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作者:聚创考研网-赖老师 点击量: 1085 发布时间: 2019-02-19 09:20 【微信号:扫码加咨询】




  Ma where he came from?

  No entrepreneur has defined China's transformation like Jack Ma. His success will be hard to repeat.

  The most recognisable face of Chinese capitalism belongs to Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, an e-commerce juggernaut matched in size only by Amazon.Mr Ma, who launched Alibaba from a small apartment in Hangzhou in 1999, is an emblem of China’s extraordinary economic transformation.

  This week's announcement that he will step down as the firm's chairman a year from now, to concentrate on philanthropy, was greeted with comparative calm by investors.He stopped being chief executive in 2013;Alibaba's share price has more than doubled since its initial public offering, the world's largest-ever, in 2014.But one question presents itself: could China produce another story to match his? The answer is almost certainly not.There are some very good reasons for that.China's own rise is an unrepeatable one.

  When Mr Ma, then an English-language teacher, launched Alibaba, the country was still gearing up to join the World Trade Organisation.Its GDP per head, in terms of purchasing-power parity, stood at under $3,000; it is now more than six times higher.The internet was still young, too.Less than 1% of Chinese had access to the web back then, compared with some 36% of Americans.

  As incomes grew and connections proliferated, Mr Ma took full advantage.Thousands of small businesses have since flourished on Alibaba's platforms.About 1m merchants trade in its virtual emporiums.Its services have helped push China's economy towards consumption-led growth.Last year it boasted sales of $25bn on Singles'Day, China's equivalent of Black Friday (when Americans spent a measly $5bn).

  It has transformed logistics and finance, as well as retailing.Last year Alibaba delivered an average of 55m packages a day;its financial offshoot, Ant Financial, accounts for more than half of China's vast mobile-payments market.Its reach is so great that many startups decide to work with Alibaba rather than strike out alone.

  But more has changed than the structure of China's economy and the clout of digital giants like Alibaba.Politics has changed, too.Alibaba thrived partly thanks to Mr Ma's skilful dealings with China's ruling Communist Party, with which he cultivated both closeness and stand-offishness("Love them, don't marry them," he once said of the government).

  1.an emblem of 象征; 标志
  Smith also carried a box containing an olive branch as an emblem of peace.

  2.step down 退位
  Days later he promises to step down in September.

  3.gear up为…准备
  The country is gearing up for an election.
  That is, hauling lots of food and water and camping gear up the route and spending three or four nights on the rock.

  4.strike out 开辟新路
  That year, Mr. Hansen convinced Mr. Wright to strike out on his own.





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