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每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day191

作者:聚创考研网-赖老师 点击量: 975 发布时间: 2018-12-29 09:12 【微信号:扫码加咨询】


经济学人:航空航天:可执行卫星作业的高空无人机 (1)

  On August 6th a flimsy-looking pilotless aircraft, the Zephyr S, came slowly in to land at an undisclosed location in Arizona,and was caught by a group of people jogging along beside it.The reception committee was needed because the craft, which weighs less than 75kg, lacks an undercarriage——or, indeed, anything else that would add unnecessary weight.


  86日,一架薄得像纸一般的无人驾驶飞机Zephyr S在美国亚利桑那州的一个未知地点缓慢着陆,在该地附近慢跑的人发现了这架无人机。由于这架重量不足75公斤的航空器没有着陆装置,因此需要接待委员会的介入——确实,任何其他装置都会给这架无人机增加不必要的重量。

  The touchdown meant the Zephyr S had set a new flight-endurance record for a drone, of 25 days, 23 hours and 57 minutes.The point of doing so was to show that solar-powered aircraft of this sort can compete with satellites in the markets for Earth observation and telecommunications.This has led some people to dub them "pseudo-satellites". The idea is that eventually they will stay aloft for months.


  此次着陆意味着Zephyr S创下了无人机飞行耐力的新纪录—2523小时57分钟。此次飞行的意义在于展现这种太阳能航空器可以与市场上用于地球观测和通讯的人造卫星相竞争。这让一些人将它们称为“伪卫星”。他们的想法是,最终让它们在空中待上几个月。

  The previous endurance record for drones, of just over14 days, was set in 2010 by the Zephyr 7, an earlier version of this aircraft.The Zephyr 7 was developed by QinetiQ, a British defence company.In 2013 QinetiQ sold the Zephyr programme to Airbus, a European aerospace firm.Airbus has now built, at Farnborough, in Britain, a factory to make them.


  早前的无人机耐力记录是14天,创造该纪录的是2010年的Zephyr 7Zephyr S的初期版本。Zephyr 7的发开者是一家英国防御公司—奎奈蒂克。2013年,奎奈蒂克将Zephyr项目卖给了一家欧洲航空航天公司—空中客车公司。空中客车公司现在在英国法恩伯勒建了一家制造该航天器的工厂。

  The model S, with a wingspan of 25 metres, will soon be joined by a bigger, more advanced version, the model T.Zephyrs fly in the stratosphere. During daylight hours they cruise at an altitude of about 21km.At night, when solar energy is unavailable and they must rely solely on their batteries,they make a slow but powered and controlled descent to 16.7 km.



  That, though, is still well above troublesome weather, and also clear of commercial aircraft.They are powered by a pair of propellers driven by electric motors.Airbus says the craft are fitted with batteries which use an "advanced chemistry" and are recharged by "novel" solar cells that cover their wings.




  1.pilotless aircraft 无人驾驶飞机

  The pioneering pilotless aircraft have been developed by the global wildlife organisation,


2.compete with ...竞争

  They have no need to compete with the tabloids.


3.endurance 忍耐力

  Insect-bitten beyond endurance, his family fled within weeks


  4.novel 新奇的

  Kimbrell says it's hardly a novel legal concept.





  1、每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day190


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