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发布时间: 2018-07-26 22:39
微信号: H17720740258
厦门大学管理学院财务学系教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。现任管理学院副院长,中国管理现代化研究会理事、财务与会计专业委员会副主任委员,《中国会计与财务研究》(《China Accounting and Finance Review》)副主编,中国会计学会对外学术交流专业委员会委员,教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目首席专家。2007-2009年受国家公派留学美国佛罗里达州立大学联合培养博士项目,2010年和2014年赴美国哈佛大学和波斯顿学院进修访问。研究领域为中国制度背景下的公司财务与资本市场问题研究,在《Review of Financial Studies》、《Review of Economics and Statistics》、《Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis》等财务与经济学领域国际顶尖学术期刊、以及《经济研究》、《管理世界》等国内一流学术期刊发表高质量学术论文约30篇。入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,主持霍英东青年教师基础研究基金,获得“中国高校科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖”,“国际财务管理学会(FMA)亚洲年会最佳论文奖”,““福建省社科优秀成果一等奖”,“全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖”,“全美华人金融协会年会最佳论文奖”等奖项。
Chaopeng Wu is the Professor of Finance in Department of Finance, and the Vice Dean at School of Management, Xiamen University. He received his Master and PhD degrees from Xiamen University. Sponsored by China Scholarship Council, he participated the joint training Ph.D. program in Department of Finance, Florida State University during 2007-2009.
Professor Wu’s research interest is entrepreneurial finance, corporate innovation and corporate finance. He has published research articles in top finance and economics journals such as Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Review of Economics and Statistics. His research has been featured in major media in U.S. and China, including the Forbes and New Fortune. He received numerous awards for research excellence, including National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, National Prize of Outstanding Social Science Study, and the Best Paper Award from Financial Management Association International. He currently serves as an Associate Editor (Finance-track) of China Accounting and Finance Review.
Professor Wu has taught courses in Corporate Finance, Venture Capital and Private Equity, Financial Market Research in the Bachelor, Master, MBA, and Ph.D. programs, and has received the teaching excellence award.
2009,PhD in Finance
2004,Master in Finance
2001,Bachelor in Chemistry
2014.06—现在 厦门大学管理学院财务学系,教授,博士生导师
2013.08—现在 厦门大学管理学院财务学系,教授
2009.08—2013.08 厦门大学管理学院财务学系,副教授
August, 2013 to Present, Professor of Finance
August, 2009 to July, 2013 Associate Professor of Finance
Research Interest: Entrepreneurial Finance, Corporate Innovation, Corporate Finance
1. 《风险投资与私募股权》(本科,MBA)
2. 《风险管理》(本科)
3. 《金融市场学》(博硕研究生)
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