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每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day178

作者:聚创考研网-赖老师 点击量: 878 发布时间: 2018-12-12 09:13 【微信号:扫码加咨询】



  For Safeena Husain, who runs Educate Girls, the process was as satisfying as the results.Instead of having to send tedious reports to a donor about how she was spending money, she concentrated on solving problems.Educate Girls found, for example, that many pupils could not do long division because they did not understand the concept of place value. So its workers taught remedial classes.
  对于“女孩教育行动”的创始人Safeena Husain而言,该项目的进程和结果一样令人满意。她没有像捐赠者发送冗长的报告报道她如何利用这笔钱,她只是专注于解决问题。例如,“女孩教育行动”发现很多学生不会做长除法,因为他们不理解位值的概念。因此,该机构的工作人员开设了辅导班。

  IDinsight, the independent assessor, found that the main boost to children's test scores came in the third year of the programme, when Educate Girls hit its stride.Creating the development-impact bond was also complicated and time-consuming.Staff from several organisations spent months pinning down what Educate Girls would aim to achieve,how progress would be measured and what would be repaid. Outside experts were drafted in.

  The randomised controlled trial that IDinsight used to assess the teaching was, like many such trials, neither simple nor cheap.More development-impact bonds are now under way or under discussion,some involving big donors like the World Bank, USAID and DfID (America's and Britain's aid agencies).

  But they will probably remain infrequent oddities in the aid landscape.Not only are they complex, ponderous and costly; they also offer small returns to investors.And, as Emily Gustafsson-Wright of Brookings points out, no one can yet say for certain that they are better than other ways of delivering aid.
  但是发展影响力债券可能将成为援助领域中罕见的怪异。发展影响力债券不仅复杂、呆板且昂贵,它们能够给予投资者的回报也很小。正如布鲁金斯的Emily Gustafsson-Wright所指出的那样,目前没人确保发展影响力债券比其他施以援助的方法更好。

  They are useful, even so. The problem with much aid (and social spending in general) is that inputs are scrutinised more closely than results.Experimenting during a project is hard or impossible.It would be good if development-impact bonds teach donors to give charities freer rein and to focus on outcomes.Rajasthani girls are not the only people with lessons to learn.


 1.run 经营;跑;融化;使奔跑;进行;形成;运行
  How is the state pension run at the moment?
  Do you run marathons or take part in triathlons

  2.time-consuming 耗时的
  It's time-consuming but I am really enjoying it.

 3.pin down 明确
  Researchers must now pin down other properties of the particle

  4.scrutinise 核对
  The internet is giving people a tool to both scrutinise the party and vent their anger about corruption.



  1、每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day177



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