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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1379 发布时间: 2018-07-13 16:15 微信号: H17720740258

  副教授/ 传播系
  E-mail: lizhanfromxmu@xmu.edu.cn
  美国宾夕法尼亚大学传播学博士。研究方向:媒体评价与比较;哈贝马斯民主制度与媒体理论;文化研究与媒体。开设课程: 传播学研究方法;媒体研究经典文献;传播与说服;美国媒体与政治。
  Dr. Li got her PhD from The University of Pennsylvania of USA with specialization in framing analysis of media performance
  on environmental news and Habermassian theory on media and democracy.
  Her academic interests include critical theories, cultural studies and media criticism.
  She teaches courses in research methods, canonic texts in media research, and persuasion.
  Zhan Li, PhD (University of Pennsylvania, 2007)
  Associate Professor, Executive Chair, Department of Communication
  School of Journalism & Communication
  Xiamen University,Fujian, 361005,China
  Email: lizhanfromxmu@xmu.edu.cn
  翁路易 & 李展:“台湾党派立场与两岸新闻报道取向:对《中国时报》与《自由时报》‘江陈会’报道的内容分析”,《东南传播》2015年第9期。
  刘虹 & 李展:“和谐中见危机:《健康报》构建的医患关系”,《东南传播》2015年第7期。
  陈静 & 李展:“逐渐融入中心的‘外来者’--《厦门日报》建构的进城务工人员媒介形象”,《东南传播》2014年第6期。
  宋雪婷 & 李展:“从《中国时报》港澳报道分析‘一国两制在当下港澳与未来台湾”,《东南传播》2014年第2期。
  李展:“因特网上的跨文化传播”,徐剑 & 蒋宏(主编)《中国新闻传播学高影响论文评介》,上海交通大学出版社2009年版。
  Gandy, O., & Li, Z. (2005). Framing comparative risk: A preliminary analysis. The Howard Journal of Communications, 16 (2), 71-86.
  Li, Z. (2003). Will the Internet form the public sphere in China? In J. V. Carrasquero,F. Welsch, C. Urrea & C. Tso (Eds.),
  Proceedings: Politics and information systems: Technologies and applications (pp. 184-189). Orlando, FL: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics.
  Hao, X. & Li, Z. (2001). New Media Technologies: Challenges to China’s Media System. Mass Communication Research, 69, 95-115.
  Li, Z. (1999). Intercultural communication on the Internet—The hows and whys of China’s voice on the Internet. In Hu, W. (Ed.),
  Aspects of Intercultural Communication (pp.633-650). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  Li, Z. (2013, June). Climate science vs. distributing responsibilities: A content analysis of The People’s Daily.
  Paper presented at the 63rd ICA Conference, London, UK.
  Li, Z. (2013, June). Wrong apologia and government credibility in crisis in China—Performance study of Chinese government spokesmen in press conference during public crises.
  Paper presented at the IAMCR 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
  Li, Z. (2013, June). Dilemma of balancing between “objective knowledge” vs. “social construction” – A content analysis of the New York Times’ coverage of climate change.
  Paper presented at the Third Iowa State University Summer Symposium on Science Communication, Ethical Issues in Science Communication: A Theory-Based Approach, Ames, Iowa, US.
  Li, Z. (2008, May).Shaping Nation-Building Discourse through Entertainment: A Content Analysis of CCTV's Annual Gala Show. Paper presented at the 58th ICA Conference, Montreal, Canada.
  Li, Z. (2005, May). The New Medium Internet vs. the “Internet News Media”: A Case Study of the Chinese Government’s Strategic Utilization of the Internet as A New Terrain of Journalism Reform.
  Paper presented at the Third Annual Chinese
  Internet Research Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA.

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