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作者:聚创浙大考研网-a老师 点击量: 741 发布时间: 2017-03-13 15:04 【微信号:扫码加咨询】






  Part 1:



  1. the development of robot football games

  2. Research shows there is low mobility in American society. Luck and hard work do not change your wealth which is under influence of the wealth and education of your parents and grandparents.


  1. 阅读(插空排序):

  Research of monkeys show pleasure is generated in the brain of tone before food. 类似于巴甫洛夫的实验,声音刺激和食物叠加使动物产生条件反射,因而动物对声音开始回应,文章由此引出人类大脑的工作机制:大脑建立对内部和外部的模型并检验,如果符合产生愉悦等等

  2. 阅读(单词填空):reading diet books is popular culture, people eat differently for various reasons, like religion...

  Part 2:


  1. mental lexicon

  2. *** sentence(前面那个词记不清了)

  3. sapir-whorf hypothesis

  4. interlanguage

  5. inflections


  1. What is periodic sentence? What is the stylistic feature of it?

  2. Explain what is negative face and positive face with examples.

  3. Language comprehension and language production, are they same, different or related? State your reasons.

  4. In first language acquisition of children, the use of “goed” appears sometimes, why and explain?

  5. Draw a tree diagram of the sentence: “Mary gave the car to its owner. ”


  1. 中译英:

  a. render the ST to TT

  b. justify the techniques of your translation of the underlined words(划线词大概有十个)


  2. 英译中:

  a. render the ST to TT

  b. justify the techniques of your translation of the underlined words(划线词大概有十个)


  3. 写作

  a. 评论下面一段中译英的翻译,写一篇academic essay 300字左右,对于给出英文翻译的内容、单词、语法等评价不少于100字。

  b. 将中文重新翻译成英文


  三、 二外法语(255):

  1. 单选:



  quelque chose + de+阳性名词单数


  vos parents

  2. 动词变位:


  3. 中译法:




  4. 法译中:


  5. 作文:


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