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每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day207

作者:聚创考研网-赖老师 点击量: 861 发布时间: 2019-01-22 09:50 【微信号:扫码加咨询】


  经济学人:进化生物学:古人类异血缘交配的证据 (2)

  Furthermore, the fossil had Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA. This is passed from mother to child,which meant that either the teenager was the daughter of a Denisovan father and a Neanderthal mother or had come from a population with an extensive mix of traits, and had been born to parents who were, in effect, hybrids.Biologists know that animal populations of mixed ancestry who are undergoing little evolutionary change show signs of this equilibrium in their genes.

  Drs Slon and Paabo looked for just such markers in the genes of their Denisovan teenager and found none.That ruled out the idea that she came from mixed ancestry.They did, though, find that each chromosome pair the girl carried had one chromosome that was entirely Neanderthal in origin and one that was almost entirely Denisovan. This signified that she had one parent from each group.

  Knowing that the mother was a Neanderthal from the girl's mitochondrial DNA, means that her father must have been a Denisovan.The 2013 analysis of the Denisovan fossil also showed interbreeding, albeit of a more distant sort.

  Add in this latest research, and although Neanderthals and Denisovans may not have met very often,sex between them is likely to have been more common than was previously realised.The implication is that modern humans are likely to have a messier genetic heritage than once thought.

  1.in effect 实际上
  College textbooks are, in effect, rental goods

  2.show signs of 显示...的迹象
  Anthony, starting to show signs of a sync with Lin, led New York with 22 points.

  3.signify 表示
  What does Obama's election signify in terms of generational handover?

  4.implication 含义;暗指
  The implication is that there is something to forgive
  MP No I don't agree with the implication.



  1、每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day206


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