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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 624 发布时间: 2018-08-29 17:31 微信号: H17720740258

  361005 厦门大学化学工程与生物工程系生物化工研究所
  2009. 8~2015.08,厦门大学化学化工学院化学工程与生物工程副教授
  2010. 10~2011.10,美国University of Massachusetts,Amherst博士后
  2015.08-,厦门大学化学化工学院化学工程与生物工程 教授,博士生导师
  1. Liang Shen; Qingchuan Zhao; Xuee Wu; Xiangzhen Li; Qingbiao Li; Yuanpeng Wang*. 2015. Interspecies electron transfer in syntrophic methanogenic consortia: From cultures to bioreactors. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, In Press.
  2. Wencheng Yu, Zhen Chen, Liang Shen, Yuanpeng Wang, Qingbiao Li, Shan Yan, Chuan-Jian Zhong and Ning He*. 2015. Proteomic profiling of Bacillus licheniformis reveals a stress response mechanism in the synthesis of extracellular polymeric flocculants. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, DOI: 10.1002/bit.25838
  3. Junpeng Rui, Jiabao Li, Shiheng Zhang, Xuefeng Yan, Yuanpeng Wang, Xiangzhen Li*,2015. The core populations and co-occurrence patterns of prokaryotic communities in household biogas digesters. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 8:158
  4. Xiuli Jiang, Changjun Peng, Dun Fu, Zheng Chen, Liang Shen, Qingbiao Li, Tong Ouyang*, Yuanpeng Wang*, 2015. Removal of arsenate by ferrihydrite via surface complexation and surface precipitation. Applied Surface Science, 353, 30, 1087-1094.
  5. Liang Shen, Hongyou Hu, Hongfang Ji, Chuanpan Zhang, Ning He, Qingbiao Li, Yuanpeng Wang*. 2015. Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) from excess activated sludge as a promising substitute of pure culture. Bioresource Technology, 189, 236-242.
  6. Qiangqiang Yu, Yangqing Zheng, Yuanpeng Wang*, Liang Shen, Haitao Wang, Yanmei Zheng, Ning He, Qingbiao Li*. 2015. Highly selective adsorption of phosphate by pyromellitic acid intercalated ZnAl-LDHs: Assembling hydrogen bond acceptor sites. Chemical Engineering Journal, 260, 15, 809-817.
  7.  Guowen Dong, Yaohua Huang, Yuanpeng Wang*, Haitao Wang, Ning He, Qingbiao Li*. 2014. Role of nanoparticles in controlling arsenic release from sediments near a realgar tailing. Environmental Science & Technology, 48: 7469-7476.
  8.  Liang Shen; Hongyou Hu; Hongfang Ji; Jiyuan Cai; Ning He; Qingbiao Li;Yuanpeng Wang*. 2014. Production of poly(hydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalerate) from waste organics by the two-stage process: focus on the intermediate volatile fatty acids. Bioresource Technology, 166, 194-200.
  9.  Liang Shen*, Xia Yuan, Weihuang Shen, Ning He, Yuanpeng Wang, Haoliang Lu, Yinghua Lu*. 2014. Positive impact of biofilm on reducing the permeation of ampicillin through membrane for membrane bioreactor. Chemosphere. 97, 34-39.
  10. Yuanpeng Wang*, Jiyuan Cai, Jianghuang Lan, Zhenggui Liu, Ning He, Liang Shen, Qingbiao Li. 2013. Biosynthesis of poly(hydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalerate) from the acclimated activated sludge and microbial characterization in this process. Bioresource Technology, 148, 61–69.
  11. Shan Yan, Na Wang, Zhen Chen, Yuanpeng Wang*, Ning He*, Yajuan Peng, Qingbiao Li, Xu Deng. 2013. Genes encoding the production of extracellular polysaccharide bioflocculant are clustered on a 30-kb DNA segment in Bacillus licheniformis. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 13(14), 425-434.
  12.  Yuanpeng Wang, Jing Huang, Yanzheng Gao, 2013. Subcellular accumulation of different concentrations of Cd, Ni or Cu in Indian mustard and application of a sigmoidal model. Journal of Environmental Quality, 42 (4): 1142-1150
  13.  Yuanpeng Wang, Jing Huang, Yanzheng Gao. 2013. The use of experimental data and the application of a kinetic model to determine the subcellular distribution of Zn/Cd/Ni/Cu over time in Indian mustard. RSC Advances, 3(30): 12423-12431. DOI: 10.1039/C3RA41447G.
  14. Yixian Gao, Yao Zhou, Haitao Wang, Wenshuang Lin, Yuanpeng Wang*, Daohua Sun, Jinqing Hong, and Qingbiao Li*. 2013. Simultaneous Silver Recovery and Cyanide Removal from Electroplating Wastewater by Pulse Current Electrolysis Using Static Cylinder Electrodes. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (17), 5871–5879. DOI: 10.1021/ie301731g
  15. Yuanpeng Wang, Ronghui Chen, JiYuan Cai, Zhenggui Liu, Yanmei Zheng, Haitao Wang, Qingbiao Li and Ning He. 2013. Biosynthesis and thermal properties of PHBV Produced from levulinic acid by Ralstonia eutropha. PLoS ONE. 8(4): e60318. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060318
  16. Guowen Dong, Yuanpeng Wang*, Libo Gong, Minggong Wang, Haitao Wang, Ning He, Yanmei Zheng, Qingbiao Li*, 2013. Formation of soluble Cr(III) end-products and nanoparticles during Cr(VI) reduction by Bacillus cereus strain XMCr-6. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 70, 166-172.
