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每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day182

作者:聚创考研网-赖老师 点击量: 966 发布时间: 2018-12-18 09:12 【微信号:扫码加咨询】



 Security in Africa
  Jihad's new base

  The rise of jihadism in Africa is rooted in bad governance,exacerbated by population pressure and climate change.When the state is corrupt and predatory, the insurgents’ promise of religious justice can sound appealing.

  There is not much outsiders can do to fix this.Africa’s governments need to step up to their responsibilities.However, outsiders can help contain the jihadists,stopping them conquering turf or building anything resembling a state.This can be done with a light touch, by modest forces, at a reasonable cost.

  France already has about 4,500 troops in Africa; America has about 6,000.These are not many boots on the ground in so vast a region.Yet they are having an outsize effect by training, supporting and providing crucial intelligence to the African armies that are doing almost all the fighting.

  Western forces are helping to hold a fragile region together.Alas, that appears not to be a priority for President Donald Trump.Since the deaths of four American soldiers in Niger in October, American troops have been ordered to take fewer risks.Their commanders have been told to plan for a possible cut of up to 50% in the number of special forces assigned to the region.

  The signs are that Mr Trump is about to repeat Bill Clinton’s mistake.Mr Clinton pulled out of Somalia in 1993, as soon as dead Americans appeared on television.Somalia later collapsed into anarchy and became a haven for jihadists and pirates.Stopping the Sahel from falling apart would be easier than putting it back together.Western troops are insurance against disaster.Keep paying the premiums.

  1.step up 增加
  He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somalia.

  2.boots on the ground 在军事行动中服役的地面部队
  Members of the Obama administration continue to say that the US won't provide "boots on the ground" in Libya.

  3.hold together 团结一致; 结合; 合成一体
  Therefore, we should hold together and fight a battle against AIDS.

 4.pull out of 撤离
  The militia in Lebanon has agreed to pull out of Beirut.

  5.fall apart 瓦解
  Europe's monetary system is falling apart.



  1、每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day181



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