作者:聚创考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1343 发布时间: 2018-05-30 11:01 【微信号:扫码加咨询】
Economics Brief
Overlapping generations: Ponzi scheme
Samuelson's paper was seminal but not wholly original.A similar model was described in 1947 by Maurice Allais, then working in a bureau of mining statistics in Paris, but his contribution had the “misfortune to be written in French”, as one scholar has noted.
萨缪尔森的论文是开创性的,但不是完全原创的。1947年,类似的模型曾由当时正在巴黎的一个矿业统计机构工作的莫里斯·阿莱(Maurice Allais)对其做过描述。但是,正如一位学者指出的那样,他的贡献“不幸是用法语写成的”。
The neverendingness of these models plays havoc with a lot of economic common sense.Economists know in their bones that budget constraints eventually bind and that accounts must be settled at the end of the day.But what if the end never quite arrives?
Such parables may seem too contrived to be illuminating.Surely the islanders benefit from a Ponzi scheme only because the story arbitrarily denies them any way to save for their future.If the young could instead acquire a durable asset, they could take care of themselves in their old age by selling it for the things they need.Instead of eating a cacao fruit, islanders could plant it to grow a new tree, which they could later rent or sell to young climbers when they retire.
In most cases, this kind of saving and investing does indeed serve people far better.Capital accumulation enlarges the economy's productive capacity, thereby creating wealth, unlike Ponzi schemes, which merely spread it around.Saving and investing both store value and add to it, turning one cacao fruit into a whole tree.Retirees can therefore expect to get more out of their investment than they put in.
In some unusual cases, however, other factors may weigh in the Ponzi scheme's favour.First, saving and investing may run into sharply diminishing returns.If a society is eager to transfer resources into the future, it will accumulate a large stock of capital, which may depress the return on further investment.Think of an orchard too densely packed with trees, each getting in the others' light and denuding their soil.
1.common sense 共识;常识
例句:It's common sense to dress more warmly when it gets cold.
2.be eager to 急于
例句:They are eager to buy their government bonds.
3.Instead of 代替
例句:Why don't you play football instead of just looking on?
4.In most cases 大多数情况下
例句:Investors can simply pay cash, but this isn't a workable solution in most cases.
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