点击量: 1022
发布时间: 2018-10-17 10:07
经济学人:一周要闻 "骨肉分离"政策叫被停
Donald Trump signed an executive order allowing the children of illegal immigrants to stay with their parents in detention centres if caught crossing the Mexican border. Previously, under the White House’s “zero-tolerance” policy for illicit border-crossing, there had been a sharp rise in families being forcibly split up. Pictures of tearful children torn from their parents provoked an outcry, though a poll found that a small majority of Republicans supported the policy. Amnesty International said officials had intentionally inflicted “severe mental suffering” on the migrants.
The director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, said his agency would not repeat the mistakes uncovered in a report by the Justice Department’s internal watchdog, which criticised the handling of investigations into Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during the election in 2016. Among other things, it found that James Comey, then the FBI chief, had broken policy by making the investigation into Mrs Clinton’s e-mail server public, but that he had not acted with political bias.
美国联邦调查局局长Christopher Wray表示,联邦调查局不会重蹈司法部内部监察员报告中揭露的错误的覆辙。这份报告批评了在2016年大选期间联邦调查局对调查希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)和唐纳德·川普(Donald Trump)的处理方式。此外,调查还发现,时任FBI局长的詹姆斯·科米(James Comey)曾调查希拉里的电子邮件服务器,这违反了相关政策,但他不存在“政治偏见”的行为。
Paul Manafort, Mr Trump’s former campaign manager, was sent to jail by a judge after he allegedly tried to sway the testimony of two witnesses at his forthcoming trail on a range of charges, which include money laundering. He had been on bail ahead of the trial.
川普的前竞选经理保罗·马纳福特(Paul Manafort)被法官判定入狱,原因是他涉嫌在即将到来的一系列指控(包括洗钱)庭审中影响两名证人的证词。他在审判前已获得保释。
America withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council, a body that includes China, Cuba, the Democratic Republic of Congo and other paragons of virtue. Nikki Haley, America’s ambassador to the UN, said the body protected abusers of human rights and was a “cesspool of political bias”, especially against Israel. The council’s supporters retort that the council does some good, and that if democracies such as America pull out it will probably do less.
美国退出联合国人权理事会,该组织包括中国、古巴、刚果民主共和国和遵守并践行人权原则的国家。美国驻联合国大使妮基·哈蕾(Nikki Haley)表示,该机构保护了侵犯人权的人,是政治偏见的“粪坑”,尤其是对以色列方面。安理会的支持者反驳说,安理会的确有所助益,,如果像美国这样的民主国家退出,该组织的作用可能会大打折扣。
1.executive order 行政令
例句:She's right, because an executive order cannot change the law.(WSJ)
2.split up 分裂;分离
例句:We need to split up news and current affairs again.(THETIMES)
3.a range of 一系列的
例句:The same applied to a range of civil disputes.(THETIMES)
4.pull out 离开;退出
例句:Iraqi forces torch oil wells as they pull out.(BBC)
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