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发布时间: 2018-07-13 16:19
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副教授/ 传播系
E-mail: michaelstwu@xmu.edu.cn
Michael Shengtao WU, Ph.D (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences).
Associate Professor, Research Center for Communication and Society at Institute of Communication & School of Journalism & Communication, Xiamen University.
Prof. Dr. Wu is a member of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, of International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), and of Chinese Psychological Society (CPS). His academic interests include: 1) Culture and Its Cognitive-Neural Mechanism (e.g., collectivism/individualism, Sense of Justice, and moral foundations); 2) Social Emotions and Public Opinions (e.g., anger, awe, and subjective-wellbeing). He teaches courses in Cultural Psychology, Social Psychology, Media Theory, Research Method, and so on.
Publications in English:
Zhou, Z., Yiu, W. Y. V., Wu, M. S.*, Greenfield, P. M. (2018). Perception of cross-generational differences in child behavior and parent socialization: A mixed-method interview study with grandmothers in China. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49, 62-81. [Corresponding Author, SSCI, Q2]
Wu, M. S., Cohen, A. (2017). Justice concerns after school attacks: Belief in a just world and support for perpetrator punishment among Chinese adults and adolescents. Social Justice Research, 30, 221-237. [SSCI, Q2]
Cohen, A. B., Wu, M. S.*, & Miller, J. (2016). Religion and culture: Individualism and collectivism in the East and West. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(9), 1236-1249. [Corresponding Author, SSCI, Q2]
Lucas, T., Kamble, S. V., Wu, M. S., Zhdanova, L., & Wendorf, C. A. (2016). Distributive and procedural justice for self and others: Measurement invariance and links to life satisfaction in four cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(2), 234-248. [SSCI, Q2]
Wu, M. S., Schmitt, M., Zhou, C., Nartova-Bochaver, S., Astanina, N., Khachatryan, N., & Han, B. (2014). Examining self-advantage in the suffering of others: Cross-cultural differences in beneficiary and observer justice sensitivity among Chinese, Germans, and Russians. Social Justice Research, 27(2), 231-242. [SSCI, Q2]
Wu, M. S., Sutton, M. R., Yan, X., Zhou, C., Chen, Y., Han, B. (2013). Time frame and justice motive: Future perspective moderates the adaptive function of general belief in a just world. PloS ONE, 8(11), e80668. [SCI/SSCI, Q1]
Yu, J., Li, J., Cuijpers, P., Wu, S., & Wu, Z. (2012). Prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms in Chinese older adults: A population-based study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27(3), 305-312.
Wu, M. S., Yan, X., Zhou, C., Chen, Y., Li, J., Zhu, Z., & Han, B. (2011). General belief in a just world and resilience: Evidence from a collectivistic culture. European Journal of Personality, 25(6): 431-442. [SSCI, Q1]
吴育锋, 刘洪飞, 焦冬冬, 吴胜涛*, 朱廷劭. (2018). 小说人物性格的文学智能分析:以《平凡的世界》为例. 中文信息学报, 印刷中.
[通讯作者, CSCD]
吴胜涛, 周阳, 朱廷劭. (2018). “一带一路”沿线文化与合作交往模式探究:基于Twitter的心理分析. 中国科学院院刊,33, 298-307.
吴胜涛等. (2016). 正义动机研究的测量偏差问题:关于中国人世道正义观(公正世界信念)的元分析. 中国社会心理学评论, 11, 162-178.
李先强, 刘洁臣, 吴胜涛*. (2016). 动机与时机:负面竞选广告的过程研究. 现代广告(学术季刊), 320(12), 48-53.
(通讯作者, 厦大一类核心)
邱鸿峰, 吴胜涛. (2013). 网络使用、公众信任与水污染风险传播. 国际新闻界, 35(10), 117-130. [CSSCI]
黄裕峯, 吴胜涛*. (2013). “对岸”的想象与接触: 两岸媒体交流与人际交流的演化历程及都市共同体初探. 新闻大学, 119(3), 130-136.
[通讯作者, CSSCI]
吴胜涛等. (2013). 正义动机及其测量. 见:王俊秀、杨宜音(编). 当代中国社会心态研究, 北京: 社会科学文献出版社. [中国社会心理学会会刊《社会心理研究》全文转载]
吴胜涛等. (2011). 道德情感背后的正义观. 学习时报, 616, 5.
吴胜涛等. (2010). 地震遇难者家属的个体韧性及其与社会支持、心理健康的关系. 中国心理卫生杂志, 24(4), 309-312. [CSCD]
祝卓宏、吴胜涛*等. (2010). 地震灾区教师的公正观与满意度. 中国临床心理学杂志, 18(1), 79-84. [通讯作者, CSCD]
祝卓宏、吴胜涛*等. (2009). 打麻将、吸烟、饮酒行为对震后灾区民众心理健康的影响. 心理科学进展, 17(3), 551-555.
