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每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day34

作者:聚创考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1116 发布时间: 2018-05-29 09:34 【微信号:扫码加咨询】



  Economics Brief

  Overlapping generations: Kicking the can down an endless road


  America's Social Security, for example, is largely pay-as-you-go.For this reason, its critics often compare it to a Ponzi scheme in order to discredit it.But the comparison can also work the other way.If Social Security—a venerable entitlement that has spared millions from penury—bears some resemblance to a Ponzi scheme, then perhaps Ponzi principles are not always as diabolical as the name suggests.


  例如,美国的社会保险制度(Social Security)就是一个大型的现收现付制度。因为这个原因,它的批评者经常将其比作庞氏骗局,以便败坏它的名声。但是,这种比较也可以用另一种方式来进行。如果说社会保险制度——这项让数百万人远离了贫困的久负盛名的福利制度——类似于庞氏骗局,那么,庞氏原理可能并非总是如其名字所示的那样臭名昭著。

  In some cases, those principles might indeed redound to everyone's benefit.One such scenario was sketched by Paul Samuelson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1958.His thought experiment is easiest to understand when recast as an island parable (along lines suggested by Laurence Kotlikoff of Boston University) .



  The island in this parable is home to unusually tall cacao trees, hungry people, and little else.Only the young can climb the trees and pick the fruit, which must be eaten quickly before it spoils in the hot sun.And only two generations (young and old) are alive at the same time.On such an island, the elderly have no way to provide for themselves.They are physically incapable of picking fruit.



  They cannot buy fruit from the young, because they have nothing to offer in exchange.Nor can they live off any cacao pods saved from their youth, because their stockpile will have rotted by the time they are old.There are no durable, imperishable assets that might serve as a vehicle for their thrift.The solution, of course, is an intergenerational Ponzi scheme.



  The young give fruit to the old on the understanding that the next generation will do the same for them when they grow frail.In effect, the young lend to their parents and collect repayment from their children.In so doing, they serve as a link between two generations that never otherwise coexist.



  The scheme works, Samuelson pointed out, only because “new generations are always coming along”.If reproduction were ever to cease, the last generation would get nothing out of the scheme.Knowing this, they would not put anything in.



  But their failure to contribute would also deprive the penultimate generation of a payout, leaving them no reason to take part either.Any anticipated future break in the chain causes the whole thing to uncouple.If the scheme must ever end, it cannot even start.




  1.In effect 实际上

  例句:That deal would create, in effect, the world's biggest airline.


  2.pointed out 指出

  例句:Michael pointed out to me that amongst the rubble, there was one building that remained untouched


  3.serve as 担任;作为

  例句:He volunteered to serve as the manager of our department store.


  4.in order to 为了...

  例句:In order to transform their environment, he drew up the project with painstaking accuracy.




每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day32


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