点击量: 1586
发布时间: 2019-06-10 17:56
经济学人: 孤独症 (3)
Follow-up examinations of the mice in all these experiments looked at the strengths of connections between nerve cells within part of the brain called the ventral tegmental region.This region regulates, among other things, motivation and reward-related social behaviour.Nerve signals are carried by the movement of ions (electrically charged atoms),so the team were able to measure connection-strength by monitoring the flow of ions at the junctions between nerve cells in this region.
Strong connections, with lots of ion flow, indicated that social experiences were rewarding.These were normal in the mice exposed to L. reuteri, which makes sense since animals treated with the bacterium sought out more social experiences.Conversely, weak connections (those with little ion flow) indicated that social experiences were not triggering a reward.Such weak connections were found in animals that had not been exposed to the bacterium.
The researchers suspected that such effects were controlled by signals from the gut that are being transmitted by the vagus nerve, which connects gut and brain.To test this idea they cut that nerve in selected animals. In these animals, subsequent treatment with L. reuteri failed to abolish their autistic symptoms.The crucial aspect of this work is L. reuteri's wide availability—an availability approved by regulators such as America's Food and Drug Administration.This existing approval, which means L. reuteri poses no known health hazard, simplifies the process of organising clinical trials.
Clearly, autism in people is more complicated than a mere willingness to associate with others. And getting too excited about a mouse trial is usually a mistake.But in Dr Costa-Mattioli's view his results, which have been replicated in part by Evan Elliot's laboratory in Bar-Ilan University, Israel,would justify embarking on at least preliminary trials intended to determine whether L. reuteri has positive effects on people with autism, and might thus be worth pursuing.
明显人类的孤独症比愿不愿意和他人相处更加复杂。对老鼠试验过于兴奋通常是错误的。但是在Costa-Mattioli博士看来,他的结果(在某种程度上和以色列巴伊兰大学Evan Elliot实验室的结果部分重合)将至少证明已经可以开始进行初步试验旨在确定罗伊氏乳杆菌是否对孤独症患者有积极效果,并且或许值得继续追寻下去。
Others agree. Sarkis Mazmanian of the California Institute of Technology works in the same area.He says of these results: "I think the bar is now very low for getting this research moved on to human trials since most people already have these bacteria inside them and we know there are few, if any, safety or toxicity issues."
其他人同意。加州理工学院的Sarkis Mazmanian也专注于同一领域。他表示:“我认为对人类进行这项研究的门槛现在非常低因为多数人的体内已经有了这些细菌,而且我们知道其中不存在什么安全或毒性问题。”
The general availability of L. reuteri does, however, bring with it another possibility—that people will conduct their own, "off label" trials,either on themselves or on their children. Dr Mazmanian is cautious about that idea."I don't know if there is a barrier to people buying and using this stuff now.It may be strain-specific and the paper does not state which strain or strains were used," he says.
At the moment, Dr Costa-Mattioli is unwilling to divulge that information. He is expecting to publish another paper soon, though, with more details.In practice, it may be hard to discourage people from testing L. reuteri's effects themselves. All the more reason to do properly conducted trials quickly.
1.follow-up 后续的
One man was arrested during the raid and another during a follow-up operation.
2.regulate 控制
The powers of the European Commission to regulate competition are increasing
3.expose to 暴露于
To expose to danger or harm.
4.fail to 未能
We fail to preach down the people.
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