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发布时间: 2018-07-13 16:17
微信号: H17720740258

E-mail: joyjohn2002@xmu.edu.cn
Professor, PhD Supervisor
School of Journalism and Communication
Xiamen University
422 South Siming Road
Xiamen, Fujian 361005, P.R.C.
Fax: 86 592 2186382
E-mail: joyjohn2002@xmu.edu.cn
Ph.D., University of Sydney, 2011
M.A., University of Sydney, 2004
L.L.B., Fudan University, 1995
Research Interests
Health Communication
Environmental Communication
Risk Communication
Theories and Practice of Journalism
Media & Society
Grants and Honors
2017, “The New Century Excellent Talents Sponsorship” of Fujian Province.
2016, “The Impact of HIV/AIDS Risk Communication on Sexual Behavior of the Youth in Fujian Province: Innovations for Intervention”, Fujian Soft Science Fund (Grant number 2016R0092)
2016, “The Impact of Public Relations on Journalistic Practice in the Social Media Era”, Fujian Journalism Theory Research Fund (Grand number 2016B22).
2015, “The Communication Mechanisms and the Governance of the Social Amplification of Environmental Risks”, Humanity and Social Science Fund of the Ministry of Education (Grant number 15YJA860012).
2014, “The Social Amplification of Environmental Risks and the Government Communication in the Destinations of Industrial Relocation”, Basic Fund for Central Universities (Grant number 20720140030);
2012, “The Reform of Environmental Risk Evaluation and the Adaptation of Government Communication Strategies in Fujian Province”, Fujian Social Science Fund (Grant number 2012B109);
Selected Publications
Qiu, H. F. (2018). Flexible motivations, intra-group hierarchies, and the materialization of interpersonal trust: A relational communication perspective on online dating and HIV/AIDS risk control. Journalism & Communication, 25(2), 49-63. (《弹性动机、群内等级、信任物化:关系传播视阈下的网络约会与风险控制》,《新闻与传播研究》,2018年第2期)
Qiu, H. F., Weng, S. W., & Du, K. J. (2017). Nuclear risk perception, political efficacy, and Internet use for civic engagement in China. Chinese Journal of Communication, https://doi.org/10.1080/17544750.2017.1416536
Qiu, H. F., Chen, S. Y., & Sun, X. F. (2017). Shifting field relationship between Journalism and Public Relations in the context of social media use. Journalism Research, 12, 26-33. (《社交媒体时代公关与新闻的场域关系变迁》,《新闻界》,2017年第12期)
Qiu, H. F. (2017). Social amplification of environmental risks: Communication and governance. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. (《环境风险社放大的传播治理》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2017)
Qiu, H. F. (2016). The third-person effect of AIDS discrimination news in a collectivist culture. Journalism Research, 23, 11-20. (《集体主义文化与艾滋歧视报道的第三人效果》,《新闻界》,2016年第23期)
Qiu, H. F. (2016). Inspiring response efficacy and self-efficacy: The governance of risk communication for the public adaptation to climate change. Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication, 38(5), 88-103. (《激发应对效能与自我效能:公众适应气候变化的风险传播治理》,《国际新闻界》,2016年第5期)
Qiu, H. F. (2016). Technical safety or environmental justice? A framing perspective on the predicament of government risk communication in the Dongshan anti-PX event. Social Sciences Edition Journal of China University of Geosciences, 16(87), 91-101. (《技术安全还是环境正义?从东山PX事件看政府环境传播的困局与破解》,《中国地质大学学报》,2016年第1期)
Qiu, H. F., & Xiong, H. (2015). The mechanism of organizational communication underlying the social amplification of environmental risks: A review on the Dongshan anti-PX event. Journalism & Communication, 22(5), 46-57. (《环境风险社会放大的组织传播机制:回顾东山PX事件》,《新闻与传播研究》,2015年第5期)
Qiu, H. F. (2015). How did American mainstream newspapers construct the environmental image of China? A perspective of “issue attention cycle”. Journalism Research, 9, 18-25. (《美国主流报纸的中国环境形象建构:“议题关注周期”视角》,《新闻界》,2015年第9期)
Qiu, H. F. (2014). New class, nuclear risk and environmental communication: Exploring the social base of environmental concerns about the Ningde Nuclear Power Plant and the government communication strategy. Journal of Modern Communication, 36(10), 26-32. (《新阶级、核风险与环境传播:宁德核电站环境关注的社会基础及政府应对》,《现代传播》,2014年第10期)
Qiu, H. F. (2013). The social amplification of environmental risks and the communication strategy of local governments: Rethinking the Xiamen anti-PX event. Journalism & Communication, 20(8), 105-117. (《环境风险的社会放大与政府传播战略:再认识厦门PX事件》,《新闻与传播研究》,2013年第8期).
Qiu, H. F., & Wu, S. T. (2013). Internet exposure, public trust and the communication strategy for the water pollution risk. Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication, 35(10), 117-130. (《网络使用、公众信任与水污染风险传播》,《国际新闻界》,2013年第10期)
Qiu, H. F. (2012). A sociological turn in the cultural vision of news production. Journal of International Communication, 34(11), 78-85. (《论新闻生产文化视维的社会学转向》,《国际新闻界》,2012年第11期)
Qiu, H. F. (2011). The policymaking of media convergence and the competition for institutionalized cultural capital in the US and the EU. Journal of International Communication, 33(12), 17-24. (《美国、欧盟媒介融合政策评述:兼论作为电视-政治场域互动中介的制度化文化资本》,《国际新闻界》,2011年第12期)
Qiu, H. F. (2011). The technologization of the neo-liberal ideology: A discourse analysis on NHK’s globalization-themed documentaries. Journalism Research, 8, 66-72. (《新自由主义意识形态的技术化:对NHK全球化纪录片的话语分析》,《新闻界》,2011年第8期)
Qiu, H. F. (2011). Television convergence as a field in formation: The US and the EU. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Qiu, H. F. (2010). From hero-centeredness to villain-centeredness: Shifting news framing, mythological values, and moral panic. Journal of International Communication, 32(12), 66-71. (《从“英雄”到“歹徒”:新闻叙事中心漂移、神话价值与道德恐慌》,《国际新闻界》,2010年第12期)
Qiu, H. F. (2010). Public sphere, subaltern counter-publics, and media rituals. China Media Report, 33(1), 75-81. (《公共领域、次反公众与媒介仪式》,《中国传媒报告》,2010年第1期)
Qiu, H. F. (2007). Online communication, public sphere, and administrative control. Chinese Public Administration, 6, 39-41. (《网络传播、公共领域与行政控制》,《中国行政管理》,2007年第6期)