[通讯作者, CSCD]
吴胜涛等. (2009). 灾区民众的公正观与幸福感及其与非灾区的比较. 心理科学进展, 17(3), 579-587. [CSCD]
吴胜涛等. (2009). 5·12地震灾区老年人的抑郁情绪和生活满意度及其相关因素调查. 中国老年学杂志, 29(11), 1404-1406. [CSCD]
吴胜涛等. (2009). 农民工的应对方式、传统人格与贫困归因风格. 中国行为医学与脑科学杂志, 18(10), 930-932. [CSCD]
吴胜涛等. (2008). 日常健忘者的情景记忆与人格特征. 中国行为医学与脑科学杂志, 17(5), 432-434. [CSCD]
吴胜涛等. (2007). 贫困与反贫困:心理学的研究. 心理科学进展, 15(6), 987-992. [CSCD]
Papers under review or prepared:
Wu, M.S., Zhou, C., Chen, H., Cai, H., & Sundararajan. (under review). The decreasing purchase of collectivism on happiness: Cultural value mismatch in urbanizing China.
Liu, M., Wu, Y., Jiao, D., Wu, M. S.*, & Zhu, T. (under review). Literary intelligence analysis of novel protagonists’ personality traits and development.
Wu, M. S., Cohen, A. B., Zhang, Y., & Zhang, N. (under review). Justice motive and love: An examination of belief in a just world and affectionate communication among young Chinese.
Wu, M. S., Ma-Kellams, C., Zhou, C., (under review). Convergence of positive emotions: An examination of awe and pride in Chinese.
Ma-Kellams, C., Wu, M. S*. (under review). Angry men, fearful women? Sex, behavioral inhibition/activation, and emotions across social contexts.
Wu, M. S., Liu, H., Zhang, Y., & Zhou, C. (2018). Self-presentation in justice motive: An ERP study among Chinese. Manuscript prepared.
Wu, M. S., Cohen, A. B., Huang, L., Zhang, L, Wang, S. Wang, Y. (2018). Mapping morality through cultural lens: A large-scale analysis of moral foundations and collectivism across the 50 united states. Manuscript prepared.
吴胜涛,姜颖,王毓洲,张雅婷. (在审). 生命的补偿控制:恶性肿瘤患者的正义动机与主观幸福感.
包寒吴霜, 郑昊, 陆海蓉, 郑伟, 戴炜, 陆梭, 吴胜涛*, 朱廷劭. (在审). 空气污染与个人主义–集体主义倾向:基于新浪微博的大数据分析. (通讯作者)
Recent Presentations:
Wu, M. S., Chen, H., & Zhou, C. (2017, Aug 25-28). Linking Individualism to depression in China. Paper presented at The 12th Biennial ConferenceAsian Association of Social Psychology. Auckland, New Zealand.
Wu, M. S. (2016, November 15-16). Rebuilding the goodness: Morality, conflict, and governance. Paper presented at The 578th Xiangshan Science Conference: Psychology and Social Governance. Beijing, China.
Wu, M. S. (2016, October 16). Justice as culture: evolutionary adaption and religious beliefs. Paper presented at The 2016 annual Conference of Chinese Society for Social Psychology. Lanzhou, China.
Zhang, L., Wu, M. S*. (2016, October 16). Collectivism underlines community code: Country and state level correlations among moral foundations and cultural variables. Paper presented at The 2016 annual Conference of Chinese Society for Social Psychology. Lanzhou, China.
Wu, M. S. (2016, October 14-16). Emerging individualism in China: social change, religious influence, and moral attribution. Paper presented at The 19th National Academic Congress of Psychology. Xi’an, China.
Han, B., Wu, M. S. (2016, October 14-16). Cultural communication and human wellness: Evidence from cultural psychology of religion. Paper presented at The 19th National Academic Congress of Psychology. Xi’an, China.
Wu, M. S. (2016, August 26-27). Jewish wisdom in morality. Paper presented at The 2nd Working Conference of Psychology and Social Governance. Nanjing, China.
Wu, M. S. (2016, May 9). Justice and wellness: From the self-other perspective. Invited talk at Xinjiang Normal University. Urumqi, China.
Wu, M. S., Cohen, A. B., & Ma-Kellams, C., & Li, X. (2016, July 30-August 3). Fundamental attribution error among Chinese: An examination of dispositionalism, social identity, and individualism. Paper presented at The 23rd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan.
Wu, M. S., Cohen, A. B., & Han, B. (2015, June 25-27). Belief in a just world versus belief in God: Relations with control and well-being in Chinese and Americans. Paper presented at The 9th Sino-American Cultural Psychology of Religion Conference, Beijing, China.
Wu, M. S., Tan, Y., Chan, Z., & Yiu, W. Y. V., & Greenfield, P. M. (2015, July 28-31). Talk about love in the city: Cultural change and affectionate communication in an urbanizing society. Paper presented at Regional Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Chiapas, Mexico.
Wu, M. S., Floyd, K., Dong, S. S., Zhou, C., Wang, L., Liu, J., & Han, B. (2014, February 14-18). Self and relational benefits of affectionate communication: Evidence from a “low-contact” culture, Paper presented at The 2014 Annual Convention of Western States Communication Association. Anaheim, USA.
Address: 422 Siming South Road, Siming District, Xiamen 361005, Fujian, China
E-mail: michaelstwu@xmu.edu.cn or michaelstwu@gmail.com