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每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day210

作者:聚创考研网-赖老师 点击量: 1031 发布时间: 2019-01-28 10:03 【微信号:扫码加咨询】



  Obituary Aretha Franklin
  A deeper love

  Aretha Franklin, soul singer, died on August 16th, aged 76.

  At points in her concerts, which enthralled America for 50 years, Aretha Franklin would fling her arms out wide.Sometimes it was to shrug her strong shoulders out of some satiny or feathery dress,or to throw away her long fur coat, like any diva (though she was the ultimate diva) who by the end of her career had won 18 Grammys and sold 75m records.

  Sometimes it was to embrace America, all colours, as when she sang “Precious Lord” at Martin Luther King’s funeral,or gave her rapturous version of “My Country’tis of Thee” in a big-bow-statement hat at Barack Obama’s inauguration.Or possibly those arms just demonstrated how her voice, the whispering or crying height of it and drop-jaw depth of it, seemed to pass any limit that people might imagine.Open arms suggested love, but more often Everywoman’s frustration, black or white.
  有时歌声会感染整个美国,无论何种肤色,就像她在马丁路德金的葬礼上唱《亲爱的主》,在贝拉克·奥巴马的就职典礼上,戴着夸张的大蝴蝶结礼帽,热情洋溢地唱《这是你的国家,也是我的国家》。 又或者张开的双臂只是为了强调她的音域,轻喃低语,激越高亢,浑厚低沉,她的音域之广似乎超越了观众的想象。张开双臂喻示爱,但更多时候是表达女性的沮丧,无论是黑人还是白人。

  For every super-sharp man she daydreamed of, Turns me right on when I hear him say/Hey baby let’s get away,there would be ten who let her down: You’re a no-good heartbreaker/You’re a liar and you’re a cheat/And I don’t know why/I let you do these things to me.They messed with her mind, as she fumed in the Blues Brothers film in 1980, pummelling her palms into her big man’s stupid chest: Just think/Think about what you’re tryin’ to do to me.After all, it don’t take too much high IQs.

  Men in general didn’t begin to give her what she wanted, just a little respect when you get home……R-E-S-P-E-C-T/Find out what it means to me.This, her most famous song, wasn’t just about a put-down woman and a do-wrong man;it became the anthem of every liberation movement because of her roof-raising style.It was her personal anthem, too.

  1.A deeper love
  标题一语双关,一则取自艾瑞莎·弗兰克林于2009年发行的歌曲精选集《A Deeper Love: The Best of Aretha Franklin》,该精选集中收录的一首歌的名字为《A Deeper love》;二则传达了粉丝对灵魂歌后深切的喜爱。

  2.are enthralled by 迷住
  Spectators are enthralled by coconut tree climbing, stone lifting, spear throwing and outrigger sailing in a Polynesian version of Scotland's Highland Games.

  3.put-down 贬低,奚落
  I see the term as a put-down of women.

  4.mess with 打扰/干涉/招惹;乱搞
  It's flirting with disaster to mess with that.
  As Napoleon might say, you don't mess with winter in that part of the world.
  "You don't want to mess with Mary Jo, " Mr. Obama said at the news conference announcing his nomination choice.



  1、每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day209


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