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每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day208

作者:聚创考研网-赖老师 点击量: 905 发布时间: 2019-01-23 09:20 【微信号:扫码加咨询】



  Business leaders often have a poor opinion of politicians, preferring to find their heroes elsewhere——in other boardrooms or on the coaching field.But running a country is an even greater test of leadership and character than running a corporation.Those who have passed through the fire surely have something to teach modern-day managers.

  Take three of the most feted national leaders: Otto von Bismarck, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.Many will object both to what they achieved and to the violence they used. But their successes and failures hold lessons for CEOs.

  Bismarck was an old-school Prussian aristocrat. But he proved remarkably flexible and imaginative during nearly three decades in office.As a manager, he had a clear goal——to unite Germany under his king (who became Kaiser Wilhelm I in 1871).This required him to overcome the suspicions of other German states, which he did by uniting them against a series of enemies,from Denmark through Austria to France——a merger strategy that allowed Germany to compete on equal footing.

  Bismarck also proved flexible when it came to domestic policy.Though no social reformer, he worried about the danger of working-class support for socialism.So he pushed through a series of welfare measures in the 1880s, including old-age pensions and health insurance.He understood the benefits of social responsibility long before CSR departments became a thing.

  Like many corporate empire-builders, however, he overreached——in his case by annexing Alsace-Lorraine from France.But his less capable successors were less disciplined still; it was they who led Germany down the path to disaster.

  Where Bismarck built a successful conglomerate, Roosevelt proved to be a consummate turnaround artist.Like the Prussian, FDR showed plenty of flexibility. Although he campaigned for office on the promise of a balanced budget,he adapted when circumstances required it to become the first Keynesian leader.

  Economists will probably spend the rest of history debating the merits of his various policy measures.But like an executive who rescues a failing company, he showed the power of leaders to change the mood,notably with his inaugural declaration that "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

  1.prefer to 宁愿
  So we all prefer to resolve this issue diplomatically.

  2.suspicion 怀疑
  We treat this document with suspicion, Garawa said

  3.equal footing 平等地位
  He said he wanted to deal with the US on an equal footing and said his government would continue a dialogue for peace with India.

  4.push through 促成;通过
  Push through from the cap's inside to its top
  "It feels like I'm having to push through something to get to the sound, " she said



  1、每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day207


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