时间: 2018-08-02 17:16 微信号: H17720740258

  E-mail: fljch@163.com

  个人简介(Personal Profile):


  Curriculum Vitae
  FENG Lijun
  ·         Associate Professor, PhD in History
  ·         Deputy Director of Institute of History of Sino Foreign Relations and Overseas Chinese Studies, Research School for Southeast Asian Studies
  Contact Information
  ·         Mobile: +86-13860177163
  ·         Fax: +86-592-2186414
  ·         E-mail: fljch@163.com
  ·         Address: Nan’an Building, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
  ·         Postcode: 361005
  Research Fields:
  ·         Southeast Asian History
  ·         History of Chinese Overseas Trade
  ·         Overseas Chinese and Chinese Diaspora
  ·         2006-2009, PhD, Specialized History – Chinese Overseas History
  ·         1997-2000, MA, Specialized History – Chinese Overseas History
  Courses Taught:
  · China’s relations with Southeast Asia
  · The cultural exchange of Chinese medicine between China and Southeast Asia
  · Overseas Trade of Xiamen
  §  2014 National Social Science Research Fund: The Trade of Sea Cucumber, Bird’s Nest, and Shark’s Fin between China and Southeast Asia in Ming and Qing Dynasty
  §  2013, All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Project: Military Monopoly, Free Competition or the Advantage of Networking: The Chinese Traders in the trade of Sea Cucumber and Bird’s Nest between China and Southeast Asia in Qing Dynasty
  §  2007, Xiamen Social Science Key Project: The Exchange between China and the West in Qing Dynasty and the Social Changes in Xiamen
  §  2003, Xiamen University Preparatory Research Fund: The Exchange of Chinese Medicine between China and Southeast Asia
  §  Journal Articles
  §  A Study of Shark Fin Trade between China and Southeast Asia in the Qing Dynasty, Journal of Xiamen University, 2017.2, pp.84-95.
  §  On Chinese Maritime Merchants of Trepang and Edible Bird's Nest Trade between China and Southeast Asia in the 18thand the 19th Century, Journal of Xiamen University, 2015.4, pp.78-88.
  §  Discussion on Edible Bird’s Nest Trade between China and Southeast Asia in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Researches in Chinese Economic History, 2015.2, pp.103-112.
  §  Cognition, Market and Trade: Discussion on Trepang Trade between China and Southeast Asia in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Journal of Xiamen University, 2012.6, pp.49-56.
  §  Macassar’s Role in the Malayan Archipelago’s Maritime Trade from the 17th to 19th , Southeast Asian Studies, 2010.2, pp.79-84.
  §  The Ups_and_Downs of the Ocean Trade of the Bugis People from the 17th Century to the 19th Century, World History, 2009.6, pp.69-76.
  §  Overseas Chinese and the Diffusion of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Southeast Asia, Overseas Chinese History Studies, 2003.3, pp.54-61.
  §  Management and Control of Guangxi_Vietnam Border Trade in the Early Qing Dynasty, Southeast Asian Affairs, 2007.3, pp.76-84.
  §  A Brief Description about Medical and Hygeian Customs of Nations in Southeast Asia during Ancient times, World Ethno-National Studies, 2004.6, pp.70-76.
  §  A Brief Comment on Ancient European’s Knowledge of Chinese Medicine, Collected Papers of History Studies, 2003.4, pp.62-68.
  §  Coastal Prohibition in the Early Qing Dynasty and Xiamen Foreign Trade under the Control of Zheng Chenggong’s Forces, Southeast Asian Affairs, 2000.4, pp.85-94.
  §  On Xiamen’s Management of Overseas Trade in the Earlier Stage of the Qing Dynasty, Southeast Asian Affairs, 2001.4, pp.74-82.
  ·         Book
  §  A Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Exchanges Between China and Southeast Asia in Ancient Times, Kuming:Yunnan Arts Press,2010
  Academic Exchanges and Visits:
  ·         Singapore National University;Nanyang Technological University;Taiwan Tokai University;Thailand's Chulalongkorn University;Hosei University;Ramkhamhaeng University; Malaya University
  ·         2016-2017,Visiting Research fellow, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore


  1、 《清代中国与东南亚的鱼翅贸易》,《厦门大学学报》2017年第2期。
  4、《认知、市场与贸易——明清时期中国与东南亚的海参贸易》,《厦门大学学报》2012年第6期。本文被《高等学校文科学术文摘》2013年 第1 期全文转载。同时,被《中国社会科学报》2013 年1月14日B04版转载(文摘)。
  13、 《论明至清中叶滇缅贸易与管理》,《南洋问题研究》2005年第3期。


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