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作者:聚创考研网-赖老师 点击量: 952 发布时间: 2019-03-01 17:39 【微信号:扫码加咨询】


  经济学人:讣告:群体遗传学家卡瓦利-斯福扎逝世 享年96岁(2)

  Obituary: Luca Cavalli-Sforza


  The drift of humankind


  For two decades from 1970, when he took up a professorship at Stanford, he devoted himself to this subject.By the 1990s he was able to study variation in DNA itself.



  When he and his colleagues instructed a computer to sort around 1,000 people from across the globe into five clusters by similarity of DNA,the clusters matched the labels by which humans had long grouped themselves intuitively:West Eurasians, East Asians, Native Americans, New Guineans and Africans.



  He soon concluded, though, that race was not a scientifically valid way to classify them.Europeans, for example, were about two-thirds Asian and one-third African,but after millennia of mixing there was no such thing as pure Asian or pure African either.Skin colour, or the shape of a nose, were just superficial adaptations to climate and place.



  He represented his genetic data as "trees" branching over time: simplistic diagrams, but beautiful in their simplicity.They often agreed, as he had hoped, with the findings of linguists and archaeologists:suggesting, for example, that humanity arose in Africa, where it stayed for a long time before moving outwards, somewhere between 100,000 and 50,000 years ago.The earliest African migrants probably reached Asia first, moving on to Oceania, Europe and America, in that order.



  He particularly liked to tell his story of farmers.By checking variations between individuals based on their blood groups, he discerned a gradient in that variation that stretched south-east-to-north-west across Europe.This he saw as the genetic signature of farming after its invention around 9,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent.As early farmers radiated out of the Near East, he argued, they bred with indigenous hunter-gatherers, until by the time they reached colder climates their genes were a good mix of both.




  1.variation 变化,变动; 变异

  For some other hybrids, the variation is greater.


  2.millennia 一千年

  You don't change two millennia of precedence overnight.


  3.indigenous 土生土长的; 生来的,固有的; 本地的; 根生土长

  However, resistance by the indigenous Carib Indians continues.


  This is the state of indigenous languages in Taiwan.






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