更新时间: 2018-10-23
【积分: 40】 注册手机会员的童鞋,可以到电脑端-会员中心查看积分,每天登录聚创考研网可以获取5积分,购买网校课程、资料也可以获取等值积分。
1.X is a device of stream-of-consciousness, a narrative mode focused exclusively on the mind and perceprtions of a character, as exemplified by James Joyce's ULYSSES and X's MRS. DALLOWAY.
2. The X bovel is a type of prose fiction which flourished through the early nineteenth century.The term has also been extended to a type of fiction, such as Mary Shelly's X and Emily Brontë's X, which developes a brooding atmosphere of gloom and terror, represents events that are uncanny or macabre or melodramaticaly violent, and often deals with aberrant psychologival states.
3. X signifies an identification of oneself with an observed person or object which is so close that one seem to participate in the posture, motion and sensations that observes. The following passage, for instance, evokes from the readers such sense of participation:"The snail, whose tender horns being hit,/ shrinks backward in his shelly cave with pain.