点击量: 1215
发布时间: 2018-06-05 11:01
Finance and Economics
Buttonwood: Investor Caution Obligatory
Nothing makes individuals more willing to take risks than the sight of other people getting rich.But bitcoin is also different from ICOs.Its appeal is as a digital currency that can be used in a broad range of transactions.And the supply of bitcoin is designed to be limited, meaning some people regard it as an electronic version of gold.So there is a chance that bitcoin or ethereum will come into widespread use, although their function as a means of exchange is undermined by the volatility of their prices.
Currencies must be stores of value, at least in the short term.If you think a digital currency is going to rise by 20% tomorrow, you won't want to swap it for goods and services; if you think it is going to fall by 20% you won't want to accept it.
It is also worth remembering that governments set the rules regarding the nature of legal tender within their borders.They will always have the whip-hand when it comes to issuing currency.If they believe that a digital currency is being used for widespread tax evasion, or is distorting the financial system, they will crack down hard.
As far as business-related ICOs are concerned, a few may succeed.Investors may well be taking the “lottery ticket” approach, hoping that one big winner will offset a large number of losses.In a sense investors are acting like venture capitalists.But the sultans of Silicon Valley's VC industry insist on a wide range of rights before they invest their capital, including protection against dilution of their stakes and (sometimes) the right to nominate board members.
Investors in ICOs have nothing like that level of protection.In the circumstances, it is hardly surprising that regulators are getting involved.In America, the Securities and Exchange Commission has ruled that these coins may, in some cases, be securities and thus subject to regulation.A British regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, this week warned investors about the risks involved.The Chinese authorities have gone a lot further, declaring that new ICOs are simply illegal.
It is not easy to draw a line between financial innovation and reckless speculation.Perhaps an ICO will finance some breakthrough that boosts economic efficiency.If you work in the tech sector, you may be able to spot the occasional grain of wheat among the pile of chaff.Everyone else should assume that ICO stands for “It's Completely Off-limits”.
1.take risk 冒险...
例句:In summary, an decision making need to take risk.
2.stands for 意味着
例句:The emblem stands for Singapore people's courage, strength, wisdom and longing for peace.
3.in some cases 在某些情况下
例句:In some cases a problem child is placed in a special school.
4.in the short term 短期内
例句:In the short term, chemical sprays are clearly an effective way to control pests.
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