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作者:聚创华科考研网-a老师 点击量: 946 发布时间: 2017-02-09 17:12 【微信号:扫码加咨询】







  单词25个 有不少以前考过的单词,subdue, succinct, myotic, enigmatical, impotence, oblivious, sojourn, concoct, illicit, imbecile, peremptory, maroon, contrite, inadvertence, forlorn, incarceration, putrid, pristine, 只记得这些了,多复习真题单词还是有用的,把课文生词背熟更好……

  Paraphrase 5句,一句是马克吐温那篇,with luck and persistence 那句,还有一句是lion\'s share,其他的不记得了,因为课文我完全不熟。


  阅读四篇,前两篇简单,后两篇依然出自那本GRE蓝色书里的,一篇关于tragedy,page362。一篇关于taste, page174。



  When first he came to the island he was a big, brawny fellow, with thick black hair and a black beard, of a powerful physique; but gradually his skin became pale and waxy; he grew thin and frail. It was an odd contradiction in the most logical of men that, though a convinced and impetuous materialist,he despised the body; he looked upon it as a vile instrument which he could force to do the spirit\'s bidding. Neither illness nor lassitude prevented him from going on with his work. For fourteen years he toiled unremittingly. He made thousands and thousands of notes. He sorted and classified them. Hehad his subjea at his finger ends, and at last was ready to begin. He sat down to write. He died.

  The body that he, the materialist, had treated so contumeliously took its revenge on him.

  作文 给了一篇文章,关于同性恋领养孩子,作文题目大概是

  Is traditional parenting still the best for children 300 words




  Flat character


  Stream of consciousness

  Metaphisical conceit


  Sonnet 18 第三节


  Wander as a cloud 最后一节


  Nobody! 第一节


  四个段落underlying meaning



  1 Darkness 举例有哪些symbol的含义?

  2 Scarlet letter 请举例三个场景,对theme有何帮助。题干里提到个手法,什么 Scenes,忘记前面那个词了。





  Universal grammar




  1 darken kill beautify

  2 三句话 相同的含义

  I dare you repeat what you said

  I bet that Yankees win

  I challenge u to a match

  3 broca\'s aphasia and Wernicke\'s


  4 句子I saw him running by the bank


  5 例子是a知道某人may have a girlfriend 他实际说的是he has no girlfriend these days


  1 Causes of language diversity

  Opinion on advocating standard language

  2 Adults L2 differs from children\'s native language acquiring


  介词填空 10个


  动词变位填空 10个


  作文 给父母写一封信 满脑子英文单词TAT

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