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作者:聚创考研网-a老师 点击量: 463 发布时间: 2016-08-11 10:41 【微信号:扫码加咨询】






  1,Make hay while the sun shines.


  2,We must work hard to gain more knowledge while we are young.



  常放在句首,译作“尽管”、“虽然”,比although或 though语气要轻。例如:

  1,While I believe it is true, I cannot prove it.


  2,While any kind of athletic shoe can provide a certain amount of rebound, energy-return sneakers are designed to maximize this effect.



  相当于as long as,译作“只要”。例如:

  1,While there is life, there is hope.


  2,While a spark of life remains, it is a doctor's duty to save the patient.




  1,You'll never save any money while you're so extravagant.


  2,I'd like to get it settled today while we're at it.




  1,An outdoors man will soon become pale if he changes to an indoor job, while a desk clerk will take on a tan after a short vacation in the sun.


  2,Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative.



  表示递进,相当于and what is more, 译作“并且”、“而且”。例如:

  1, The new man-made fibres are more hardwearing than natural fibres and greatly reduce mending, while good ready-made clothes are cheap and plentiful.


  2,Of course, I resolutely determined not to marry, while I quite forgot to consider at all that great rock of disaster in the working-class world-- sickness.



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