  17. Yuanpeng Wang, Jing Huang, Yanzheng Gao 2012 Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization Alters Subcellular Distribution and Chemical Forms of Cadmium in Medicago sativa L. and Resists Cadmium Toxicity. PLoS ONE, 7(11): e48669. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048669
  18. Gong, LiBo; Wang, YuanPeng*; Ling, Xueping; Yuan, Jianjun Biological control of Spartina alterniflora by a fungal-Fusarium subglutinans. Source: Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, iCBEB 2012, p 97-100, 2012, Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, iCBEB 2012. EI
  19. Yuanpeng Wang, Kang Zhu, Yanmei Zheng, Haitao Wang, Guowen Dong, Ning He, Qingbiao Li. 2011. The Effect of Recycling Flux on the Performance and Microbial Community Composition of a Biofilm Hydrolytic-Aerobic Recycling Process Treating Anthraquinone Reactive Dyes. Molecules, 16(12): 9838-9849.
  20. Yuanpeng Wang, Kang Zhu, Guowen Dong, Haitao Wang, Zhenggui Liu, Ning He, Qingbiao Li, Nanqi Ren. 2011. Bacterial Community Dynamics During Treatment of Anthraquinone Dye in a Hydrolytic Reactor, an Aerobic Biofilm Reactor, and a Combined Hydrolytic-Aerobic Reactor System. Environmental Engineering Science, 28(2), 121-128. Times Cited: 1
  21. Zhenggui Liu, Yuanpeng Wang, Ning He, Jiale Huang, Kang Zhu et al. 2011. Optimization of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production by excess activated sludge and microbial community analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials.185(1): 8-16.
  22. YuanPeng Wang, QingBiao Li, Qi Lin, JiYan Shi, YingXu Chen. 2010. Differences in the rhizosphere microbial activity and community composition of Commelina communis along a Cu contamination gradient. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 41(17), 2046-2056. SCI
  23. Yuyan Xiong, Yuanpeng Wang, Yi Yu, Qingbiao Li, Haitao Wang, Ronghui Chen, Ning He. 2010. Production and characterization of a novel bio?occulant fromBacillus licheniformis, Applied Environmental Microbiology, 76(9):2778-82.
  24. Cuixue Chen, Yinghua Lu, Jinqing Hong, Meiling Ye, Yuanpeng Wang, Haoliang Lu. 2010. Metal and metalloid contaminant availability in Yundang Lagoon sediments, Xiamen Bay, China, after 20 years continuous rehabilitation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 175(1-3), 1048-1055.
  25. Haitao Wang, Qingbiao Li, Yuanpeng Wang, Ning He, Daohua Sun. 2009. Effect of recycling flux on performance and characteristics of activated sludge hydrolytic–aerobic recycling process in degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 168(1), 203-209.
  26. YuanPeng Wang, QingBiao Li, JiYan Shi, Qi Lin, XinCai Chen, Weixiang Wu, YingXu Chen. 2008. Assessment of microbial activity and bacterial community composition in the rhizosphere of a copper accumulator and a non-accumulator.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40 (5), 1167-1177.
  27. YuanPeng Wang, QingBiao Li, Wang Hui, JiYan Shi, Qi Lin, XinCai Chen, YingXu Chen. 2008. Effect of sulphur on soil Cu/Zn availability and microbial community composition. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 159( 2-3), 385-389.
  28. 谭文峰, 王远鹏, 刘凡, 冯雄汉. 2008. 支持电解质对水钠锰矿表面Cu~(2+)吸附-解吸的影响. 土壤学报, (01), 176-179.
  29. YuanPeng Wang, JiYan Shi, Hui Wang, Qi Lin, XinCai Chen, YingXu Chen. 2007. The influence of soil heavy metals pollution on soil microbial biomass, enzyme activity, and community composition near a copper smelter. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 67 (1): 75-81.
  30. YuanPeng Wang, JiYan Shi, Qi Lin, XinCai Chen, YingXu Chen. 2007. Heavy metal availability and impact on activity of soil microorganisms along a Cu/Zn contamination gradient. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 19 (7): 848-853.
  31. YingXu Chen, YuanPeng Wang, Weixiang Wu, Qi Lin, ShengGuo Xue. 2006. Impacts of chelate-assisted phytoremediation on microbial community composition in the rhizosphere of a copper accumulator and non-accumulator.Science of the Total Environment, 356 (1-3): 247-255.
  32. XinCai Chen, JiYan Shi, YingXu Chen, XiangHua Xu, ShengYou Xu, YuanPeng Wang. 2006. Tolerance and biosorption of copper and zinc by Pseudomonas putida CZ1 isolated from metal-polluted soil. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 52 (4): 308-316. Times Cited: 12.
  33. YingXu Chen, YuanPeng Wang, Qi Lin, YongMing Luo. 2005. Effect of copper-tolerant rhizosphere bacteria on mobility of copper in soil and copper accumulation by Elsholtzia splendens. Environment International, 31 (6): 861-866. Times Cited: 16.
  34. XinCai Chen, YuanPeng Wang, Qi Lin, JiYan Shi, Weixiang Wu, YingXu Chen. 2005. Biosorption of copper(II) and zinc(II) from aqueous solution byPseudomonas putida CZ1. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 46 (2): 101-107.

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